837 research outputs found

    Succinct Arguments over Towers of Binary Fields

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    We introduce an efficient SNARK for towers of binary fields. Adapting Brakedown (CRYPTO \u2723), we construct a multilinear polynomial commitment scheme suitable for polynomials over tiny fields, including that with 2 elements. Our commitment scheme, unlike those of previous works, treats small-field polynomials with zero embedding overhead. We further introduce binary-field adaptations of HyperPlonk\u27s (EUROCRYPT \u2723) product and permutation checks, as well as of Lasso\u27s lookup. Our scheme\u27s binary PLONKish variant captures standard hash functions—like Keccak-256 and Grøstl—extremely efficiently. With recourse to thorough performance benchmarks, we argue that our scheme can efficiently generate precisely those Keccak-256-proofs which critically underlie modern efforts to scale Ethereum

    Proximity Testing with Logarithmic Randomness

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    A fundamental result dating to Ligero (CCS \u2717) establishes that each fixed linear block code exhibits proximity gaps with respect to the collection of affine subspaces, in the sense that each given subspace either resides entirely close to the code, or else contains only a small portion which resides close to the code. In particular, any given subspace\u27s failure to reside entirely close to the code is necessarily witnessed, with high probability, by a uniformly randomly sampled element of that subspace. We investigate a variant of this phenomenon in which the witness is not sampled uniformly from the subspace, but rather from a much smaller subset of it. We show that a logarithmic number of random field elements (in the dimension of the subspace) suffice to effect an analogous proximity test, with moreover only a logarithmic (multiplicative) loss in the possible prevalence of false witnesses. We discuss applications to recent noninteractive proofs based on linear codes, including Brakedown and Orion (CRYPTO \u2722)

    Assisted Diagnosis of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN)

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    This paper introduces an automated computer- assisted system for the diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) using ultra-large cervical histological digital slides. The system contains two parts: the segmentation of squamous epithelium and the diagnosis of CIN. For the segmentation, to reduce processing time, a multiresolution method is developed. The squamous epithelium layer is first segmented at a low (2X) resolution. The boundaries are further fine tuned at a higher (20X) resolution. The block-based segmentation method uses robust texture feature vectors in combination with support vector machines (SVMs) to perform classification. Medical rules are finally applied. In testing, segmentation using 31 digital slides achieves 94.25% accuracy. For the diagnosis of CIN, changes in nuclei structure and morphology along lines perpendicular to the main axis of the squamous epithelium are quantified and classified. Using multi-category SVM, perpendicular lines are classified into Normal, CIN I, CIN II, and CIN III. The robustness of the system in term of regional diagnosis is measured against pathologists' diagnoses and inter-observer variability between two pathologists is considered. Initial results suggest that the system has potential as a tool both to assist in pathologists' diagnoses, and in training

    Commentary: Energy Deregulation in Maine

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    Recent stories from California of power blackouts, utility bankruptcies, and skyrocketing rates have left many wondering whether Maine is going to suffer a similar fate. Like California, Maine has deregulated its electricity supply—an idea that sounded good to many, but which now has some questioning whether consumers will be made better off or worse. To address these issues, MPR asked six analysts to comment on electricity deregulation in Maine. Some address whether Maine is destined to follow in California’s footsteps. Others question whether regional decision making entities, such as the New England Power Pool and the Independent System Operator of New England, sufficiently represent the public interest. Still others address whether there is a future role for public conservation programs. Together, they suggest Maine will not befall the fate of California, but they also suggest that electricity deregulation in Maine may bring its own troubles if we’re not attentive and forward-thinking today

    The Grizzly, September 21, 1993

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    Israel and PLO Reach Peace Agreement • The Quilt: To Remember, To Educate, To Celebrate • Russian TV Crew Filming at Ursinus • New Reimert Policies for \u2793-\u2794 • Jurassic Park: It\u27s Only a Movie • Bernie Bernie Headflap Wins the Battle Again! • The Newly Roomie Game • A Unique Affair Awaits Us: Javapalooza \u2793 to Entertain Ursinus • Ursinus Needs AIDS Policy • More Than a Number • The New Wismer? Or a Police State? • Field Hockey Struggles Early • Men\u27s X-Country Starts off 2-0 • Lady Bears Search for Consistencyhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1318/thumbnail.jp

    Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry: volitional choices to act or inhibit are modulated by subliminal perception of emotional faces

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    Volitional action and self-control—feelings of acting according to one’s own intentions and in being control of one’s own actions—are fundamental aspects of human conscious experience. However, it is unknown whether high-level cognitive control mechanisms are affected by socially salient but nonconscious emotional cues. In this study, we manipulated free choice decisions to act or withhold an action by subliminally presenting emotional faces: In a novel version of the Go/NoGo paradigm, participants made speeded button-press responses to Go targets, withheld responses to NoGo targets, and made spontaneous, free choices to execute or withhold the response for Choice targets. Before each target, we presented emotional faces, backwards masked to render them nonconscious. In Intentional trials, subliminal angry faces made participants more likely to voluntarily withhold the action, whereas fearful and happy faces had no effects. In a second experiment, the faces were made supraliminal, which eliminated the effects of angry faces on volitional choices. A third experiment measured neural correlates of the effects of subliminal angry faces on intentional choice using EEG. After replicating the behavioural results found in Experiment 1, we identified a frontal-midline theta component—associated with cognitive control processes—which is present for volitional decisions, and is modulated by subliminal angry faces. This suggests a mechanism whereby subliminally presented “threat” stimuli affect conscious control processes. In summary, nonconscious perception of angry faces increases choices to inhibit, and subliminal influences on volitional action are deep seated and ecologically embedded

    Why High Leverage is Optimal for Banks

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    Abstract Liquidity production is a central role of banks. High leverage is optimal for banks in a capital structure model in which there is a market premium for (socially valuable) liquid financial claims and no deviations fro
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