1,924 research outputs found

    Swelling kinetics of the onion phase

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    A theory is presented for the behavior of an array of multi-lamellar vesicles (the onion phase) upon addition of solvent. A unique feature of this system is the possibility to sustain pressure gradients by tension in the lamellae. Tension enables the onions to remain stable beyond the unbinding point of a flat lamellar stack. The model accounts for various concentration profiles and interfaces developing in the onion as it swells. In particular, densely packed `onion cores' are shown to appear, as observed in experiments. The formation of interfaces and onion cores may represent an unusual example of stabilization of curved interfaces in confined geometry.Comment: 13 pages, 10 PS figures, LaTeX using SVJour, submitted to Eur Phys J

    Postprandial dysmetabolism and cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes

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    The worldwide prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions. The so-called traditional risk factors cannot fully explain the excessive cardiovascular disease risk of type 2 diabetic patients. Numerous studies indicate that postprandial metabolic derangements, most notably hyperglycaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia, which are exaggerated and prolonged in type 2 diabetes, are important cardiovascular disease risk factors since they induce oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunctions. This review discusses the current evidence showing that postprandial dysmetabolism may indeed constitute an important cardiovascular disease risk factor as well as the mechanisms underlying this association. Finally, some possible therapeutic options and recommendations for future research are discussed

    Swelling of particle-encapsulating random manifolds

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    We study the statistical mechanics of a closed random manifold of fixed area and fluctuating volume, encapsulating a fixed number of noninteracting particles. Scaling analysis yields a unified description of such swollen manifolds, according to which the mean volume gradually increases with particle number, following a single scaling law. This is markedly different from the swelling under fixed pressure difference, where certain models exhibit criticality. We thereby indicate when the swelling due to encapsulated particles is thermodynamically inequivalent to that caused by fixed pressure. The general predictions are supported by Monte Carlo simulations of two particle-encapsulating model systems -- a two-dimensional self-avoiding ring and a three-dimensional self-avoiding fluid vesicle. In the former the particle-induced swelling is thermodynamically equivalent to the pressure-induced one whereas in the latter it is not.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Implementation of Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment in nursing homes in California: evaluation of a novel statewide dissemination mechanism.

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    BackgroundImplementing Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) forms aims to improve communication of life-sustaining treatment preferences across care venues. California enabled this clinical tool in 2009, and a novel intervention of community coalitions was undertaken to advance POLST in localities around the state. Coalitions engaged facilities, including nursing homes (NHs), to foster POLST adoption. Eighteen months after introduction of POLST, we studied POLST implementation in California NHs.MethodsNHs randomly selected in coalition and non-coalition areas were mailed surveys about POLST preparation and use in 2010. Coalitions identified which NHs they worked with.ResultsOf 546 NHs surveyed, 143 (52 %) in coalition areas and 141 (52 %) in non-coalition areas responded. In 82 % of responding NHs, staff received POLST education and 59 % of NHs reported having a formal policy on handling POLST. Two-thirds of NHs had admitted a resident with a POLST, and 15 % of newly admitted residents over the past month had a POLST (range 0-100 %). Eighty-one percent of NHs had completed a POLST with a resident. Fifty-four percent of residents were estimated to have a POLST (range 0-100 %) (coalition area NHs 60 % vs. non- coalition area NHs 48 %, p = 0.02). Within coalition areas, NHs that had worked with coalitions were more likely to have completed a POLST with a resident after admission than NHs that had not worked with coalitions. Few NHs (7 %) reported difficulty following POLST orders, but 38 % noted difficulty involving physicians in POLST completion.ConclusionLess than 2 years after introduction, many California nursing homes report using POLST, although some NHs reported no experience. A novel community coalition intervention facilitated POLST implementation

    Correlated dynamics of inclusions in a supported membrane

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    The hydrodynamic theory of heterogeneous fluid membranes is extended to the case of a membrane adjacent to a solid substrate. We derive the coupling diffusion coefficients of pairs of membrane inclusions in the limit of large separation compared to the inclusion size. Two-dimensional compressive stresses in the membrane make the coupling coefficients decay asymptotically as 1/r21/r^2 with interparticle distance rr. For the common case, where the distance to the substrate is of sub-micron scale, we present expressions for the coupling between distant disklike inclusions, which are valid for arbitrary inclusion size. We calculate the effect of inclusions on the response of the membrane and the associated corrections to the coupling diffusion coefficients to leading order in the concentration of inclusions. While at short distances the response is modified as if the membrane were a two-dimensional suspension, the large-distance response is not renormalized by the inclusions.Comment: 15 page

    Het budgetrecht van het Nederlandse parlement in het licht van het Europees economisch bestuur

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    Het recht om invloed uit te oefenen op de besteding van de door de bevolking opgebrachte middelen - het budgetrecht - is een van de oudste rechten van het Nederlandse parlement. Dit recht waarborgt democratische betrokkenheid bij de besluitvorming over de begroting en maakt dat het parlement wezenlijke invloed kan uitoefenen op het regeringsbeleid. De afgelopen jaren is het budgetrecht echter onder druk komen te staan. Als gevolg van de eurocrisis zijn de Europese begrotingsregels aanzienlijk aangescherpt en krijgen de EU-instellingen steeds meer grip op de nationale begroting en de wijze waarop nationale middelen worden besteed. Dit is problematisch omdat de bestemming van op nationaal niveau opgehaalde middelen bij uitstek een nationale bevoegdheid is. En aan die beslissing wordt democratische legitimatie verleend door de betrokkenheid van het parlement. In dit proefschrift staat de vraag centraal wat de gevolgen zijn van het Europees economisch bestuur – alle regels en procedures op economisch en budgettair terrein in de EMU – voor het budgetrecht van het Nederlandse parlement: in hoeverre kan het parlement nog (wezenlijke)invloed uitoefenen op de besteding van de op nationaal niveau opgehaalde middelen en het (begrotings)beleid van de regering als de EU-instellingen steeds meer grip krijgen op de nationale begroting?The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Law & Governance in a World of Multilevel Jurisdiction
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