556 research outputs found
User-Defined Data Distributions in High-Level Programming Languages
One of the characteristic features of today’s high performance
computing systems is a physically distributed
memory. Efficient management of locality is essential
for meeting key performance requirements for these architectures.
The standard technique for dealing with
this issue has involved the extension of traditional sequential
programming languages with explicit message passing,
in the context of a processor-centric view of
parallel computation. This has resulted in complex and
error-prone assembly-style codes in which algorithms
and communication are inextricably interwoven.
This paper presents a high-level approach to the design
and implementation of data distributions. Our
work is motivated by the need to improve the current
parallel programming methodology by introducing
a paradigm supporting the development of efficient and
reusable parallel code. This approach is currently being
implemented in the context of a new programming
language called Chapel, which is designed in the HPCS
project Cascade
D-Branes on K3-Fibrations
B-type D-branes are constructed on two different K3-fibrations over IP_1
using boundary conformal field theory at the rational Gepner points of these
models. The microscopic CFT charges are compared with the Ramond charges of
D-branes wrapped on holomorphic cycles of the corresponding Calabi-Yau
manifold. We study in particular D4-branes and bundles localized on the K3
fibers, and find from CFT that each irreducible component of a bundle on K3
gains one modulus upon fibration over IP_1. This is in agreement with
expectations and so provides a further test of the boundary CFT.Comment: 16p, harvmac, tables.tex; typos corrected, refs added, discussion
about moduli spaces improve
Duality symmetry and the form fields of M-theory
In previous work we derived the topological terms in the M-theory action in
terms of certain characters that we defined. In this paper, we propose the
extention of these characters to include the dual fields. The unified treatment
of the M-theory four-form field strength and its dual leads to several
observations. In particular we elaborate on the possibility of a twisted
cohomology theory with a twist given by degrees greater than three.Comment: 12 pages, modified material on the differentia
From E_8 to F via T
We argue that T-duality and F-theory appear automatically in the E_8 gauge
bundle perspective of M-theory. The 11-dimensional supergravity four-form
determines an E_8 bundle. If we compactify on a two-torus, this data specifies
an LLE_8 bundle where LG is a centrally-extended loopgroup of G. If one of the
circles of the torus is smaller than sqrt(alpha') then it is also smaller than
a nontrivial circle S in the LLE_8 fiber and so a dimensional reduction on the
total space of the bundle is not valid. We conjecture that S is the circle on
which the T-dual type IIB theory is compactified, with the aforementioned torus
playing the role of the F-theory torus. As tests we reproduce the T-dualities
between NS5-branes and KK-monopoles, as well as D6 and D7-branes where we find
the desired F-theory monodromy. Using Hull's proposal for massive IIA, this
realization of T-duality allows us to confirm that the Romans mass is the
central extension of our LE_8. In addition this construction immediately
reproduces the conjectured formula for global topology change from T-duality
with H-flux.Comment: 25 pages, 4 eps figure
Nilpotent Marsh and SUSY QM
We consider the nilpotent additions to classical trajectories in
supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric theories. The condition of anilpotence of
action on some generalized solutions leads to the Witten supersymmetric
Lagrangian. The condition of anilpotence of topological charge is the same as
one of superpotential with spontaneous broken supersymmetry. We should vanish
half of Grassmann constants of integration, because in this case only we obtain
the same number of normalized bosonic and fermionic zero modes.Comment: 8 pages, Latex 2.09. Talk given at the conference in memory of V.I.
Ogievetski, Dubna, July, 1997. To be published in the Proceeding
Some Navigation Rules for D-Brane Monodromy
We explore some aspects of monodromies of D-branes in the Kahler moduli space
of Calabi-Yau compactifications. Here a D-brane is viewed as an object of the
derived category of coherent sheaves. We compute all the interesting
monodromies in some nontrivial examples and link our work to recent results and
conjectures concerning helices and mutations. We note some particular
properties of the 0-brane.Comment: LaTeX2e, 28 pages, 4 figures, some typos corrected and refs adde
Hybridization of institutions
Extended version including all proofsModal logics are successfully used as specification logics for reactive systems. However, they are not expressive enough to refer to individual states and reason about the local behaviour of such systems. This limitation is overcome in hybrid logics which introduce special symbols for naming states in models. Actually, hybrid logics have recently regained interest, resulting in a number of new results and techniques as well as applications to software specification.
In this context, the first contribution of this paper is an attempt to ‘universalize’ the hybridization idea. Following the lines of [DS07], where a method to modalize arbitrary institutions is presented, the paper introduces a method to hybridize logics at the same institution-independent level. The method extends arbitrary institutions with Kripke semantics (for multi-modalities with arbitrary arities) and hybrid features. This paves the ground for a general result: any encoding (expressed as comorphism) from an arbitrary institution to first order logic (FOL) deter- mines a comorphism from its hybridization to FOL. This second contribution opens the possibility of effective tool support to specification languages based upon logics with hybrid features.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT
Completeness and decidability results for hybrid(ised) logics
Adding to the modal description of transition structures the ability to refer to specific states, hybrid(ised) logics provide an interesting framework for the specification of reconfigurable systems. The qualifier ‘hybrid(ised)’ refers to a generic method of developing, on top of whatever specification logic is used to model software configurations, the elements of an hybrid language, including nominals and modalities. In such a context, this paper shows how a calculus for a hybrid(ised) logic can be generated from a calculus of the base logic and that, moreover, it preserves soundness and completeness. A second contribution establishes that hybridising a decidable logic also gives rise to a decidable hybrid(ised) one. These results pave the way to the development of dedicated proof tools for such logics used in the design of reconfigurable systems
Fractional two-branes, toric orbifolds and the quantum McKay correspondence
We systematically study and obtain the large-volume analogues of fractional
two-branes on resolutions of orbifolds C^3/Z_n. We study a generalisation of
the McKay correspondence proposed in hep-th/0504164 called the quantum McKay
correspondence by constructing duals to the fractional two-branes. Details are
explicitly worked out for two examples -- the crepant resolutions of C^3/Z_3
and C^3/Z_5.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX (JHEP3 style); (v2) typos corrected; (v3)
sec 3 reorganise
D-branes and Discrete Torsion II
We derive D-brane gauge theories for C^3/Z_n x Z_n orbifolds with discrete
torsion and study the moduli space of a D-brane at a point. We show that, as
suggested in previous work, closed string moduli do not fully resolve the
singularity, but the resulting space -- containing n-1 conifold singularities
-- is somewhat surprising. Fractional branes also have unusual properties.
We also define an index which is the CFT analog of the intersection form in
geometric compactification, and use this to show that the elementary D6-brane
wrapped about T^6/Z_n x Z_n must have U(n) world-volume gauge symmetry.Comment: harvmac, 25 p
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