24 research outputs found

    Impact of GenderInSITE

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    The impact of GIS is inextricably linked to the reputation and credibility of its host organizations and of the people in leadership positions within GIS. At best this is a symbiotic relationship that is a win-win situation for all. Over and above the obvious benefit that GIS reaps from the established infrastructure of each of the host organizations, there are additional benefits. For example, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) as the host of GIS in Trieste, demonstrates its commitment to gender equality through its support for and commitment to GIS. Similarly, GIS leverages off the TWAS reputation, as well as the TWAS network and sphere of influence to expand the reach of its work beyond that of its regional focal points in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and in Africa. The LAC regional focal point, located in FLACSO, the Latin American University of Postgraduate Studies, benefits from FLASCO’s network across 16 Latin American countries, which facilitates collaboration with universities and research councils. The co-location of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Regional Chair of Women in S&T, with its focus on research and training in the field of gender and education is an added advantage. The value proposition of GIS LAC is the promotion of the integration of a gender lens perspective to higher education within a sustainable development framework. The Africa regional focal point, hosted by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), benefits from ASSAf’s credibility as a science academy and the networks that it has established across the continent, including with academia and government. The value proposition of GIS is to bring into sharper focus the importance of gender considerations in Academy membership, activities and products. In this report, the impact of GIS will be considered under four headings: 1. Development of strategies/policies 2. Contribution to knowledge production 3. Contribution to capacity development 4. Building a reputationSwedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida

    Ozone maxima over Southern Africa: A mid-latitude link

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    The relationship between patterns of total ozone and day-to-day weather was explored over South Africa for the period 1987 to 1988. Generally, there was a fairly poor relationship (variance less than 20 percent) between total ozone and the heights of the 100, 300 and 500 hPa geopotential heights at 5 South African stations. However, over a shorter period, October to December 1988, fluctuations in the height of the 300 hPa surface accounted for 53 percent of the variance in total ozone at Cape Town. High ozone amounts are associated with the lowering of the 300 hPa surface in the presence of an upper-air trough. The role of the mid-latitude westerly waves in this respect is discussed

    Women’s representation in national science academies: An unsettling narrative

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    Science academies are well placed to contribute towards strengthening of national systems of innovation through advocating for an increased participation of girls and women in science. To successfully do so, academies would need to overcome challenges faced with regard to women’s representation in their own ranks and women’s resultant full participation in the activities of national science academies. We collected baseline data on the representation of women scientists in the membership and governance structures of national science academies that are affiliated with IAP: the Global Network of Science Academies. Women academy members remained far below parity with men, given that women’s membership was typically about 12%. Women members were better represented in the social sciences, humanities and arts but the corresponding shares rarely exceeded 20%. In the natural sciences and engineering, women’s membership remained well below 10%. On average, the largest share of women members (17%) was associated with academies in Latin America and the Caribbean. The average share of women serving on governing bodies was 20%. To change this unsettling narrative, the importance of academies of science annually collecting, analysing and reporting gender-disaggregated data on membership and activities is highlighted as a key recommendation. Several aspects of women’s representation and participation in national science academies are highlighted for further investigation

    The vertical distribution of ozone at Pretoria from July 1990 to June 1991 and its changes

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    Total ozone and the vertical distribution of ozone were measured at Pretoria between 1965 and 1968. Total ozone measurements recommenced in Pretoria in August 1989, and measurements of the vertical distribution of ozone near Pretoria recommenced in July 1990. Relative to the earlier data, mean monthly total ozone values are significantly higher in all months, with a mean annual relative increase of 12 percent. The recent profiles show a significant increase in the mean monthly concentration of ozone in the lowest 12 km. Concurrent to this increase a relative decrease in ozone concentration is shown between 12 and 42 km. The increased ozone concentration in the lower troposphere may be related to urbanization and the increase in ozone-forming nitrogen oxides over the last two decades. It is suggested that the decreased ozone concentration in the stratosphere and upper troposphere is evidence of the global decrease in the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere

    A review of scientifc linkages and interactions between climate change and air quality, with implications for air quality management in South Africa

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    In recent years there has been considerable advancement in our scientifc understanding of the linkages and interactions between climate change and air quality. A warmer, evolving climate is likely to have severe consequences for air quality due to impacts on pollution sources and meteorology. Climate-induced changes to sources of tropospheric ozone precursor gases and to atmospheric circulation are likely to lead to changes in both the concentration and dispersion of near-surface ozone that could act to offset improvements in air quality. The control of air pollutants through air quality management is also likely to impact on climate change, with reductions in ozone, particulate matter and sulphur dioxide being of particular interest. The improved understanding of the relationship between air quality and climate change provides a scientific basis for policy interventions. After a review of the scientific linkages, the potential to include climate change considerations in air quality management planning processes in South Africa was examined