3,267 research outputs found
Sharia-Based Regional Regulations and Inter-Religious Relations in Bulukumba South Sulawesi
The background for the emergence of the idea of applying Sharia based regional regulations in Bulukumba is influenced by three factors: history, politics and socio-religious reality of the community. The response to the application of Islamic law also varies. At least in broad outline there are four kinds of responses, i.e. accepting, accepting with certain conditions, refusing then accepting and refusing. The application of Islamic law in Bulukumba has caused changes both in the physical appearance and socio-religious interaction of the people. Changes in physical appearance can be seen from the increasing number of women wearing hijab and a number of writings of religious nuances in various corners of the city. Changes in the areas of social interaction can be seen from the decrease of the crime rate. In the interaction between religious communities, the Sharia-based regulations are a medium for the Islamization of society. The existence of such legislation has also left no space for non-Muslims to build or add a new place of worship
Kajian Maslahat Terhadap Penanganan Rapid Tes Pada Pembangkangan Masyarakat Urban
Melalui sosial media masyarakat menggalang kekuatan untuk menolak rapid test yang selain berimplikasi luas pada melemahnya usaha penanggulangan virus corona juga memperburuk citra institusi kesehatan dan kemampuan para medis di dalam mengatasi penularan dan penyembuhan pasien terinfeksi corona. Studi ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan teknik cuplikan (sampling). Objek kajian dalam studi ini yang dikemas dengan literature review.Peneltian ini menunjukkan bahwa, Pertama Gerakan Social Media Menolak Rapid Tes dianggap ampuh dan sangat efektif untuk menyebarkan berita dan mendapatkan informasi dari berbagai tempat dan waktu, terkait dengan hal tersebut masyarakat saling memprovokasi, mengirim pesan berantai, masifkan berita Hoaks. Kedua, Faktor Penolakan atas Rapid Tes dengan tetap menjalankan kegiatan-kegiatan yang berisiko, Dalam menjalankan kehidupan sehari-hari ditengah covid 19 masayarakat kota kendari menunjukkan beberapa model penolakan terhadap covid ini yakni; paham keagamaan, tradisi saling berkunjung kepada sanad keluarga, persoalan ekonomi. Ketiga, Pembangkangan tidak bersentuhan/mendekati Rumah sakit dokter dalam masa covid, Sejatinya setiap orang yang mengalami gangguan kesehatan maka yang paling pertama yang terlintas dalam pikirannya adalah menghubungi tenaga kesehatan tetapi hal yang berbeda yang ditunjukkan oleh beberapa kalangan masyarakat dikota kendari ketika mengalami sakit justru tidak ingin berurusan dengan tenaga medis dikerenakan ada traumatik terhadap pemberitaan oleh dampak korona. Maslahah Mursalah merupakan bagian dari syariat yang tidak boleh dikesampingkan. Meskipun ia tidak disebutkan dalam nash secara tekstual, tapi secara substansial ia dibutuhkan manusia.
A cryogenic surface-electrode elliptical ion trap for quantum simulation
Two-dimensional crystals of trapped ions are a promising system with which to
implement quantum simulations of challenging problems such as spin frustration.
Here, we present a design for a surface-electrode elliptical ion trap which
produces a 2-D ion crystal and is amenable to microfabrication, which would
enable higher simulated coupling rates, as well as interactions based on
magnetic forces generated by on-chip currents. Working in an 11 K cryogenic
environment, we experimentally verify to within 5% a numerical model of the
structure of ion crystals in the trap. We also explore the possibility of
implementing quantum simulation using magnetic forces, and calculate J-coupling
rates on the order of 10^3 / s for an ion crystal height of 10 microns, using a
current of 1 A
Majlis ta'lim as the gateway for Islamic education that must face the problems that arise due to the development of an increasingly globalized world, is required to continue to improve its quality so that it can play a bigger role in bridging the gap between the real conditions of Muslims, so that it is reflected and realized a knowledge and Islamic social action. The process is ideally balanced with mental and character cultivation that enables the members of the assembly to be able to face life's problems. Mental and character that has been internalized within will become whole and unified in the soul, thus forming personal integrity. The notion of radicalism which leads to terrorism is an important understanding for the people in the city of Kendari. Community contact with radicalism is certainly not something that appears by itself in the midst of society. The notion of radicalism arises because of the communication process of conversations with others, both discussions about politics, economics, and various things, especially discussions about the understanding of religion which recently have very sharp differences and one of the places where religious understanding is studied is the Taklim Council. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analytical approach. Data sources are primary and secondary data sources. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and documentation with sampling techniques. This study shows three stages in dealing with the understanding of radicalism through the taklim assembly, first starting with the form of conciliation with the materials presented later by the taklim board administrators, so that it is not only jihad material through suicide bombings but studies that are mutual respect and respect between each other, especially inter-religious people. Second, the approach of the Taklim Council towards Radicalism is through reforming the assembly which is not known by the MUI management, both city and provincial administrators. Third, involve stakeholders and related agencies who are concerned about eradicating terrorism and radicalism
Perkawinan Politik di Kecamatan Mowewe Kabupaten Kolaka Timur (Perspektif Maqashid Syariah)
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui alasan Kepala Keluarga melakukan perkawinan politik, untuk mengetahui problematika yang muncul dalam perkawinan politik, dan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perspektif Maqasid Syariah terhadap Perkawinan Politik di Kecamatan Mowewe Kabupaten Kolaka Timur. Jenis Penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan studi documenter. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber, triangulasi data, triangulasi teknik, triangulasi waktu dan member check. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alasan kepala keluarga melakukan perkawinan politik di Kecamatan Mowewe Kabupaten Kolaka Timur yaitu 1) Pernikahan dilakukan karena saling mencintai, 2) married by accident, 3) Pernikahan dilakukan karena sudah lama hidup sendiri/perawan tua. Adapun problematika yang muncul dalam perkawinan politik di Kecamatan Mowewe Kabupaten Kolaka Timur dapat digolongkan menjadi dua yaitu pertama, problematika yang muncul dari dalam diri orang tua dan kedua, problematika tentang keagamaan anak dalam kepala keluarga yang melakukan perkawinan politik. Perspektif Maqasid Syariah terhadap perkawinan politik di Kecamatan Mowewe Kabupaten Kolaka Timur adalah tidak sah dengan mengacu pada QS. Al-Baqarah/2:221, QS. Al-Mumtahanah/60:10 dan Al-Mā’idah/5:5. Dalam berbagai penafsiran ketiga ayat tersebut yang sering digunakan untuk membahas seputar perkawinan politik adalah apabila wanita muslim menikah dengan laki-laki non muslim maka hukum dari nikah tersebut adalah tidak sah (haram) begitupun sebaliknya.Kata Kunci: Perkawinan Politik, Maqashid Syaria
Traitement des incertitudes des avis à dire d'expert pour l'évaluation de la sûreté des digues
3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management FLOODrisk 2016, Lyon, FRA, 17-/10/2016 - 21/10/2016International audienceIn France, levees remain most of the time badly maintained; these long linear structures show signs of weaknesses on numerous occasions. Only incomplete information is usually available. The general lack of data describing the behaviour of the infrastructure during unwanted events led to estimate their safety mainly from expert judgement. Thus the ability of the expert to predict the level of functioning of an infrastructure for a type of hazard and its intensity is crucial. An error of judgement can have very serious consequences and the production of reliable information requires the ability of the expert to report accurately the uncertainties in its estimations, as well as associated confidence. In order to meet this need, our research within Incertu project (French Ministry of Ecology funding) aims to produce relevant scientific approaches and tools for the collection and processing reliable experts'statements or combined with a confidence level in the context of uncertain information and input data
Missed opportunities for ovarian salvage in children: an 8-year review of surgically managed ovarian lesions at a tertiary pediatric surgery centre
INTRODUCTION: The aetiology and management of ovarian pathology in children differs between antenatal and postnatal lesions. However, all lesions may present acutely due to adnexal torsion. In this setting, opportunities to preserve fertility with ovary-sparing surgery (OSS) may be missed. Some studies suggest that pediatric and adolescent gynaecology (PAG) input in care is associated with OSS. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of children undergoing surgery for ovarian pathology at a tertiary pediatric surgery centre over an 8-year period (2011-2018). Patient factors, lesion characteristics and PAG involvement were examined for association with OSS using multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Thirty-five patients with ovarian pathology managed surgically were included. Ten were infants with lesions detected antenatally; all were managed by pediatric surgeons (PS) alone at median age 2 weeks (1 day-25 weeks). Twenty-five patients presented postnatally at median age 11 (0.75-15) years. In total, there were 16 cases of adnexal torsion, each managed primarily by PS. Twelve underwent oophorectomy and six (50%) of these cases had viable ovarian tissue on histology. Furthermore, two infants with large simple cysts were similarly managed by unnecessary oophorectomy based on histology. Overall rate of OSS was 46% and PAG involvement was the only factor associated with ovarian salvage. CONCLUSION: Differences in surgical management between PAGs and PS may be attributable to the different patient populations they serve. We recommend improving the knowledge of PS trainees in OSS approaches for adnexal torsion and large benign lesions
Sharia-Based Regional Regulations and Inter-Religious Relations in Bulukumba South Sulawesi
The background for the emergence of the idea of applying Sharia based regional regulations in Bulukumba is influenced by three factors: history, politics and socio-religious reality of the community. The response to the application of Islamic law also varies. At least in broad outline there are four kinds of responses, i.e. accepting, accepting with certain conditions, refusing then accepting and refusing. The application of Islamic law in Bulukumba has caused changes both in the physical appearance and socio-religious interaction of the people. Changes in physical appearance can be seen from the increasing number of women wearing hijab and a number of writings of religious nuances in various corners of the city. Changes in the areas of social interaction can be seen from the decrease of the crime rate. In the interaction between religious communities, the Sharia-based regulations are a medium for the Islamization of society. The existence of such legislation has also left no space for non-Muslims to build or add a new place of worship
Power Oligarchy: The Game of Cartel in Cooking Oil Scarcity
Allegations related to the cartel arise every time Indonesia experiences a shortage of cooking oil. The study aims to discuss the causes of the scarcity of cooking oil in Indonesia. Is it because of Permendagri Number 06 of 2022 or because of a cartel or is it caused by an artificial scarcity made by a syndicate? And whether this cartel and scarcity have anything to do with it. The study used qualitative research. The study uses normative or socio legal by analyzing relevant sources and news related to the scarcity of cooking oil. The results showed that the cause of the scarcity of cooking oil was the highest retail price which was marked by the issuance of Permendagri No. 6 of 2022, the law of one price which causes arbitrage, artificial scarcity by businessman, panic buying among the public, conditional sales and distribution problems. The relationship between the cartel and the scarcity of cooking oil lies in its complex and non-transparent distribution to consumers. The cartel group restrains the widely circulated cooking oil products with HRP because the businessman will lose out automatically if sold at HRP. Therefore, businessman withdraw products from the market and resulting in scarcity
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