30 research outputs found

    Transcending (in)formal urbanism

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    In this introduction to the special issue ‘Transcending (in)formal urbanism’ we outline the important place that informal urbanism has acquired in urban theorising, and an agenda to further this standing towards an even more explicit role in defining how we research cities. We note how informality has frequently been perceived as the formal’s ‘other’ implying a necessary ‘othering’ of informality that creates dualisms between formal and informal, a localised informal and a globalising formal, or an informal resistance and a formal neoliberal control, that this special issue seeks to challenge. The introduction, and the issue, aim to prompt a dialogue across a diversity of disciplinary approaches still rarely in communication, with the goal of going beyond (‘transcending’) the othering of informality for the benefit of a more inclusive urban theory contribution. The introduction suggests three related steps that could help with transcending dualisms in the understanding of informality: first, to transcend the disciplinary boundaries that limit informal urbanism to the study of housing or the labour market; second, to transcend the way in which informality is understood as separate from the domain of the formal (processes, institutions, mechanisms); and, third, to transcend the way in which informality is so tightly held in relation to understandings of neoliberalism. Challenging where the confines of urban studies might be, we argue for informality to better serve and broaden the community of urban research towards a more global urban theorising, starting from situated experiences and including cross-disciplinary experimentation

    Visible-Light-Responsive Self-Assembled Complexes: Improved Photoswitching Properties by Metal Ion Coordination**

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    A photoswitchable ligand based on azobenzene is self-assembled with palladium(II) ions to form a [Pd2(E-L)4]4+ cage. Irradiation with 470 nm light results in the near-quantitative switching to a monomeric species [Pd(Z-L)2]2+, which can be reversed by irradiation with 405 nm light, or heat. The photoswitching selectivity towards the metastable isomer is significantly improved upon self-assembly, and the thermal half-life is extended from 40 days to 850 days, a promising approach for tuning photoswitching properties

    Antigen-driven colonic inflammation is associated with development of dysplasia in primary sclerosing cholangitis

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    © The Author(s). Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is an immune-mediated disease of the bile ducts that co-occurs with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in almost 90% of cases. Colorectal cancer is a major complication of patients with PSC and IBD, and these patients are at a much greater risk compared to patients with IBD without concomitant PSC. Combining flow cytometry, bulk and single-cell transcriptomics, and T and B cell receptor repertoire analysis of right colon tissue from 65 patients with PSC, 108 patients with IBD and 48 healthy individuals we identified a unique adaptive inflammatory transcriptional signature associated with greater risk and shorter time to dysplasia in patients with PSC. This inflammatory signature is characterized by antigen-driven interleukin-17A (IL-17A)+ forkhead box P3 (FOXP3)+ CD4 T cells that express a pathogenic IL-17 signature, as well as an expansion of IgG-secreting plasma cells. These results suggest that the mechanisms that drive the emergence of dysplasia in PSC and IBD are distinct and provide molecular insights that could guide prevention of colorectal cancer in individuals with PSC.This work was supported by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable trust (SHARE), the Digestive Diseases Research Core Center C-IID P30 DK42086 at the University of Chicago, the PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada and the Sczholtz Family Foundation. K.R.M. is supported by grant no. NS124187. S.C.S. is supported by an American Gastroenterological Association Research Scholar Award, Veterans Affairs Career Development Award (no. ICX002027A01) and the San Diego Digestive Diseases Research Center (no. P30 DK120515). C.Q. is supported by the BBSRC Core Strategic Programme Grant (BB/CSP1720/1, BBS/E/T/000PR9818 and BBS/E/T/000PR9817). I.H.J. is supported by a Rosalind Franklin Fellowship from the University of Groningen and a Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research VIDI grant no. 016.171.047. D.G.S. is supported by grant no. F30DK121470.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Creativity, informality and cultural work in Rio de Janeiro's favelas

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    In the last decade, new policy initiatives emerged in Latin America as a response to the rise of a ‘creative turn’ in the global North. This article examines the impact of such turn on urban cultural policies for informal settlements in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, focusing on the case of ‘Favela Criativa’ – a governmental programme to support young people’s cultural and creative work across favelas. The analysis reveals that the programme has effectively widened the visibility of favelas’ cultural and creative work, increased financial public support and developed practical strategies for working with informality. However, it also raises questions about the extent to which this innovative policy development actually challenges prevalent managerial views of creativity guided by a market logic. The article demonstrates that a focus on informality as groundwork for political resistance in the city can expand our understanding of the creative economy beyond precarization, self-exploitation and individualization

    Creative precariousness, urban discontent and cultural networks: An introduction to a public lecture with Néstor García Canclini

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    Following from a public lecture at City University London, the articles discuss the interface between creativity, urban transformation, precariousness and social networking. This introduction places the lecture within the framework of North–South academic exchanges and in relation to how Latin American cities are responding to the rise of the creative economy in urban policy development. The main article, written by Néstor García Canclini, provides the foundation for an anthropology of precariousness and creativity in the context of globalised urban discontent and the transformation of space through information technologies. Voicing classical cultural studies concerns about identities, economy, global imaginaries and political resistance, he examines the strategies and networks that young creative producers, cultural entrepreneurs and artists use to navigate contradictory transnational processes. The article offers a renewed critical perspective into creative urbanism, connecting local cultural practices with global processes of neoliberal economic restructuring, urban violence and social exclusion. In doing so, it delineates the possibilities for an emancipatory transformation of urban space in times of increasing uncertaint

    Efeito da semente de girassol nas concentrações plasmásticas de colesterol total, progesterona e taxa de concepção em vacas Nelore.

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    A secreção de prostagiandina F2a (PGF2a) endometrial, entre os dias 15 e 19 do ciclo estral, período denominado de "crítico", determina a luteólise. O fornecimento de compostos ricos em ácido linoléico, como a semente de girassol, reduz a síntese de PGF2a. O colesterol (CO) é o precursor ela síntese de progestcwna (P4) nas células esteroielogênicas luteais (I). A aelição ele goreluras nas elietas promove um aumento das concentrac,:ões de CO no plasma, folículo e corpo lúteo (2). Objetivou-se avaliar em vacas Nelore o efeito ela suplementac,:ão com semente ele girassol nas concentrações plasmáticas ele CO total e P4 no elia da IATF e 22 dias após a lATI' assim como as taxas ele concepção aos 30 elias ele gestação A hipótese é que a semente ele girassol aumellta as cOllccntrac,:ões plasmáticas de CO e P4, incrementanelo a taxa ele concepção