6,979 research outputs found


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    This study examines the link between ownership structures and R&D activities in Canada. Our main hypothesis is that highly concentrated ownership structures or the presence of controlling minority shareholders negatively affects R&D intensity of Canadian manufacturing firms. We observe a negative relationship between the concentration of voting rights in firms endowed with a controlling minority structure (CMS) and the outcome of R&D activities. Furthermore, we show that the level of separation between the voting and cash flow rights held by controlling shareholders has a positive effect on R&D intensity but a negative effect on R&D outcome. These results may suggest that CMS shareholders' incentives regarding investments in R&D are not oriented towards innovative improvement but rather towards obtaining private gains.Corporate ownership; controlling minority structures (CMS); entrenchment; R&D activity; innovation

    "A continuous awaking movement". Note sul choreocinema di Maya Deren

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    Maya Deren ha prodotto tra gli anni quaranta e la metĂ  degli anni cinquanta del secolo scorso un cinema visionario in cui la danza e i danzatori diventano i protagonisti della trasfigurazione del reale in arte, del viaggio dal mondo visibile a quello invisibile delle forme sottili dell’inconscio e della mente. Il saggio si incentra sul ciclo di film di Maya Deren che John Martin, critico di danza del New York Times e teorico di punta della modern dance, definĂŹ come choreocinema: <>, soffermandosi principalmente su A Study in Choreography for Camera del 1945 che Deren creĂČ collaborando con il danzatore afro-americano Talley Beatty

    Merce Cunningham e la scena dei mutamenti

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    Scriveva Deborah Jowitt in Time and the Dancing Imagine !1989): " Il tempo del danzatore di Cunningham non Ăš quello che noi associamo al teatro e alla musica tradizionali. Gli eventi non si sviluppano attraverso una serie di passaggi e non ci conducono in maniera inesorabile verso dei climax e delle diminuzioni di intensitĂ . La causalitĂ  della fisica di Newton Ăš stata abbandonata per una realtĂ  piĂč discontinua”. Tempo discontinuo, spazio privo di un focus centrale, nessun riferimento narrativo e emozionale, assenza di relazione tra musica e danza, e tra danza e scenografia: l’ arrivo delle coreografie di Cunningham sui palcoscenici prima americani e poi europei ebbe quella stessa forza d’urto che il New Dada e la Pop Art ebbero sulle arti visive e che l’opera di Cage e Beckett ebbe sulla musica e sul teatro del secondo dopoguerra. Scriveva Cunningham nel 1952: " Quando coreografo uno spettacolo lanciando le monetine – secondo il caso quindi – io trovo in questo gioco delle risorse che non sono il prodotto della mia volontĂ  ma un'energia e una legge a cui devo ubbidire. Alcuni credono che sia non umano e meccanico lanciare le monetine per creare una danza [...] ma la sensazione che ho quando compongo in questa maniera Ăš che sono in contatto con una risorsa naturale che Ăš di gran lunga piĂč grande di quanto potrebbe mai essere la mia creativitĂ  personale, una risorsa che Ăš molto piĂč universalmente umana delle mie abitudini particolari e che sale organicamente da una sorgente comune di impulsi motori". Il saggio di Vito Di Bernardi si interroga sull'influenza dello Zen sull'opera del coreografo americano.Deborah Jowitt wrote in Time and the Dancing Image (1989): “Time for the Cunningham dancer is not the the time we associate with thtrasditional theater and music. Events do not develop over its passage, leads inexorably toward climaxes and die away. The causality of Newtonian physics hss been abandoned for a more discontinous reality”. Interrupted time, space lacking a central focus, no narrative and emotional reference, absence of relationship between music and dance or dance and scenery: the arrival of Cunningham’s choreography on the American and later European stages had the same impact as New Dada and Pop Art had on the visual arts and Cage’s and Beckett’s works had on music and theatre after the Second World War. In 1952 Cunningham wrote: “When I choreograph a piece by tossing pennies – by chance, that is – I am finding my resources in that play, which is not the product of my will, but which is an energy and a law which I too obey. Some peolple seem to think that it is inhuman and mechanistic to toss pennies in creating dance
 but the feeling I have when I compose in this way is that I am in touch with a natural resource far greater than my own personal inventiveness could ever be , much more universally human than the particular habits of my own practice, and organically rising out of common pools of motor impulses” (The Impermanent Art, 1952). This essay goes into the influence of Zen on Cunnigham’s work

    Corpi e visioni nell'era digitale

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    L'articolo mette in relazione gli studi sulla corporeitĂ  nella danza nei suoi aspetti somatici, psico.fisiologici, culturali, con le tecnologie digitali utilizzate come memoria dello spettacolo e come strumento di creazione coreografica

    La documentation filmique comme contribution à la constrution d'une memoire en danse: aspects et problemes méthodologique à partir du cas du Kutiyattam indien

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    Nel 1979, un gruppo di ricerca dell’universitĂ  di Roma diretta da Ferruccio Marotti a girato in Kerala una serie di film di grande valore documentario che hanno come protagonista Ammannur MĂądhava Chakyar, uno dei piĂč grandi interpreti di Kutiyattam del XX secolo, la sola forma vivente di teatro danza classico in sanscrito. Trent’anni piĂč tardi, nel 2011, sono ritornato in Kerala per lavorare sul progetto di restauro e di montaggio di questi documenti in collaborazione con Gopal (Ji) Venu, uno dei discendenti piĂč riconosciuti di Ammannur M. Chakyar (deceduto nel 2008, a 91 anni). Vedere questi vecchi films risveglia la memoria degli spettacoli del maestro, di cui Venu Ăš stato testimone per molti anni. Il lavoro dell’analisi delle video, commentate da Venu, diventa a sua volta l’oggetto meta-testuale di una video, girata da me, sulla memoria del Kutiyattam e sullo «stato dell’arte» di quest’antica forma di teatro danza.In 1979 a team of the University of Rome directed by Ferruccio Marotti shot in Kerala a series of important films on Ammannur Madhava Chakyar, one of the greatest performers of Kutiyattam, the only surviving living form of old Sanskrit dance theatre. Thirty years later, in 2011, I went to Kerala to work on a project of restoration and re-editing of these filmed documents. The artist and scholar I collaborated with, was Gopal (Ji) Venu, one of the most recognized heirs of guru Ammannur Madhava Chakyar (he died in 2008 at the age of 91). Watching the old movies awakened Gopal’s memory and his analytical work on the films became the subject of a metatextual film, shot by myself, focusing on the «state of art» of this ancient form of dance theatre


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    Si tratta un'introduzione metodologica al tema della Memoria della danza in relazione alle ricerche effettuate in Italia in ambito dottorale

    Manual sampling and tank size effects on the calibration curve of plot sediment storage tanks

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    In many experimental soil erosion plots, runoff is collected and carried by a conveyance system to a sequence of storage tanks. If the soil loss is measured by collecting, after mixing, samples of the stored suspension, then a calibration curve between the actual mean concentration (C) and the measured concentration (Cm) in the storage tank occurs. The aim of this article was to evaluate experimentally the factors affecting the relationship between C and Cm. For a sandy loam soil, the replicated measurements of Cm (20 samples) for two values of the actual concentration (C = 5 and 25 g/L) showed that the variability of the measurements of Cm is low and confirmed the reliability of a calibration curve obtained by a single series of runs. Results from experiments carried out with a clay soil to compare the calibration curves obtained by four field workers suggested that the maximum uncertainty in the soil loss measurement due to the choice of the calibration curve should not exceed 100% of the true value. Moreover, the slope of the calibration curve was independent of both the water level in the tank and the field worker. Finally, a comparison among the calibration curves of a prototype tank and some model tanks was carried out for both a sandy loam and a clay soil in order to establish a scaled−up relationship among tanks of different size. Soil−specific and theoretically based scaled−up relationships were deduced


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    La langue nous offre plusieurs moyens pour exprimer une relation de cause Ă  effet et dans un texte ou un discours quelconque le locuteur peut, plus ou moins aisĂ©ment, localiser quelle est la cause d’un fait, et vice-versa, quelle est la consĂ©quence qui a comme point de dĂ©part une cause dĂ©finie. Selon Nazarenko (2000) les moyens qui nous permettent de repĂ©rer des informations causales dans un discours sont de quatre ordres diffĂ©rents : 1. les connecteurs causaux ; 2. les tournures syntaxiques de la causalitĂ© ; 3. le lexique de la cause; 4. l’interprĂ©tation causale. Dans notre parcours de recherche nous avons choisi d’analyser ce concept dans le domaine du lexique, en nous plaçant donc dans le troisiĂšme ordre dĂ©crit par Nazarenko ; nous avons dĂ©cidĂ© de prendre en considĂ©ration parmi tous les verbes qui expriment la cause, ceux qui prĂ©sentent de façon explicite dans leur sĂ©mantisme, les composants de la causalitĂ©. Une fois Ă©tabli le domaine de notre recherche, Ă  savoir l’étude du lexique verbal de la cause, nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă  chercher de rĂ©pondre Ă  trois questions qui ont constituĂ© le point de dĂ©part de notre dĂ©marche : 1. ces verbes causatifs sont-ils des synonymes absolus ? 2. peuvent-ils ĂȘtre classĂ©s dans une Ă©chelle de la synonymie pour Ă©tablir quel est le meilleur reprĂ©sentant du concept « ĂȘtre la cause de » et quels verbes constituent le noyau central de ce concept ? 3. le contexte d’emploi revĂȘt-il une importance dans l’étude de la synonymie ? Nous avons menĂ© notre recherche sur deux plans diffĂ©rents : recherche des outils linguistiques pour l’exploration du sens et approfondissement des notions de synonymie et de causalitĂ©. Pour ce faire, nous avons procĂ©dĂ© Ă  la composition d’un corpus, dans la mesure oĂč nous Ă©tions persuadĂ©s que la vĂ©rification de nos hypothĂšses de dĂ©part sur un corpus de langue en emploi Ă©tait nĂ©cessaire pour toute analyse linguistique. AprĂšs avoir analysĂ© diffĂ©rentes thĂ©ories sĂ©mantiques et syntaxiques pour l’étude de la signification de nos verbes (analyse componentielle, sĂ©mantique du prototype, grammaire des cas), nous nous sommes tournĂ©e enfin vers la linguistique de corpus, une discipline relativement nouvelle qui propose l’analyse du sens des mots en partant de l’emploi d’un mot-clef Ă  l’intĂ©rieur d’un corpus, rĂ©alisĂ© en suivant des critĂšres prĂ©cis et explicites. Cette mĂ©thodologie d’analyse de la langue nous a permis d’établir des critĂšres pour dĂ©sambiguĂŻser les verbes qui Ă©taient l’objet de notre Ă©tude. Pour ce qui concerne la deuxiĂšme question, nous avons approfondi nos connaissances sur les deux notions fondamentales exploitĂ©es tout au long de notre travail, notamment celle de causalitĂ© et celle de synonymie. La causalitĂ© est un concept prĂ©sent plus ou moins explicitement dans la langue et elle est en effet considĂ©rĂ©e comme un trait qui compose le sĂ©mantisme de presque tous les verbes En ce qui concerne nos verbes, ce trait est le seul qui fasse partie de leur sĂ©mantisme. Nous avons donc dĂ» chercher les diffĂ©rences dans d’autres Ă©lĂ©ments. Les lectures sur la synonymie nous ont amenĂ©e Ă  choisir le point de vue intensionnel, Ă  savoir l’étude des propriĂ©tĂ©s communes et distinctives des membres d’une mĂȘme classe. En effet, les verbes n’ont pas de rĂ©fĂ©rent rĂ©el dans le monde, ce qui fait que la seule façon de les Ă©tudier consiste Ă  les rĂ©unir dans une mĂȘme catĂ©gorie et Ă  cerner les Ă©lĂ©ments d’union et de disjonction contenus dans leur signification. L’hypothĂšse d’une Ă©chelle de la synonymie avancĂ©e par Cruse (2001) et, par consĂ©quent, de degrĂ© de synonymie entre les diffĂ©rents membres d’une mĂȘme catĂ©gorie nous a poussĂ©e Ă  vĂ©rifier s’il est possible d’établir une Ă©chelle de la synonymie, Ă  savoir s’il existe, parmi nos verbes, un verbe qui puisse ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme le meilleur reprĂ©sentant de cette catĂ©gorie et s’il existe des verbes qui sont plus synonymes que d’autres, et cela non pas avec des tests linguistiques proposĂ©s Ă  des locuteurs français, mais Ă  travers l’étude de la langue en emploi, en particulier de la frĂ©quence. C’est ainsi que l’analyse sur corpus du lexique verbal de la cause nous a permis de vĂ©rifier les hypothĂšses du dĂ©but et de rĂ©pondre aux questions que nous nous Ă©tions posĂ©e au dĂ©part ou qui se sont posĂ©es au fur et Ă  mesure du dĂ©veloppement de notre thĂšse. L’analyse en contexte selon les caractĂ©ristiques mises en Ă©vidence par la linguistique de corpus, notamment l’étude des collocations, des colligations, des prosodies sĂ©mantiques et des prĂ©fĂ©rences sĂ©mantiques, nous a montrĂ© qu’il est possible de dĂ©sambiguĂŻser chaque verbe Ă  partir de ses collocations et de ses prĂ©fĂ©rences sĂ©mantiques
