282 research outputs found

    Strain Transfer in Surface-Bonded Optical Fiber Sensors

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    Fiber optic sensors represent one of the most promising technologies for the monitoring of various engineering structures. A major challenge in the field is to analyze and predict the strain transfer to the fiber core reliably. Many authors developed analytical models of a coated optical fiber, assuming null strain at the ends of the bonding length. However, this configuration only partially reflects real experimental setups in which the cable structure can be more complex and the strains do not drastically reduce to zero. In this study, a novel strain transfer model for surface-bonded sensing cables with multilayered structure was developed. The analytical model was validated both experimentally and numerically, considering two surface-mounted cable prototypes with three different bonding lengths and five load cases. The results demonstrated the capability of the model to predict the strain profile and, differently from the available strain transfer models, that the strain values at the extremities of the bonded fiber length are not null

    Optical fiber sensing cables for brillouin-based distributed measurements

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    Brillouin distributed optical fiber sensing (Brillouin D-FOS) is a powerful technology for real-time in situ monitoring of various physical quantities, such as strain, temperature, and pressure. Compared to local or multi-point fiber optic sensing techniques, in Brillouin-based sensing, the optical fiber is interrogated along its complete length with a resolution down to decimeters and with a frequency encoding of the measure information that is not affected by changes in the optical attenuation. The fiber sensing cable plays a significant role since it must ensure a low optical loss and optimal transfer of the measured parameters for a long time and in harsh conditions, e.g., the presence of moisture, corrosion, and relevant mechanical or thermal stresses. In this paper, research and application regarding optical fiber cables for Brillouin distributed sensing are reviewed, connected, and extended. It is shown how appropriate cable design can give a significant contribution toward the successful exploitation of the Brillouin D-FOS technique

    Polar distortions in hydrogen bonded organic ferroelectrics

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    Although ferroelectric compounds containing hydrogen bonds were among the first to be discovered, organic ferroelectrics are relatively rare. The discovery of high polarization at room temperature in croconic acid [Nature \textbf{463}, 789 (2010)] has led to a renewed interest in organic ferroelectrics. We present an ab-initio study of two ferroelectric organic molecular crystals, 1-cyclobutene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid (CBDC) and 2-phenylmalondialdehyde (PhMDA). By using a distortion-mode analysis we shed light on the microscopic mechanisms contributing to the polarization, which we find to be as large as 14.3 and 7.0\,μ\muC/cm2^{2} for CBDC and PhMDA respectively. These results suggest that it may be fruitful to search among known but poorly characterized organic compounds for organic ferroelectrics with enhanced polar properties suitable for device applications.Comment: Submitte

    Formation and observation of a quasi-two-dimensional dxyd_{xy} electron liquid in epitaxially stabilized Sr2x_{2-x}Lax_{x}TiO4_{4} thin films

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    We report the formation and observation of an electron liquid in Sr2x_{2-x}Lax_{x}TiO4_4, the quasi-two-dimensional counterpart of SrTiO3_3, through reactive molecular-beam epitaxy and {\it in situ} angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The lowest lying states are found to be comprised of Ti 3dxyd_{xy} orbitals, analogous to the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface and exhibit unusually broad features characterized by quantized energy levels and a reduced Luttinger volume. Using model calculations, we explain these characteristics through an interplay of disorder and electron-phonon coupling acting co-operatively at similar energy scales, which provides a possible mechanism for explaining the low free carrier concentrations observed at various oxide heterostructures such as the LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 interface

    A Model-Assisted Probability of Detection Framework for Optical Fiber Sensors

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    Optical fiber sensors (OFSs) represent an efficient sensing solution in various structural health monitoring (SHM) applications. However, a well-defined methodology is still missing to quantify their damage detection performance, preventing their certification and full deployment in SHM. In a recent study, the authors proposed an experimental methodology to qualify distributed OFSs using the concept of probability of detection (POD). Nevertheless, POD curves require considerable testing, which is often not feasible. This study takes a step forward, presenting a model-assisted POD (MAPOD) approach for the first time applied to distributed OFSs (DOFSs). The new MAPOD framework applied to DOFSs is validated through previous experimental results, considering the mode I delamination monitoring of a double-cantilever beam (DCB) specimen under quasi-static loading conditions. The results show how strain transfer, loading conditions, human factors, interrogator resolution, and noise can alter the damage detection capabilities of DOFSs. This MAPOD approach represents a tool to study the effects of varying environmental and operational conditions on SHM systems based on DOFSs and for the design optimization of the monitoring system

    Time-lapse video microscopy for assessment of EYFP-Parkin aggregation as a marker for cellular mitophagy

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    © 2016 Journal of Visualized Experiments.Time-lapse video microscopy can be defined as the real time imaging of living cells. This technique relies on the collection of images at different time points. Time intervals can be set through a computer interface that controls the microscope-integrated camera. This kind of microscopy requires both the ability to acquire very rapid events and the signal generated by the observed cellular structure during these events. After the images have been collected, a movie of the entire experiment is assembled to show the dynamic of the molecular events of interest. Time-lapse video microscopy has a broad range of applications in the biomedical research field and is a powerful and unique tool for following the dynamics of the cellular events in real time. Through this technique, we can assess cellular events such as migration, division, signal transduction, growth, and death. Moreover, using fluorescent molecular probes we are able to mark specific molecules, such as DNA, RNA or proteins and follow them through their molecular pathways and functions. Time-lapse video microscopy has multiple advantages, the major one being the ability to collect data at the single-cell level, that make it a unique technology for investigation in the field of cell biology. However, time-lapse video microscopy has limitations that can interfere with the acquisition of high quality images. Images can be compromised by both external factors; temperature fluctuations, vibrations, humidity and internal factors; pH, cell motility. Herein, we describe a protocol for the dynamic acquisition of a specific protein, Parkin, fused with the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) in order to track the selective removal of damaged mitochondria, using a time-lapse video microscopy approach

    Observation of tunable single-atom Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states

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    The coupling of a spin to an underlying substrate is the basis for a plethora of phenomena. In the case of a metallic substrate, Kondo screening of the adatom magnetic moment can occur. As the substrate turns superconducting, an intriguing situation emerges where the pair breaking due to the adatom spins leads to Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound states, but also intertwines with Kondo phenomena. Through scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we analyze the interdependence of Kondo screening and superconductivity. Our data obtained on single Fe adatoms on Nb(110) show that the coupling and the resulting YSR states are strongly adsorption site-dependent and reveal a quantum phase transition at a Kondo temperature comparable to the superconducting gap. The experimental signatures are rationalized by combined density functional theory and continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo calculations to rigorously treat magnetic and hybridization effects on equal footing.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic structure of epitaxial perovskite films in the two-dimensional limit: Role of the surface termination

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    An often-overlooked property of transition metal oxide thin films is their microscopic surface structure and its effect on the electronic properties in the ultrathin limit. Contrary to the expected conservation of the perovskite stacking order in the (001) direction, heteroepitaxially grown SrIrO3 films on TiO2-terminated SrTiO3 are found to exhibit a terminating SrO surface layer. The proposed mechanism for the self-organized conversion involves the adsorption of excess oxygen ions at the apical sites of the IrO2-terminated surface and the subsequent decomposition of the IrO6 octahedra into gaseous molecular IrO3 and the remaining SrO-terminated surface. Whereas the ab initio calculated electronic structure of SrO-terminated SrIrO3 in the monolayer limit exhibits a striking similarity to bulk Sr2IrO4, the broken octahedral symmetry at the IrO2-terminated surface would mix the otherwise crystal field split e(g) and t(2g) states, resulting in distinctly different low-energy electronic states. Published under license by AIP Publishing