5,360 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic characterisation of the stellar content of ultra diffuse galaxies

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    Understanding the peculiar properties of Ultra Diffuse Galaxies (UDGs) via spectroscopic analysis is a challenging task requiring very deep observations and exquisite data reduction. In this work we perform one of the most complete characterisations of the stellar component of UDGs to date using deep optical spectroscopic data from OSIRIS at GTC. We measure radial and rotation velocities, star formation histories (SFH) and mean population parameters, such as ages and metallicities, for a sample of five UDG candidates in the Coma cluster. From the radial velocities, we confirm the Coma membership of these galaxies. We find that their rotation properties, if detected at all, are compatible with dwarf-like galaxies. The SFHs of the UDG are dominated by old (~ 7 Gyr), metal-poor ([M/H] ~ -1.1) and alpha-enhanced ([Mg/Fe] ~ 0.4) populations followed by a smooth or episodic decline which halted ~ 2 Gyr ago, possibly a sign of cluster-induced quenching. We find no obvious correlation between individual SFH shapes and any UDG morphological properties. The recovered stellar properties for UDGs are similar to those found for DDO44, a local UDG analogue resolved into stars. We conclude that the UDGs in our sample are extended dwarfs whose properties are likely the outcome of both internal processes, such as bursty SFHs and/or high-spin haloes, as well as environmental effects within the Coma cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Characterization of FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) Grades for Hip Dysplasia in Five Dog Breeds

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    Simple Summary Hip dysplasia is one of the most frequently occurring orthopedic diseases in medium to large purebred dogs. For this reason, much attention is paid to screening programs for breeding animals. The Federation Cynologique Internationale uses the same evaluation criteria regardless of breed. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether or not the evolution of a hip pathology in dogs with or without dysplasia was consistent with prior scientific knowledge in five breeds. In addition, whether there were significant radiographic differences between breeds which might require a breed-specific method for assessing the grade of hip dysplasia was investigated. Evaluations of 16 radiographic parameters analyzed using the Brass method were collected from 5 breeds: Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherd dogs, Bernese Mountain dogs, and Rottweilers. No significant changes were found among the five breeds regarding the grade of hip dysplasia; however, some significant variations were found in the individual radiographic parameters suggesting that, although the criteria regarded all breeds, there were specific alterations which could be caused by the different morphologies, aptitudes and abilities of each breed. The aim of this retrospective study was to verify whether the radiographic morphologic differences detected within the first three grades of hip dysplasia (A, B, C) of each of the five selected breeds and within the same breeds were statistically significant enough to require a breed-specific evaluation. A total of 422 technical evaluation forms of hip dysplasia (HD) in Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, Bernese Mountain dogs, and German Shepherd dogs were obtained from the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) archive. The data were evaluated using a descriptive statistical analysis. In Labrador Retrievers, the craniolateral acetabular rim and femoral head position were already altered in unaffected dogs; however, within the various FCI grades, the most severe changes involved the conformation of the femoral neck. All the radiographic parameters of the Golden Retriever hips changed progressively and evenly. Significant radiographic changes between FCI grades were found in the German Shepherd dogs, and the alterations involving the acetabulum were more severe and appeared earlier than in the femoral head and neck. In the Bernese Mountain dogs, the most severe alterations were in the position of the femoral head and joint space while the femoral head and neck showed no significant progression between grades. All the radiographic parameters of non-dysplastic Rottweilers were normal; however, the progression of the primary signs was similar to the other breeds, although with lower severity. In conclusion, no significant prevalence of the radiographic features was observed for any specific breed. However, significant individual breed variations in the primary radiographic parameters were found between dogs with and without dysplasia which could be useful for better understanding the consequences of biomechanical differences between breeds

    Small bowel transplantation for diffuse intestinal angiomatosis

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    Intestinal angiomatosis is a very rare phenomenon producing lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Its most frequent causes are diverticula, congenital arteriovenous malformation, acquired angiodysplasia, ischemia, inflammation, ulceration, benign or malignant tumours and iatrogenic injury. In this paper, the case of a 48-year-old white man is reported

    Reconnection surgery in adult post-operative short bowel syndrome < 100 cm: is colonic continuity sufficient to achieve enteral autonomy without autologous gastrointestinal reconstruction? Report from a single center and systematic review of literature

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    A systematic bibliographic research concerning patients operated on for SBS was performed: inclusion criteria were adult age, reconnection surgery and SBS &lt; 100 cm. Autologous gastrointestinal reconstruction represented an exclusion criteria. The outcomes of interest were the rate of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) independence and the length of follow-up (minimum 1 year) after surgery. We reviewed our experience from 2003 to 2013 with minimum 1-year follow-up, dealing with reconnection surgery in 13 adults affected by &lt; 100 cm SBS after massive small bowel resection: autologous gastrointestinal reconstruction was not feasible. Three (out of 5168 screened papers) non randomized controlled trials with 116 adult patients were analysed showing weaning from TPN (40%, 50% and 90% respectively) after reconnection surgery without autologous gastrointestinal reconstruction. Among our 13 adults, mean age was 54.1 years (53.8 % ASA III): 69.2 % had a high stomal output (&gt; 500 cc/day) and TPN dependence was 100%. We performed a jejuno-colonic anastomosis (SBS type II) in 53.8%, in 46.1% of cases without ileo-cecal valve, leaving a mean residual small bowel length of 75.7 cm. In-hospital mortality was 0%. After a minimum period of 1 year of intestinal rehabilitation, all our patients (100%) went back to oral intake and 69.2% were off TPN (9 patients). No one was listed for transplantation. A residual small bowel length of minimum 75 cm, even if reconnected to part of the colon, seems able to produce a TPN independence without autologous gastrointestinal reconstruction after a minimum period of 1 year of intestinal rehabilitation

    Structure and magnetism of electrospun porous high-entropy (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Co1/5Ni1/5)3O4, (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Co1/5Zn1/5)3O4 and (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Ni1/5Zn1/5)3O4 spinel oxide nanofibers

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    High-entropy oxide nanofibers, based on equimolar (Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni), (Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Zn) and (Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni,Zn) combinations, were prepared by electrospinning followed by calcination. The obtained hollow nanofibers exhibited a porous structure consisting of interconnected nearly strain-free (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Co1/5Ni1/5)3O4, (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Co1/5Zn1/5)3O4 and (Cr1/5Mn1/5Fe1/5Ni1/5Zn1/5)3O4 single crystals with a pure Fd3Ě„m spinel structure. Oxidation state of the cations at the nanofiber surface was assessed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and cation distributions were proposed satisfying electroneutrality and optimizing octahedral stabilization. The magnetic data are consistent with a distribution of cations that satisfies the energetic preferences for octahedral vs. tetrahedral sites and is random only within the octahedral and tetrahedral sublattices. The nanofibers are ferrimagnets with relatively low critical temperature more similar to cubic chromites and manganites than to ferrites. Replacing the magnetic cations Co or Ni with non-magnetic Zn lowers the critical temperature from 374 K (Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni) to 233 and 105 K for (Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni,Zn) and (Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Zn), respectively. The latter nanofibers additionally have a low temperature transition to a reentrant spin-glass-like state

    Reduction in regulatory T cells in preterm newborns is associated with necrotizing enterocolitis

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    BackgroundDespite multifactorial pathogenesis, dysregulation of inflammatory immune response may play a crucial role in necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are involved in immune tolerance early in life. We aimed to investigate the predicting role of Tregs in developing NEC in neonates at high risk.MethodsWe studied six newborns with a diagnosis of NEC (cases) in comparison with 52 controls (without NEC). We further classified controls as neonates with feeding intolerance (FI) and neonates without it (FeedTol). The rate of female and male neonates (sex defined as a biological attribute) was similar. We analyzed the blood frequency of Tregs (not overall numbers) at three time points: 0-3 (T0), 7-10 (T1), and 27-30 (T2) days after birth by flow cytometry. Neonates' sex was defined based on the inspection of external genitalia at birth.ResultsWe observed, at T0, a significantly lower frequency of Tregs in NEC cases (p &lt; 0.001) compared with both FI (p &lt; 0.01) and FeedTol controls (p &lt; 0.01). Multivariate analysis reported that the occurrence of NEC was independently influenced by Treg frequency at birth (ss 2.98; p = 0.039).ConclusionTregs frequency and features in the peripheral blood of preterm neonates, early in life, may contribute to identifying neonates at high risk of developing NEC.ImpactRegulatory T cells may play a pivotal role in regulating the immune response in early life. Reduction of Tregs in early life could predispose preterm newborns to necrotizing enterocolitis.Early markers of necrotizing enterocolitis are still lacking. We demonstrated a predicting role of assessment of regulatory T cells in the diagnosis of this gastrointestinal emergency.Early identification of newborns at high risk of necrotizing enterocolitis through measurement of regulatory T cells may guide clinicians in the management of preterm newborns in order to reduce the development of this severe condition

    Fate of (D-Ala2)-deltorphin-I-like immunoreactive neurons in 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rat brain

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    The use of a polyclonal antiserum specific to C-terminal tetrapeptide amide of (D-Ala2)deltorphin-I, a naturally occurring amphibian skin opioid peptide, has already demonstrated the presence of immunoreactive neurons in rat midbrain. Double immunostaining identified these neurons as a subpopulation of the mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons that were also tyrosine hydroxylase-immunopositive and calbindin- D28kD- negative, namely, the neurons predominantly affected in Parkinson disease. We followed the fate of these neurons after a monolateral injection of 6-hydroxy-dopamine into rat brain. Almost all the immunopositive neurons and their nigrostriatal, mesolimbic and mesocortical projections on the side ipsilateral to the lesion disappeared. Only a few scattered immunopositive neurons within the substantia nigra, pars compacta, and those of supramammillary nucleus remained unaffected. The consistent overlap of dopamine and this new molecule provides a further key to identifying the mammalian counterpart of these amphibian skin opioid peptides

    Alemtuzumab plus cyclosporine treatment of the autoimmune hemolytic anemia in an adult bowel transplant

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    An adult male underwent a bowel transplant for tufting enteropathy, receiving alemtuzumab, tacrolimus, and steroids as immunosuppressants. Five years later, he developed an autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), anti-IgG positive, with reduced reticulocyte count, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia with antiplatelet antibodies. After an unsuccessful initial treatment with high dose steroids, reduction in tacrolimus dose, and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), a bone marrow biopsy revealed absence of erythroid maturation with precursor hyperplasia. The patient was switched to sirolimus and received four doses of rituximab plus two courses of plasmapheresis, which decreased his transfusion requirements. After a febrile episode one month later, the AIHA relapsed with corresponding decreases in platelet and leukocyte count: cyclosporine A (CsA) was started with a second course of rituximab and IVIG without response, even though repeat bone marrow biopsy did not reveal morphology correlated to an acquired pure red cell aplasia (APRCA). Considering the similarity in his clinical and laboratory findings to APRCA, alemtuzumab was added (three doses over a week) with CsA followed by steroids. The patient was eventually discharged transfusion-independent, with increasing hemoglobin (Hb) levels and normal platelet and leukocyte count. One year later he is still disease-free with functioning graft

    The manifesto of pharmacoenosis: Merging hiv pharmacology into pathocoenosis and syndemics in developing countries

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    Pathocoenosis and syndemics theories have emerged in the last decades meeting the frequent need of better understanding interconnections and reciprocal influences that coexistent communicable and non-communicable diseases play in a specific population. Nevertheless, the attention to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics interactions of co-administered drugs for co-present diseases is to date limitedly paid to alert against detrimental pharmacological combos. Low and middle-income countries are plagued by the highest burden of HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, and helminthiasis, and they are experiencing an alarming rise in non-communicable disorders. In these settings, co-infections and comorbidities are common, but no tailored prescribing nor clinical trials are used to assess and exploit existing opportunities for the simultaneous and potentially synergistic treatment of intertwined diseases. Pharmacoenosis is the set of interactions that take place within a host as well as within a population due to the compresence of two or more diseases and their respective treatments. This framework should pilot integrated health programmes and routine clinical practice to face drug–drug interaction issues, avoiding negative co-administrations but also exploiting potential favourable ones to make the best out of the worst situations; still, to date, guiding data on the latter possibility is limited. Therefore, in this narrative review, we have briefly described both detrimental and favourable physiopathological interactions between HIV and other common co-occurring pathologies (malaria, tuberculosis, helminths, and cardiovascular disorders), and we have presented examples of advantageous potential pharmacological interactions among the drugs prescribed for these diseases from a pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacogenetics standpoint

    Charge Storage Mechanism in Electrospun Spinel-Structured High-Entropy (Mn0.2Fe0.2Co0.2Ni0.2Zn0.2)3O4 Oxide Nanofibers as Anode Material for Li-Ion Batteries

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    High-entropy oxides (HEOs) have emerged as promising anode materials for next-generation lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). Among them, spinel HEOs with vacant lattice sites allowing for lithium insertion and diffusion seem particularly attractive. In this work, electrospun oxygen-deficient (Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Zn) HEO nanofibers are produced under environmentally friendly calcination conditions and evaluated as anode active material in LIBs. A thorough investigation of the material properties and Li+ storage mechanism is carried out by several analytical techniques, including ex situ synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The lithiation process is elucidated in terms of lithium insertion, cation migration, and metal-forming conversion reaction. The process is not fully reversible and the reduction of cations to the metallic form is not complete. In particular, iron, cobalt, and nickel, initially present mainly as Fe3+, Co3+/Co2+, and Ni2+, undergo reduction to Fe0, Co0, and Ni0 to different extent (Fe < Co < Ni). Manganese undergoes partial reduction to Mn3+/Mn2+ and, upon re-oxidation, does not revert to the pristine oxidation state (+4). Zn2+ cations do not electrochemically participate in the conversion reaction, but migrating from tetrahedral to octahedral positions, they facilitate Li-ion transport within lattice channels opened by their migration. Partially reversible crystal phase transitions are observed
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