105 research outputs found

    The Vanuatu “Butterfly Sail”: A Polynesian Oceanic Spritsail in Melanesia

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    The butterfly rig, an Oceanic spritsail generally used tacking in a Melanesian world dominated by the shunting Oceanic lateen, is herein examined. The author goes back to original historical and ethnographical sources, particularly those of Layard from central Vanuatu in the early twentieth century, and uses this case to investigate the development of sailing technology in Oceania. It is argued here that although this rig resembles that of the reconstructed Lapita canoe as proposed by archaeologists, the butterfly sail may more convincingly be thought of as an Oceanic spritsail borrowed from Polynesia and adapted to the traditional shunting maneuver. The implications of such a scenario are important for our understanding of design, construction, and performances of ancient canoes. It is probably reasonable to think of Lapita sailors as shunting their lateen rigged outriggers while the Oceanic spritsail and its tacking maneuver were innovated farther east in Polynesia and later in time. In between these two schools of navigation, interaction and borrowing gave birth to a hybrid model: the butterfly sail

    Patrick Vinton Kirch & Robert C. Green, Hawaiki, Ancestral Polynesia. An Essay in Historical Anthropology

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    Hawaiki, la patrie des ancĂȘtres chantĂ©e par les PolynĂ©siens, le lieu de rassemblement des Ăąmes des morts, est aussi la terre mythique des archĂ©ologues. C’est bien celle-ci que ces derniers s’efforcent de localiser dans le temps et dans l’espace. Si l’on en croit Patrick Vinton Kirch et Roger Green, la culture ancestrale polynĂ©sienne s’est dĂ©veloppĂ©e dans les archipels de Tonga et Samoa (avec leurs voisins immĂ©diats) au cours du Ier millĂ©naire avant J.-C. Les auteurs ne s’arrĂȘtent pas Ă  ce con..

    Patrice Vinton Kirch, On the Road of the Winds. An Archaeological History of the Pacific Islands before European Contact

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    En 1979, Peter Bellwood effectuait, avec Man’s Conquest of the Pacific. The Prehistory of Southeast Asia and Oceania, un travail de pionnier en Ă©laborant un canevas chronologique de l’archĂ©ologie du Pacifique. Depuis, les fouilles se sont multipliĂ©es, nos connaissances se sont enrichies et un nouvel ouvrage Ă©tait attendu. Aujourd’hui, aprĂšs avoir consacrĂ© une trentaine d’annĂ©es Ă  l’étude de la culture ocĂ©anienne, Patrice Vinton Kirch nous offre une synthĂšse de « longue durĂ©e » qui s’appuie su..


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    Moshe Rapaport, ed., The Pacific Islands. Environment and Society

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    L’objectif de cet ouvrage collectif et interdisciplinaire est de faire le point sur l’environnement et sur les sociĂ©tĂ©s des Ăźles du Pacifique. À l’occasion de la rĂ©cente indĂ©pendance de certains États du Pacifique et de la multiplication des ouvrages et sĂ©minaires sur l’OcĂ©anie, Moshe Rapaport a jugĂ© nĂ©cessaire, avec raison, de dresser un Ă©tat des connaissances actuelles susceptibles de renforcer l’identitĂ© culturelle et nationale de ces États, ou, en tout cas, de faire disparaĂźtre les malent..

    Terre d’abondance ou terre de misùre

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    Le prĂ©sent article s’interroge Ă  l’aide d’une simulation sous Stella, sur le rapport des habitants de Nikunau (RĂ©publique de Kiribati, Pacifique central) Ă  la sĂ©cheresse, rapport analysĂ© dans ses composantes matĂ©rielles et idĂ©elles. La complĂ©mentaritĂ© de ces deux approches permet de mieux comprendre la rĂ©alitĂ© Ă  deux faces d’un atoll. Terre de misĂšre, si l’on s’intĂ©resse aux ressources naturelles et Ă  la rĂ©currence des sĂ©cheresses, ou terre d’abondance, si l’on en croit la cĂ©rĂ©monie du nouvel an et le culte de la sĂ©cheresse.Land of Abundance or Land of Scarcity? Ideas about Drought on Nikunau (Republic of Kiribati, Central Pacific). – This study, through a computer simulation (using Stella software) of the social response to drought on the island of Nikunau examines both the ideational and material realms in order to better understand two aspects of life on an atoll: a land of scarcity, if we shift the focus onto natural resources and recurrent drought, or a land of plenty if we believe the ceremonies related to new year and drought cult

    Le cerf-volant aux Ăźles Kiribati : un hybride oiseau-pirogue

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    Mapping Oceania past and present: movements, geographies, identities

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    Oceania has always been a place of exchanges, of contacs and interactions, in brief of movements. In this session, we have investigated the themes of ancient migration routes through computer simulation; of modes of maritime and terrestrial representations of space; and finally of the dialectic between mobility and enrootedness over the long term and in relation to cultural or colonial hegemony. The primary objective being to question ideas of Oceanic unity and identity through the adaptation of an insular perspective.L’OcĂ©anie a toujours Ă©tĂ© un lieu d’échanges, de contacts et interactions, en somme de mouvements. Dans cette session, nous avons abordĂ© les thĂšmes des routes migratoires anciennes Ă  travers les modĂ©lisations-simulations informatiques ; des modes de reprĂ©sentation de l’espace maritime et terrestre ; enfin de la dialectique mobilitĂ© – enracinement sur le long terme en rapport avec les hĂ©gĂ©monies culturelles ou coloniales. L’objectif premier Ă©tant de questionner l’unitĂ© et l’identitĂ© ocĂ©anienne en adoptant une perspective insulaire

    Transcriptional Effects of Glucocorticoid Receptors in the Dentate Gyrus Increase Anxiety-Related Behaviors

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    The Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) is a transcription factor ubiquitously expressed in the brain. Activation of brain GRs by high levels of glucocorticoid (GC) hormones modifies a large variety of physiological and pathological-related behaviors. Unfortunately the specific cellular targets of GR-mediated behavioral effects of GC are still largely unknown. To address this issue, we generated a mutated form of the GR called ΔGR. ΔGR is a constitutively transcriptionally active form of the GR that is localized in the nuclei and activates transcription without binding to glucocorticoids. Using the tetracycline-regulated system (Tet-OFF), we developed an inducible transgenic approach that allows the expression of the ΔGR in specific brain areas. We focused our study on a mouse line that expressed ΔGR almost selectively in the glutamatergic neurons of the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus. This restricted expression of the ΔGR increased anxiety-related behaviors without affecting other behaviors that could indirectly influence performance in anxiety-related tests. This behavioral phenotype was also associated with an up-regulation of the MAPK signaling pathway and Egr-1 protein in the DG. These findings identify glutamatergic neurons in the DG as one of the cellular substrate of stress-related pathologies
