48 research outputs found

    Costruire apprendimento e partecipazione a scuola: da studenti unteachables a comunitĂ  di motivated learners

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    Education of the future is a central theme in many debates nowadays. This paper focuses on the question what knowledge and skills are most relevant to prepare students for a rapidly changing society and if schools are able to respond effectively to costant transformation driven by technological innovation. While the school system is involved in a modification process that concerns its core contents, new “wired” generations of students from lower secondary education are labelled as difficult to teach or even “unteachables”, students who are losing interest in academic learning, who are not motivated or responsible for their learning processes. The contribution examines the activities of an ongoing Erasmus+ research project - Unteachables. Helping the new generations of school teachers turn increasingly unteachable young students into young Learnables -, which involves school students (aged 12-16), university master students, in-training teachers and university researchers from seven European countries, aimed at experimenting teacher training activities designed to involve students in creating communities of motivated learners. This paper, profiling unteachables students, highlights the need of innovative teaching methods that can enhance motivation and participation of students

    Convergence for varying measures in the topological case

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    In this paper convergence theorems for sequences of scalar, vector and multivalued Pettis integrable functions on a topological measure space are proved for varying measures vaguely convergent.Comment: 19 page

    Oltre il Segno/OltreMare

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    La realizzazione di un volume contenente le incisioni scelte all’interno della Scuola di Grafica d’Arte dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo, coordinata dai Proff. Giovanni D’Alessandro e Riccardo Mazzarino rappresenta motivo di orgoglio e di soddisfazione per la nostra Istituzione che costruisce i percorsi didattici dei propri corsi a partire dall’esperienza laboratoriale. L’incisione grafica è tra le tecniche artistiche più antiche ma nel contempo più contemporanee. La gestualità intrinseca al segno, che si manifesta nella carta, svela universi della visione inaspettati.(Mario Zito - Direttore dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo) Il segno è il risultato di un gesto a volte deciso, a volte contorto, a volte leggero, i cui risultati spesso sono inattesi e sorprendenti. Il volume contiene esemplari di incisioni fortemente caratterizzanti della scuola di Grafica d’Arte che vanta all’interno del proprio corso di studi docenti-artisti che consapevoli della ricchezza del loro bagaglio esperienziale offrono agli studenti gli strumenti necessari per far sì che l’arte del saper fare artigianale, si trasformi in mera poetica artistica


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    Appunti sul metodo

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    Measure differential inclusions: existence results and minimum problems

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    We focus on a very general problem in the theory of dynamic systems, namely that of studying measure differential inclusions with varying measures. The multifunction on the right hand side has compact non-necessarily convex values in a real Euclidean space and satisfies bounded variation hypotheses with respect to the Pompeiu excess (and not to the Hausdorff-Pompeiu distance, as usually in literature). This is possi- ble due to the use of interesting selection principles for excess bounded variation set-valued mappings. Conditions for the minimization of a generic functional with respect to a family of measures generated by equiregulated left-continuous, nondecreasing functions and to associated solu- tions of the differential inclusion driven by these measures are deduced, under constraints only on the initial point of the trajectory