4,756 research outputs found

    Geometrie dinamiche nel tracciamento delle curve "celebri" di Apollonio

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    The elaboration of a conic as geometric locus assumes characteristics of significant generality for the application of methods of Science of Representation. We describes its historical evolution, from the origins to the digital representation, and the peculiar characters through new geometric constructions


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    In In the last years there has been an increasing use of digital techniques for conservation and restoration purposes. Among these, a very dominant rule is played by the use of digital photogrammetry packages (Agisoft Photoscan, 3D Zephir) which allow to obtain in few steps 3D textured models of real objects. Combined with digital documentation technologies digital fabrication technologies can be employed in a variety of ways to assist in heritage documentation, conservation and dissemination. This paper will give to practitioners an overview on the state of the art available technologies and a feasible workflow for optimizing point cloud and polygon mesh datasets for the purpose of fabrication using 3D printing. The goal is to give an important contribute to confer an automation aspect at the whole processing. We tried to individuate a workflow that should be applicable to several types of cases apart from small precautions. In our experimentation we used a DELTA WASP 2040 printer with PLA easyfil


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    Already used in very specific areas such as in military and medical or academic research, in 2009 thanks to improved technology, augmented reality is to reach wider audiences and as information campaigns, advertising-augmented published in newspapers or on the network, and through a growing number of applications for mobile phones, particularly iPhone. The Augmented Reality on the desktop computer is based on the use of markers, or ARtags, and stylized drawings, which are shown to the webcam, are recognized by the PC, and which are overlaid in real-time multimedia content: video, audio, 3D objects, and other information like link, historical or/and geographical elements, relationship between the territories and its inhabitants, etc.. All this requires the contribution of different cognitive areas, in the opinion of the authors can not be extinguished only in an application myopic investing skills of a subject area. The story (from which everything branches off), topography (which each measure takes shape), the representation (from which everything is revealed), computer (from which everything is the correlation with itself and with the others), visual communication (from which everything rises to a value direct communication, streamlined, efficient), graphics (from which everything comes to beauty, aesthetics individual and collective). The experience took place in the territory of Palermo, in Sicily, and show how the territories can change in relation with the practices and possible identity strategies developed as a reaction. We can show the disqualifie


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    The research focuses on the contribution of the integrated application of Computer Aided Restoration digital procedures as a means to guide the integration measure of an artifact, innovating and implementing the traditional investigation methods. The aim of the study was to provide effective geometrical-formal investigation tools in the frame of the conservation work of Zeus enthroned from Soluntum, conserved in the Archaeological Museum \u201cA. Salinas\u201d of Palermo. The paper describes the workflow of the 3D acquisition and graphical modeling with non-invasive digitalization and high information density techniques to assist the conservation of the legs of the throne, especially the integration of the missing part. Thanks to the technique of the digital fabrication it has been reconstruct the two missing parts following the theoretical criteria as: recognisability, compatibility and retractability. This innovative application of 3D digital technologies have showed as the integrated use of the new technology can be a useful tools for improving the conservation of a work of art


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    Il presente contributo trae origine da una pi\uf9 ampia ricerca che ha consentito di approfondire la comprensione dei principi progettuali e geometrico-compositivi dell\u2019opera in oggetto; avvalendosi anche di un rilievo scientifico integrato che, attraverso nuove tecniche digitali applicate, ha permesso di condurre una specifica analisi grafico-geometrica sull\u2019impianto architettonico1. L\u2019edificio della scuola officina meccanica, inserito in un pi\uf9 ampio e articolato complesso edilizio2, \ue8 composto da una singolare configurazione in pianta ai diversi livelli, oggi non pi\uf9 chiaramente leggibile a causa dei numerosi interventi di trasformazione subiti. I disegni di restituzione grafica, realizzati sulla base dei rilievi architettonici, costituiscono un imprescindibile documento di consultazione che documenta l\u2019attuale distribuzione dei locali che hanno alterato l\u2019idea progettuale. Con l\u2019intento di acquisire nuovi elementi di conoscenza propedeutici a futuri interventi di restauro conservativo e a una pi\uf9 consapevole fruizione del bene, lo studio descrive ed esamina il processo progettuale dell\u2019opera, ricercando i principi ordinatori, compositivi e geometrici che ne hanno determinato la particolare struttura. Il testo \ue8 articolato in due parti: la prima sintetizza le questioni generali del progetto, dalla ideazione alla realizzazione del Villaggio Monte degli Ulivi e dell\u2019edificio della ex scuola officina meccanica; la seconda, sulla scorta dei risultati di uno studio sulle funzioni grafiche digitali applicate alla geometria, indaga la natura geometrica dei profili conici che regolano il progetto e la realizzazione dell\u2019edificio.This contribution originates from a wider research which allowed to analyse in depth both the design and geometric-compositional principles of the Scuola Officina Meccanica's building - located within the wide and structured building complex in Villaggio \u201cMonte degli Ulivi\u201d. A scientific integrated survey was also used that, thanks to newly-applied digital techniques, allowed to carry out a specific graphic-geometric analysis of the architectural layout. The study is developed in two parts. The first summarizes the general matters of the project, from the design to the realisation of both Villaggio \u201cMonte degli Ulivi\u201d and the building of the former Scuola Officina Meccanica. The second part, on the basis of the results from digital graphic functions applied to the geometry, investigates the geometric nature of the conic profiles regulating both the project and the realisation of the building

    MTG: resolution enhancement for MW measurements from geostationary orbits

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    The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate image processing techniques that improve the spatial resolution of the channels already selected in the preliminary studies for "Geostationary Observatory for Microwave Atmospheric Soundings (GOMAS)". Reference high resolution multifrequency brightness temperatures scenarios have been derived by applying radiative transfer calculation to the spatially and microphysically detailed output of meteorological events simulated by the University of Wisconsin - Non-hydrostatic Model System. Two approaches, Wiener filter and SIR algorithm, have been applied to low frequency channels to enhance the resolution of antenna temperatures, exploiting the oversampling available for GOMAS channels observational strategy. Quite similar improvements have been obtained by applying the two techniques, even if SIR algorithm has provided generally better performances at computation time's expense


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    In these last years, video games have become one of the most popular entertainment for children/teenagers/adults thanks to their appealing and seductive features and, in this context, the Serious Games (SG) have become an important research field. The most popular SGs in Cultural Heritage (CH) used the historical building like scenario where the game is playing. In this paper we show the procedure to achieve a CH video game where the Cultural Heritage is the main actor and not the scenario of the game. Furthermore, the game is not a SG but an Action-Adventure Game (AAG) or Survival Game (SuG), in a largest heading it can be classified as Entertainment Games (EGs). The novelty of this study is not only in the original application of the CH within the AAG sector but also consists of the experimentation of the Virtual Reality (VR) algorithm and of the application of Augmented Reality (AR) within the VR scenario used in the form of an avatar. Furthermore, in this paper we overcome the technical problems due to the different size of the environment and the work art

    Chelation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ increases plasma membrane permeability in murine macrophages.

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    Cytoplasmic free Ca2+ (Ca2+i) was chelated to 10-20 nM in the macrophage cell line J774 either by incubation with quin2 acetoxymethyl ester in the absence of external Ca2+ (Di Virgilio, F., Lew, P.D., and Pozzan, T. (1984) Nature 310, 691-693) or by loading [ethyl-enebis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid (EGTA) into the cytoplasm via reversible permeabilization of the plasma membrane with extracellular ATP (Steinberg, T.H., Newman, A.S., Swanson, J.A., and Silverstein, SS.C. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 8884-8888; Di Virgilio, F., Meyer, B.C., Greenberg, S., and Silverstein, S.C. (1988) J. Cell Biol. 106, 657-666). After removal of ATP from the incubation medium, ATP-permeabilized Ca2+i-depleted macrophages recovered a near-normal plasma membrane potential which slowly depolarized over a 2-4 h incubation at low [Ca2+]i. In both ATP-treated and quin2-loaded cells, depolarization of plasma membrane potential was paralleled by an increase in plasma membrane permeability to low molecular weight aqueous solutes such as eosin yellowish (Mr 692), ethidium bromide (Mr 394), and lucifer yellow (Mr 463). This increased plasma membrane permeability was not accompanied by release of the cytoplasmic marker lactic dehydrogenase for incubations up to 4 h and was likely a specific effect of Ca2+i depletion since it was not caused by: (i) the mere incubation of macrophages with extracellular EGTA, i.e. at near-normal [Ca2+]i; and (ii) loading into the cytoplasm of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, a specific chelator of heavy metals with low affinity for Ca2+. Treatment of Ca2+i-depleted cells with direct (phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate) or indirect (platelet-activating factor) activators of protein kinase C prevented the increase in plasma membrane permeability. Down-regulation of protein kinase C rendered Ca2+i-depleted macrophages refractory to the protective effect of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. This report suggests a role for Ca2+i and possibly protein kinase C in the regulation of plasma membrane permeability to low molecular weight aqueous solutes
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