184 research outputs found

    Social robots as psychometric tools for cognitive assessment: a pilot test

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    Recent research demonstrated the benefits of employing robots as therapeutic assistants and caregivers, but very little is known on the use of robots as a tool for psychological assessment. Socially capable robots can provide many advantages to diagnostic practice: engage people, guarantee standardized administration and assessor neutrality, perform automatic recording of subject behaviors for further analysis by practitioners. In this paper, we present a pilot study on testing people’s cognitive functioning via social interaction with a humanoid robot. To this end, we programmed a social robot to administer a psychometric tool for detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment, a risk factor for dementia, implementing the first prototype of robotic assistant for mass screening of elderly population. Finally, we present a pilot test of the robotic procedure with healthy adults that show promising results of the robotic test, also compared to its traditional paper version

    PsyCARE study: assessing impact, cost-effectiveness, and transdiagnostic factors of the Italian ministry of health’s “psychological bonus” policy

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    Background: The prevalence of anxiety and depression disorders is surging worldwide, prompting a pressing demand for psychological interventions, especially in less severe cases. Responding to this need, the Italian government implemented the “Psychological Bonus” (PB) policy, allotting 25 million euros for mental health support. This policy entitles individuals to a minimum of four to twelve psychological sessions. In collaboration with the National Board of Italian Psychologists, our study assesses this policy’s effectiveness. Indeed, the PsyCARE study aims to examine the utilization of the Psychological Bonus, evaluate its impact on adult and adolescent participants’ psychological well-being through pre- and post-intervention assessments and six-month follow-up, and conduct a longitudinal cost-effectiveness analysis of this policy. A secondary aim is to investigate the influence of these interventions on transdiagnostic factors, including emotion regulation and epistemic trust. Methods: The study involves licensed psychotherapists and their patients, both adults and adolescents, benefiting from the Psychological Bonus. Data collection is underway and set to conclude in December 2023. Psychotherapists will provide diagnostic information and assess patient functioning. In addition, patients will be evaluated on mental health aspects such as clinical symptoms, emotion regulation, epistemic trust, and quality of life. We will employ linear mixed-effects models to analyze the outcomes, accounting for both fixed and random effects to capture the hierarchical structure of the data. Discussion: We anticipate the study’s findings will highlight reduced psychological distress and improved quality of life for participants and demonstrate the Psychological Bonus policy’s cost-effectiveness. The study will gather data on the role of specific versus nonspecific therapeutic factors in psychotherapy while adopting a patient-tailored approach to identify effective therapeutic elements and examine transdiagnostic factors. Overall, this study’s findings will guide future measures within the Italian healthcare system, fostering a psychological health culture and providing valuable insights to the broader public. Study registration: https://osf.io/6zk2j

    Lateral specialization in unilateral spatial neglect : a cognitive robotics model

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    In this paper, we present the experimental results of an embodied cognitive robotic approach for modelling the human cognitive deficit known as unilateral spatial neglect (USN). To this end, we introduce an artificial neural network architecture designed and trained to control the spatial attentional focus of the iCub robotic platform. Like the human brain, the architecture is divided into two hemispheres and it incorporates bio-inspired plasticity mechanisms, which allow the development of the phenomenon of the specialization of the right hemisphere for spatial attention. In this study, we validate the model by replicating a previous experiment with human patients affected by the USN and numerical results show that the robot mimics the behaviours previously exhibited by humans. We also simulated recovery after the damage to compare the performance of each of the two hemispheres as additional validation of the model. Finally, we highlight some possible advantages of modelling cognitive dysfunctions of the human brain by means of robotic platforms, which can supplement traditional approaches for studying spatial impairments in humans

    The potential of robotics for the development and wellbeing of children with disabilities as we see it.

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    BACKGROUND: Rapid technological development has been opening new possibilities for children with disabilities. In particular, robots can enable and create new opportunities in therapy, rehabilitation, education, or leisure. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article is to share experiences, challenges and learned lessons by the authors, all of them with experience conducting research in the field of robotics for children with disabilities, and to propose future directions for research and development. METHODS: The article is the result of several consensus meetings to establish future research priorities in this field. RESULTS: Robots have a huge potential to support children with disabilities: they can play the role of a play buddy, of a mediator when interacting with other children or adults, they can promote social interaction, and transfer children from the role of a spectator of the surrounding world to the role of an active participant. To fulfill their potential, robots have to be “smart”, stable and reliable, easy to use and program, and give the just-right amount of support adapted to the needs of the child. Interdisciplinary collaboration combined with user centered design is necessary to make robotic applications successful. Furthermore, real-life contexts to test and implement robotic interventions are essential to refine them according to real needs. CONCLUSIONS: This article outlines a research agenda for the future of robotics in childcare and supports the establishment of R4C – Robots for Children, a network of experts aimed at sharing ideas, promoting innovative research, and developing good practices on the use of robots for children with disabilities

    A brief review of robotics technologies to support social interventions for older users

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    In the last few decades, various studies demonstrated numerous robotics applications that can tackle the problem of the ageing population by supporting older people to live longer and independently at home. This article reviews the scientific literature and highlights how social robots can help the daily life of older people and be useful also as assessment tools for mild physical and mental conditions. It will underline the aspects of usability and acceptability of robotic solutions for older persons. Indeed, the design should maximise these to improve the users' attitude towards the actual use of the robots. The article discusses the advantages and concerns about the use of robotics technology in the social context with a vulnerable population. In this field, success is to assist social workers, not to replace them. We conclude recommending that care benefits should be balanced against ethical costs

    Dispositional optimism as a correlate of decision-making styles in adolescence

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    Despite the numerous psychological areas in which optimism has been studied, including career planning, only a small amount of research has been done to investigate the relationship between optimism and decision-making styles. Consequently, we have investigated the role of dispositional optimism as a correlate of different decision-making styles, in particular, positive for effective styles and negative for ineffective ones (doubtfulness, procrastination, and delegation). Data were gathered through questionnaires administered to 803 Italian adolescents in their last 2 years of high schools with different fields of study, each at the beginning stages of planning for their professional future. A paper questionnaire was completed containing measures of dispositional optimism and career-related decision styles, during a vocational guidance intervention conducted at school. Data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression. Results supported the proposed model by showing optimism to be a strong correlate of decision-making styles, thereby offering important intervention guidelines aimed at modifying unrealistically negative expectations regarding their future and helping students learn adaptive decision-making skills

    Abstract concept learning in cognitive robots

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    Purpose of Review Understanding and manipulating abstract concepts is a fundamental characteristic of human intelligence that is currently missing in artificial agents. Without it, the ability of these robots to interact socially with humans while performing their tasks would be hindered. However, what is needed to empower our robots with such a capability? In this article, we discuss some recent attempts on cognitive robot modeling of these concepts underpinned by some neurophysiological principles. Recent Findings For advanced learning of abstract concepts, an artificial agent needs a (robotic) body, because abstract and concrete concepts are considered a continuum, and abstract concepts can be learned by linking them to concrete embodied perceptions. Pioneering studies provided valuable information about the simulation of artificial learning and demonstrated the value of the cognitive robotics approach to study aspects of abstract cognition. Summary There are a few successful examples of cognitive models of abstract knowledge based on connectionist and probabilistic modeling techniques. However, the modeling of abstract concept learning in robots is currently limited at narrow tasks. To make further progress, we argue that closer collaboration among multiple disciplines is required to share expertise and co-design future studies. Particularly important is to create and share benchmark datasets of human learning behavior

    del (3) (q13.11q21.1): descrizione di un nuovo caso

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    La delezione interstiziale della regione prossimale del braccio lungo del cromosoma 3 (q11-q21) \ue8 un\u2019alterazione cromosomica molto rara ed \ue8 stata descritta solo in 13 pazienti. Riportiamo il caso di un bambino di 8 mesi nato con parto eutocico da genitori sani non consanguinei. Il cariotipo da sangue periferico ha mostrato la presenza di un\u2019ampia delezione sul braccio lungo del cromosoma 3: 46,XY,del(3)(q12q21) confermata per mezzo di FISH. L\u2019Array-CGH ha evidenziato che la delezione \ue8 pari a 18,97 Mb e si estende da q13.11 a q21.1 consentendo di definire in modo pi\uf9 preciso il cariotipo: 46,XY,del(3)(q13.11q21.1) Il cariotipo normale di entrambi i genitori ha confermato l\u2019insorgenza de novo della delezione. Il bambino presenta tratti dismorfici del volto (fronte ampia, epicanto bilaterale, radice nasale a sella, ipoplasia della parte mediana del volto, padiglioni auricolari a basso impianto), ipotono assiale con ritardo moderato nell\u2019acquisizione delle tappe di sviluppo, plagiocefalia, ipoplasia del corpo calloso, assottigliamento della sostanza bianca in sede peritrigonale bilaterale, anomala conformazione del tronco encefalico per lieve ipoplasia del ponte, tendenza all\u2019inversione della fisiologica lordosi cervicale, criptorchidismo sinistro ed ernia inguinale sinistra Per quanto riguarda la correlazione genotipo-fenotipo il gene CBLB (3q13.11) sembra responsabile delle alterazioni craniofacciali, il gene BOC (3q13.2) dell\u2019ipotonia muscolare, il gene DRD3 (3q13.3) del ritardo dello sviluppo. La comparazione delle caratteristiche cliniche del nostro paziente con quelle dei pazienti descritti in letteratura conferma che la delezione della regione prossimale del braccio lungo del cromosoma 3 determina un fenotipo eterogeneo che comprende dismorfismi a carico del volto, ipotonia, ritardo di sviluppo, difetti cardiaci, anomalie celebrali, anomalie scheletriche e genitourinarie. L\u2019espressivit\ue0 variabile del fenotipo potrebbe essere dovuta all\u2019ampiezza della delezione variabile per differenti punti di rottura e alla presenza in questa regione di geni sensibili al dosaggio e o allo smascheramento di alleli recessivi, che a seguito della delezione si troverebbero in una condizione di emizigosi

    A network study to differentiate suicide attempt risk profiles in male and female patients with major depressive disorder

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    Suicide attempts are a possible consequence of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), although their prevalence varies across different epidemiological studies. Suicide attempt is a significant predictor of death by suicide, highlighting its importance in understanding and preventing tragic outcomes. Researchers are increasingly recognizing the need to study the differences between males and females, as several distinctions emerge in terms of the characteristics, types and motivations of suicide attempts. These differences emphasize the importance of considering gender-specific factors in the study of suicide attempts and developing tailored prevention strategies. We conducted a network analysis to represent and investigate which among multiple neurocognitive, psychosocial, demographic and affective variables may prove to be a reliable predictor for identifying the 'suicide attempt risk' (SAR) in a sample of 81 adults who met DSM-5 criteria for MDD. Network analysis resulted in differences between males and females regarding the variables that were going to interact and predict the SAR; in particular, for males, there is a stronger link toward psychosocial aspects, while for females, the neurocognitive domain is more relevant in its mnestic subcomponents. Network analysis allowed us to describe otherwise less obvious differences in the risk profiles of males and females that attempted to take their own lives. Different neurocognitive and psychosocial variables and different interactions between them predict the probability of suicide attempt unique to male and female patients
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