7,221 research outputs found

    Quantifying stellar radial migration in an N-body simulation: blurring, churning, and the outer regions of galaxy discs

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    Radial stellar migration in galactic discs has received much attention in studies of galactic dynamics and chemical evolution, but remains a dynamical phenomenon that needs to be fully quantified. In this work, using a Tree-SPH simulation of an Sb-type disc galaxy, we quantify the effects of blurring (epicyclic excursions) and churning (change of guiding radius). We quantify migration (either blurring or churning) both in terms of flux (the number of migrators passing at a given radius), and by estimating the population of migrators at a given radius at the end of the simulation compared to non-migrators, but also by giving the distance over which the migration is effective at all radii. We confirm that the corotation of the bar is the main source of migrators by churning in a bar-dominated galaxy, its intensity being directly linked to the episode of a strong bar, in the first 1-3 Gyr of the simulation. We show that within the outer Lindblad resonance (OLR), migration is strongly dominated by churning, while blurring gains progressively more importance towards the outer disc and at later times. Most importantly, we show that the OLR limits the exchange of angular momentum, separating the disc in two distinct parts with minimal or null exchange, except in the transition zone, which is delimited by the position of the OLR at the epoch of the formation of the bar, and at the final epoch. We discuss the consequences of these findings for our understanding of the structure of the Milky Way disc. Because the Sun is situated slightly outside the OLR, we suggest that the solar vicinity may have experienced very limited churning from the inner disc.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (acceptance date: 27/04/15), 24 pages, 24 figure

    Old stellar counter-rotating components in early-type galaxies from elliptical-spiral mergers

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    We investigate, by means of numerical simulations, the possibility of forming counter-rotating old stellar components by major mergers between an elliptical and a spiral galaxy. We show that counter-rotation can appear both in dissipative and dissipationless retrograde mergers, and it is mostly associated to the presence of a disk component, which preserves part of its initial spin. In turn, the external regions of the two interacting galaxies acquire part of the orbital angular momentum, due to the action of tidal forces exerted on each galaxy by the companion.Comment: 6 pages, 15 figures. Accepted on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Star formation efficiency in galaxy interactions and mergers: a statistical study

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    We investigate the enhancement of star formation efficiency in galaxy interactions and mergers, by numerical simulations of several hundred galaxy collisions. All morphological types along the Hubble sequence are considered in the initial conditions of the two colliding galaxies, with varying bulge-to-disk ratios and gas mass fractions. Different types of orbits are simulated, direct and retrograde, according to the initial relative energy and impact parameter, and the resulting star formation history is compared to that occuring in the two galaxies when they are isolated. Our principal results are: (1) retrograde encounters have a larger star formation efficiency (SFE) than direct encounters; (2) the amount of gas available in the galaxy is not the main parameter governing the SFE in the burst phase; (3) there is an anticorrelation between the amplitude of the star forming burst and the tidal forces exerted per unit of time, which is due to the large amount of gas dragged outside the galaxy by tidal tails in strong interactions; (4) globally, the Kennicutt-Schmidt law is retrieved statistically for isolated galaxies, interacting pairs and mergers; (5) the enhanced star formation is essentially occurring in nuclear starbursts, triggered by inward gas flows driven by non-axisymmetries in the galaxy disks. Direct encounters develop more pronounced asymmetries than retrograde ones. Based on these statistical results, we derive general laws for the enhancement of star formation in galaxy interactions and mergers, as a function of the main parameters of the encounter.Comment: 22 pages, 37 figures, 4 tables. Accepted on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Effects of diversification among assets in an agent-based market model

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    We extend to the multi-asset case the framework of a discrete time model of a single asset financial market developed in Ghoulmie et al (2005). In particular, we focus on adaptive agents with threshold behavior allocating their resources among two assets. We explore numerically the effect of this diversification as an additional source of complexity in the financial market and we discuss its destabilizing role. We also point out the relevance of these studies for financial decision making.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Complex Systems II Conference at the Australian National University, 4-7 December 2007, Canberra, ACT Australi

    The Power-law Tail Exponent of Income Distributions

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    In this paper we tackle the problem of estimating the power-law tail exponent of income distributions by using the Hill's estimator. A subsample semi-parametric bootstrap procedure minimising the mean squared error is used to choose the power-law cutoff value optimally. This technique is applied to personal income data for Australia and Italy.Comment: Latex2e v1.6; 8 pages with 3 figures; in press (Physica A

    On the nature of the magnetic ground-state wave function of V_2O_3

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    After a brief historical introduction, we dwell on two recent experiments in the low-temperature, monoclinic phase of V_2O_3: K-edge resonant x-ray scattering and non-reciprocal linear dichroism, whose interpretations are in conflict, as they require incompatible magnetic space groups. Such a conflict is critically reviewed, in the light of the present literature, and new experimental tests are suggested, in order to determine unambiguously the magnetic group. We then focus on the correlated, non-local nature of the ground-state wave function, that is at the basis of some drawbacks of the LDA+U approach: we singled out the physical mechanism that makes LDA+U unreliable, and indicate the way out for a possible remedy. Finally we explain, by means of a symmetry argument related to the molecular wave function, why the magnetic moment lies in the glide plane, even in the absence of any local symmetry at vanadium sites.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Propagation of UHECRs in cosmological backgrounds: some results from SimProp

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    Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) nuclei propagating in cosmological radiation backgrounds produce secondary particles detectable at Earth. SimProp is a one dimensional code for extragalactic propagation of UHECR nuclei, inspired by the kinetic approach of Aloisio et al. As in this approach, only a subset of nuclei and nuclear channels are used as representative. We discuss the validation of the code and present applications to UHECR experimental results. In particular we present the expected fluxes of neutrinos produced in some astrophysical scenario.Comment: Poster presented by A. Di Matteo at the 33rd International Cosmic Ray Conference, Rio De Janeiro (Brasil) July 2-9 201

    Cosmogenic neutrinos and ultra-high energy cosmic ray models

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    We use an updated version of {\it SimProp}, a Monte Carlo simulation scheme for the propagation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, to compute cosmogenic neutrino fluxes expected on Earth in various scenarios. These fluxes are compared with the newly detected IceCube events at PeV energies and with recent experimental limits at EeV energies of the Pierre Auger Observatory. This comparison allows us to draw some interesting conclusions about the source models for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. We will show how the available experimental observations are almost at the level of constraining such models, mainly in terms of the injected chemical composition and cosmological evolution of sources. The results presented here will also be important in the evaluation of the discovery capabilities of the future planned ultra-high energy cosmic ray and neutrino observatories.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, some reference added, version accepted for publication in JCA