4,698 research outputs found

    Larval morphology of the genus Cerocoma (Coleoptera: Meloidae) and phylogenetic implications

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    The Palaearctic blister beetle genus Cerocoma Geoffroy, 1762 includes species with great morphological differences in the adults, emphasised in the four subgenera. First instar larvae of three species, belonging to two different subgenera — C. (Cerocoma) schaefferi (Linnaeus, 1758), C. (Metacerocoma) prevezaensis Dvorak, 1993, C. (Metacerocoma) schreberi Fabricius, 1781 — are described and compared to that of the single other species previously known in literature, C. (Cerocomina) vahli Fabricius, 1787. First instar larvae of Cerocoma have typical features of the subfamily Meloinae, without derived characters. No relevant differences were found by a SEM morphological study, and the species can be distinguished only by morphometric characters. Consequently, subgeneric divisions, based on the adult morphology, are not supported by larval characters

    Post vaccinal temporary sensorineural hearing loss

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    In our systematic research we identified four studies concerning the onset of neurological adverse events following vaccination and two excluding this association. A 33-year-old Italian man, belonging to the Italian Army was hospitalized because he suffered from vertigo, nausea and sudden right hearing loss not classified (NDD), that set in 24 h after the administration of tetanus-diphtheria and meningococcal vaccines. Some neurological events arising after vaccination are very difficult to treat. In our case, the functional recovery on low and medium frequencies was possible about 6 months after the morbid event

    Enhancing Heritage fruition through 3D semantic modelling and digital tools: the INCEPTION project

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    The INCEPTION project, “Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D Semantic Modelling”, started in June 2015 and lasting four years, aims at developing advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets. One of the main challenges of the project is to close the gap between effective user experiences of Cultural Heritage via digital tools and representations, and the enrichment of the scientific knowledge. Within this framework, the INCEPTION project goals are consistently aligned while accomplishing the main objectives of accessing, understanding and strengthening European cultural heritage by means of enriched 3D models. At the end of the third year of activity, the project is now facing different challenging actions starting from already developed advancement in 3D data capturing and holistic digital documentation, under interdisciplinary and cross-cutting fields of knowledge. In this direction, the approach and the methodology for semantic organization and data management toward H-BIM modelling will be presented, as well as a preliminary nomenclature for semantic enrichment of heritage 3D models. According to the overall INCEPTION workflow, the H-BIM modelling procedure starts with documenting user needs, including experts and non-experts. The identification of the Cultural Heritage buildings semantic ontology and data structure for information catalogue will allow the integration of semantic attributes with hierarchically and mutually aggregated 3D digital geometric models for management of heritage information

    Possible predicative role of electrical risk score on transcatheter aortic valve replacement outcomes in older patients. preliminary data

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    Background:Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is an effective procedure capable to change the natural history of the degenerative aortic valve stenosis. Despite the TAVR, the patients with advanced valve disease and severe myocardial damage (low flow, gradient and ejection fraction)show high mortality level. Aim of this study was toevaluate the predicative power of a noninvasive and inexpensive test obtained by means of a simple standard 12-leads electrocardiogram,known as the Electrical Risk Score (ERS). Methods: ERS was composed by seven simple ECG markers: heart rate (>75 bpm); QRS duration (>110 ms), left ventricular hypertrophy (Sokolow-Lyon criteria), delayed QRS transition zone (≄ V4), frontal QRS-T angle (>90°), long QTBazett (>450 ms for men and >460 in women) or JTBazett(330 ms for men and > 340 ms for women);long T peak to T end interval (Tp-e)( >89 ms). An ERS ≄ 4was considered high risk for all-cause or cardiovascular mortality.We calculated retrospectively the pre-procedure ERS in 40 TAVR patients after one year of follow-up. Results: In the follow up the all-cause and cardiovascular mortality were respectively 25% and 15%.None of survivors reported ERS ≄ 4,moreover, the ERS was the strongest predictor of all-cause (odd ratio 3.73, 95% CI: 1.44-9.66, p<0.05) or cardiovascular (odd ratio 3.95, 95% CI: 1.09-14.27, p<0.05) mortality.ROC curves showed that ERS had the widest significant sensitivity-specificity area under the curve (auc) predicting all-cause (auc: 0.855, p<0.05) or cardiovascular mortality (auc: 0.908, p<0.05). Conclusions:In this pivotal study, ERS resulted an useful tool to stratify the risk of mortality in one-year follow-up TAVR patients. Obviously, it is necessary to confirm these data in large prospective studies

    Tra affettivitĂ  e diffidenza: un confronto tra le rappresentazioni sociali del cibo italiano e del cibo etnico

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    L&rsquo;obiettivo di questo studio era di esplorare e mettere a confronto le rappresentazioni sociali del cibo italiano e del cibo etnico. A tale scopo, abbiamo coinvolto 74 italiani che hanno espresso la loro opinione relativamente alle due tipologie di cibo compilando un questionario a risposte aperte. I risultati indicano che la percezione del cibo italiano si fonda su concetti e categorie estremamente favorevoli, mentre, nella rappresentazione del cibo etnico, la sfiducia circa la sua salubrit&agrave; sembra prevalere sull&rsquo;attrattivit&agrave; esotica e sulle qualit&agrave; organolettiche che pure gli vengono riconosciute. The aim of this study was to explore and compare the social representations of Italian and ethnic food. To this end, we involved 74 Italian participants who expressed their opinion on the two types of food in an open-ended questionnaire. The results indicate that the perception of Italian food is based on extremely favourable concepts and categories, while in the representation of ethnic food, mistrust about its wholesomeness seems to prevail over the exotic attractiveness and organoleptic qualities that are also recognized to it

    Integrated data capturing requirements for 3D semantic modelling of cultural heritage: the inception protocol

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    The generation of high quality 3D models can be still very time-consuming and expensive, and the outcome of digital reconstructions is frequently provided in formats that are not interoperable, and therefore cannot be easily accessed. This challenge is even more crucial for complex architectures and large heritage sites, which involve a large amount of data to be acquired, managed and enriched by metadata. In this framework, the ongoing EU funded project INCEPTION – Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling proposes a workflow aimed at the achievements of efficient 3D digitization methods, post-processing tools for an enriched semantic modelling, web-based solutions and applications to ensure a wide access to experts and non-experts. In order to face these challenges and to start solving the issue of the large amount of captured data and time-consuming processes in the production of 3D digital models, an Optimized Data Acquisition Protocol (DAP) has been set up. The purpose is to guide the processes of digitization of cultural heritage, respecting needs, requirements and specificities of cultural assets

    Fluoride Exposure and ADHD: A Systematic Review of Epidemiological Studies

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    Background and objectives: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a childhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by two dimensions: inattentiveness and hyperactivity/impulsivity. ADHD may be the result of complex interactions between genetic, biological and environmental factors possibly including fluoride exposure. Materials and methods: A literature search was performed on 31 March 2023 in the following databases: PubMed, Embase and Web of Science. We defined the following inclusion criteria according to the PECOS statement: a healthy child and adolescent population (P), fluoride exposure of any type (E), comparison with low or null exposure (C), ADHD spectrum disorder (O), and ecological, cross-sectional, case-control and cohort studies (S). Results: We found eight eligible records corresponding to seven different studies investigating the effect of fluoride exposure on children and adolescents. One study had a cohort design and one a case-control one, while five were cross-sectional. Only three studies applied validated questionnaires for the purpose of ADHD diagnosis. As regards exposure assessment, levels of fluoride in urine and tap water were, respectively used in three and two studies, while two used both. Three studies reported a positive association with ADHD risk, all assessing exposure through fluoride levels. By using urinary fluoride, conversely, a positive correlation with inattention, internalizing symptoms, cognitive and psychosomatic problems was found in three studies, but no relation was found in the other one. Conclusions: The present review suggests that early exposure to fluoride may have neurotoxic effects on neurodevelopment affecting behavioral, cognitive and psychosomatic symptoms related to ADHD diagnosis. However, due to the heterogeneity of the studies included, current evidence does not allow to conclusively confirm that fluoride exposure is specifically linked to ADHD development

    Investigating plant micro‐remains embedded in dental calculus of the Phoenician inhabitants of Motya (Sicily, Italy)

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    Plant records reveal remarkable evidence about past environments and human cultures. Exploiting dental calculus analysis and using a combined approach of microscopy and gas chromatography mass spectrometry, our research outlines dietary ecology and phytomedicinal practices of the ancient community of Motya (Sicily, eight to sixth century BC), one of the most important Phoenician settlements in the Mediterranean basin. Micro‐remains suggest use or consumption of Triticeae cereals, and animal‐derived sources (e.g., milk and aquatic birds). Markers of grape (or wine), herbs, and rhizomes, endemic of Mediterranean latitudes and the East, provide insight into the subsistence of this colony, in terms of foodstuffs and phytotherapeutic products. The application of resins and wood of Gymnosperms for social and cultural purposes is hypothesized through the identification of Pinaceae secondary metabolites and pollen grains. The information hidden in dental calculus discloses the strong human‐plant interaction in Motya’s Phoenician community, in terms of cultural traditions and land use

    A short peptide that preferentially binds c-MYC G-quadruplex DNA

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    G-quadruplexes (G4s) are non-canonical DNA secondary structures. The identification of selective tools to probe individual G4s over the ~700,000 found in the human genome is key to unravel the biological significance of specific G4s. We took inspiration from a crystal structure of the bovine DHX36 helicase bound to the G4 formed in the promoter region of the oncogene c-MYC to identify a short peptide that preferentially binds MYC G4 with nM affinity over a small panel of parallel and antiparallel G4s tested

    Adherence to Mediterranean Diet and its main determinants in a sample of Italian adults: results from the ARIANNA cross-sectional survey

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    Introduction: Over the last years, many Mediterranean countries, including Italy, have witnessed a shift away from the Mediterranean Diet, thus contributing to the high rates of overweight and obesity. The survey "Adherence to Mediterranean Diet in Italy (ARIANNA)" aimed to evaluate the Adherence to Mediterranean Diet (AMD) and its main determinants in the Italian population. Materials and methods: This study started on March 2023 and was addressed to adults aged >= 17 years, born and resident in Italy, proficient in Italian. Data are collected electronically through a voluntary, anonymous and self-administered questionnaire on the project website. Univariate and then multivariate logistic regressions were performed to evaluate associations between AMD and demographic characteristics, socio-economic status, health status, and lifestyle. Results: On a total of 3,732 completed questionnaires, the 87.70% of the respondents was female and the 71.28% was 17-40 years old. The 83.82% of the respondents had medium AMD, 11.33% low and only 4.85% high. The multivariate analysis revealed that being male (p 40 years (p < 0.05), workers (p <= 0.001), and unemployed (p < 0.05), determined the probability of having a lower AMD. Vegans and vegetarian's diets positively contributed to a higher AMD (p < 0.001). Discussion: These results highlighted a medium AMD in the Italian adult participants and suggested the necessity to implement tailored public health intervention strategies to improve food habits
