455 research outputs found

    Aspects of symmetry breaking in SO(10) GUTs

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    I review some recent results on the Higgs sector of minimal SO(10) grand unified theories both with and without supersymmetry. It is shown that nonsupersymmetric SO(10) with just one adjoint triggering the first stage of the symmetry breaking does provide a successful gauge unification when radiative corrections are taken into account in the scalar potential, while in the supersymmetric case it is argued that the troubles in achieving a phenomenologically viable breaking with representations up to the adjoint are overcome by considering the flipped SO(10) embedding of the hypercharge.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; prepared for the proceedings of DISCRETE'10 - Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetrie

    Accidental matter at the LHC

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    We classify weak-scale extensions of the Standard Model which automatically preserve its accidental and approximate symmetry structure at the renormalizable level and which are hence invisible to low-energy indirect probes. By requiring the consistency of the effective field theory up to scales of 10^15 GeV and after applying cosmological constraints, we arrive at a finite set of possibilities that we analyze in detail. One of the most striking signatures of this framework is the presence of new charged and/or colored states which can be efficiently produced in high-energy particle colliders and which are stable on the scale of detectors.Comment: 55 pages, 13 figure

    A Fast Deep Learning Technique for Wi-Fi-Based Human Activity Recognition

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    Despite recent advances, fast and reliable Human Activity Recognition in confined space is still an open problem related to many real-world applications, especially in health and biomedical monitoring. With the ubiquitous presence of Wi-Fi networks, the activity recognition and classification problems can be solved by leveraging some characteristics of the Channel State Information of the 802.11 standard. Given the well-documented advantages of Deep Learning algorithms in solving complex pattern recognition problems, many solutions in Human Activity Recognition domain are taking advantage of those models. To improve the time and precision of activity classification of time-series data stemming from Channel State Information, we propose herein a fast deep neural model encompassing concepts not only from state-of-the-art recurrent neural networks, but also using convolutional operators with added randomization. Results from real data in an experimental environment show promising results

    Stellar evolution confronts axion models

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    Axion production from astrophysical bodies is a topic in continuous development, because of theoretical progress in the estimate of stellar emission rates and, especially, because of improved stellar observations. We carry out a comprehensive analysis of the most informative astrophysics data, revisiting the bounds on axion couplings to photons, nucleons and electrons, and reassessing the significance of various hints of anomalous stellar energy losses. We confront the performance of various theoretical constructions in accounting for these hints, while complying with the observational limits on axion couplings. We identify the most favorable models, and the regions in the mass/couplings parameter space which are preferred by the global fit. Finally, we scrutinize the discovery potential for such models at upcoming helioscopes, namely IAXO and its scaled versions

    Macroseismic effects highlight site response in Rome and its geological signature

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    A detailed analysis of the earthquake effects on the urban area of Rome has been conducted for the L’Aquila sequence, which occurred in April 2009, by using an on-line macroseismic questionnaire. Intensity residuals calculated using the mainshock and four aftershocks are analyzed in the light of a very accurate and original geological reconstruction of the subsoil of Rome based on a large amount of wells. The aim of this work is to highlight ground motion amplification areas and to find a correlation with the geological settings at a sub-regional scale, putting in evidence the extreme complexity of the phenomenon and the difficulty of making a simplified model. Correlations between amplification areas and both near-surface and deep geology were found. Moreover, the detailed scale of investigation has permitted us to find a correlation between seismic amplification in recent alluvial settings and subsiding zones, and between heard seismic sound and Tiber alluvial sediments

    An Electrically Conductive Oleogel Paste for Edible Electronics

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    Edible electronics will facilitate point-of-care testing through safe devices digested/degraded in the body/environment after performing a specific function. This technology, to thrive, requires a library of materials that are the basic building blocks for eatable platforms. Edible electrical conductors fabricated with green methods and at a large scale and composed of food derivatives, ingestible in large amounts without risk for human health are needed. Here, conductive pastes made with materials with a high tolerable upper intake limit (≥mg kg−1 body weight per day) are proposed. Conductive oleogel composites, made with biodegradable and food-grade materials like natural waxes, oils, and activated carbon conductive fillers, are presented. The proposed pastes are compatible with manufacturing processes such as direct ink writing and thus are suitable for an industrial scale-up. These conductors are built without using solvents and with tunable electromechanical features and adhesion depending on the composition. They have antibacterial and hydrophobic properties so that they can be used in contact with food preventing contamination and preserving its organoleptic properties. As a proof-of-principle application, the edible conductive pastes are demonstrated to be effective edible contacts for food impedance analysis, to be integrated, for example, in smart fruit labels for ripening monitoring

    18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) functionalized gold nanoparticles (GNPs) for plasmonic photothermal ablation of cancer. A review

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    The meeting and merging between innovative nanotechnological systems, such as nanoparticles, and the persistent need to outperform diagnostic-therapeutic approaches to fighting cancer are revolutionizing the medical research scenario, leading us into the world of nanomedicine. Photothermal therapy (PTT) is a non-invasive thermo-ablative treatment in which cellular hyperthermia is generated through the interaction of near-infrared light with light-to-heat converter entities, such as gold nanoparticles (GNPs). GNPs have great potential to improve recovery time, cure complexity, and time spent on the treatment of specific types of cancer. The development of gold nanostructures for photothermal efficacy and target selectivity ensures effective and deep tissue-penetrating PTT with fewer worries about adverse effects from nonspecific distributions. Regardless of the thriving research recorded in the last decade regarding the multiple biomedical applications of nanoparticles and, in particular, their conjugation with drugs, few works have been completed regarding the possibility of combining GNPs with the cancer-targeted pharmaceutical fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). This review aims to provide an actual scenario on the application of functionalized GNP-mediated PTT for cancer ablation purposes, regarding the opportunity given by the 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) functionalization

    R-parity violation in SU(5)

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    We show that judiciously chosen R-parity violating terms in the minimal renormalizable supersymmetric SU(5) are able to correct all the phenomenologically wrong mass relations between down quarks and charged leptons. The model can accommodate neutrino masses as well. One of the most striking consequences is a large mixing between the electron and the Higgsino. We show that this can still be in accord with data in some regions of the parameter space and possibly falsified in future experiments.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure. Revised version. To appear in JHE

    First results from the CROP-11 deep seismic profile, central Apennines, Italy: evidence of mid-crustal folding

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    The CROP-11 deep seismic profile across the central Apennines, Italy, reveals a previously unknown, mid-crustal antiform here interpreted as a fault-bend fold-like structure. The seismic facies and gravity signature suggest that this structure consists of low-grade metamorphic rocks. Geomorphological, stratigraphic and tectonic evidence in the overlying shallow thrusts suggests that this structure developed in early to mid-Messinian time and grew out of sequence in late Messinian– Pliocene time. The out-of-sequence growth may reflect a taper subcriticality stage of the Apenninic thrust wedge, which induced renewed contraction in the rear.Published583–586ope
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