12 research outputs found

    Limit condition for the intermunicipal emergency

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    The traditional urban planning issues, related to the design and city shape, today are faced with those derived from safety and risk. The Emergency Plan (EP) is the result of study about risk for each context, and it allows to identify potential emergency scenarios. The paper illustrates model of analysis of Intermunicipal Emergency Plan (I-EP) through Limit Condition for the Intermunicipal Emergency I-LCE), with the purpose of large-scale assessment and mitigation of the seismic risk. This is an approach that extends the methodological principles of Limit Condition for the Emergency (LCE) to the territory, we consider that the EP, in the same way as urban planning, is not a planning activity that can be concentrated only on urban area but must work on the “territory system”, especially for the effect control of natural phenomena such as seismic risk. This not only threatens a significant innovation for the LCE but also for its relationship whit the urban planning its design strategies aimed at reducing territorial fragilities. The proposed methodology is applied in the area of Sele, in the district of Salerno (Southern Italy), territory characterized by high levels of seismic and hydrogeological vulnerability. Through this case study we had the opportunity to discuss the potential of I-LCE and its additional recommended updates to increase its effectiveness and efficiency, in addition the necessary innovations of urban and territorial planning systems

    Limit Condition for the Intermunicipal Emergency

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    The traditional urban planning issues, related to the design and city shape, today are faced with those derived from safety and risk. The Emergency Plan (EP) is the result of study about risk for each context, and it allows to identify potential emergency scenarios. The paper illustrates model of analysis of Intermunicipal Emergency Plan (I-EP) through Limit Condition for the Intermunicipal Emergency I-LCE), with the purpose of large-scale assessment and mitigation of the seismic risk. This is an approach that extends the methodological principles of Limit Condition for the Emergency (LCE) to the territory, we consider that the EP, in the same way as urban planning, is not a planning activity that can be concentrated only on urban area but must work on the "territory system", especially for the effect control of natural phenomena such as seismic risk. This not only threatens a significant innovation for the LCE but also for its relationship whit the urban planning its design strategies aimed at reducing territorial fragilities. The proposed methodology is applied in the area of Sele, in the district of Salerno (Southern Italy), territory characterized by high levels of seismic and hydrogeological vulnerability. Through this case study we had the opportunity to discuss the potential of I-LCE and its additional recommended updates to increase its effectiveness and efficiency, in addition the necessary innovations of urban and territorial planning systems

    Spatial knowledge for risks prevention and mitigation

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    The scientific research described in this paper concerns the theme of Civil Protection Planning at Regional level and Disaster Risk Management. In particular, it concerns the definition and experimentation of a particular model of basic Knowledge System. This model, which has been tested within the definition and predisposition of the ‘Knowledge elements of the Abruzzo Region territory and civil protection organization of the Abruzzo Region (It)’, is the result of a continuous and dynamic technical-scientific action, whose structure must necessarily be flexible in order to collect and analyse data and information concerning themes, the risks, which are constantly changing. In the research, an original analytical methodology of the Knowledge System has become the basis for the experimentation of a Regional Management Risk Plan (case study Abruzzo Region), a part of the Regional Civil Protection Plan, which allows to identify the Hotspots, i.e. areas characterized by very high and probably simultaneous risks, in which it is strictly necessary to identify prevention and mitigation interventions, the ‘Territorial Prevention and Recovery Projects’ that concern the structural activities of civil protection. The next steps will concern the definition of the methodology for the construction of a Digital Knowledge Platform for the establishment of a Spatial Information Modeling

    Design and Urban Shape for a Resilient City

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    Abstract Today the themes related to urban design are lacking of appropriate legislation references in Italian urbanism, falling in between the strictly urban issues related to the city and those concerning individual building objects. Public and private operators seek to address -and solve- the key topic of the impossibility, via ordinary tools, of developing significant parts of the city, relying on the minimum requirement in terms of standards and public areas to be sold to citizen community, given the limited economic resources available for the public Administrations. Through instruments such as Masterplan, they offer the opportunity to design new urban territories with the introduction of high -quality solutions in terms of connections between empty spaces and constructions, life quality and environmental sustainability. ( Giberti, 2008 ). The growing complexity of the urban landscape of the Italian cities, more and more influenced by exogenous reasons (events, natural disasters, financial programs..), confirmed the dual role that the Urban Planning Project can acquire, taking into account the Project typical local resources and at the same time providing the Plan guarantees of transformation, offering a more efficient and effective response than ordinary actions. The alternatives ran in the case of the city of L'Aquila, include on one hand the application of the slogan "where it was, as it was" , through the accurate reconstruction of individual building, not considering the urban problems already present, and on the other hand, the Urban Regeneration Plans introduction, without any temporal certainty. The LAURAq and Laboratory AnTeAtoday experimentations are actually concentrated on the Urban Planning Project and resilience theme, particularly on the role of the network of public spaces in natural disasters. The "street" has a key role, since it is the main element of the public space in L'Aquila city, that even before the 2009 earthquake had evidents urban problems and that, post-disaster, was reorganized along a single main road, the National Road n. 17 (SS17), which moved from crossing roadtook to both distribution road and urban street.(http://www.laboratoriourbanisticoaquila.eu/index.html)

    Permacol Collagen Paste Injection for Treatment of Complex Cryptoglandular Anal Fistulas: An Observational Cohort Study With a 2-Year Follow-up

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    Permacol paste injection is a novel treatment approach for complex cryptoglandular anal fistulas. This study was performed to evaluate the long-term clinical outcomes of treatment with Permacol paste for complex cryptoglandular fistulas

    Gain of function of Malate Dehydrogenase 2 (MDH2) and familial hyperglycemia

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    Objective: We set out to identify the genetic cause of hyperglycemia in multigenerational families with an apparent autosomal dominant form of adult-onset diabetes not due to mutations in known monogenic diabetes genes. Methods: Existing Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) data were used to identify exonic variants segregating with diabetes in 60 families from the US and Italy. Functional studies were carried out in vitro (transfected MIN6-K8 cells) and in vivo (Caenorhabditis elegans) to assess the diabetogenic potential of two variants in the Malate Dehydrogenase 2 (MDH2) gene linked with hyperglycemia in two of the families. Results: A very rare mutation (p.Arg52Cys) in MDH2 strongly segregated with hyperglycemia in one family from the US. An infrequent MDH2 missense variant (p.Val160Met) also showed disease co-segregation in a family from Italy, although with reduced penetrance. In silico, both Arg52Cys and Val160Met were shown to affect MDH2 protein structure and function. In transfected HepG2 cells, both variants significantly increased MDH2 enzymatic activity, thereby decreasing the NAD+/NADH ratio - a change known to affect insulin signaling and secretion. Stable expression of human wild type MDH2 in MIN6-K8 cell lines enhanced glucose- and GLP-1-stimulated insulin secretion. This effect was blunted by the Cys52 or Met160 substitutions. Nematodes carrying equivalent changes at the orthologous positions of the mdh-2 gene showed impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Conclusions: Our findings suggest a central role of MDH2 in human glucose homeostasis and indicate that gain of function variants in this gene may be involved in the etiology of familial forms of diabetes