818 research outputs found

    The Playing Brain. The Impact of Video Games on Cognition and Behavior in Pediatric Age at the Time of Lockdown: A Systematic Review.

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    A growing number of children and adolescents play video games (VGs) for long amounts of time. The current outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic has significantly reduced outdoor activities and direct interpersonal relationships. Therefore, a higher use of VGs can become the response to stress and fear of illness. VGs and their practical, academic, vocational and educational implications have become an issue of increasing interest for scholars, parents, teachers, pediatricians and youth public policy makers. The current systematic review aims to identify, in recent literature, the most relevant problems of the complex issue of playing VGs in children and adolescents in order to provide suggestions for the correct management of VG practice. The method used searches through standardized search operators using keywords related to video games and the link with cognition, cognitive control and behaviors adopted during the pandemic. Ninety-nine studies were reviewed and included, whereas twelve studies were excluded because they were educationally irrelevant. Any debate on the effectiveness of VGs cannot refer to a dichotomous approach, according to which VGs are rigidly ‘good’ or ‘bad’. VGs should be approached in terms of complexity and differentiated by multiple dimensions interacting with each other

    A rare case of omental extra-gastrointestinal stromal tumor showing two coexisting mutations on exon 14 of the PDGFRA gene

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are neoplasms arising from mesenchymal cells localized into the muscularis propria of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract [1]; 5% of GISTs are extra-GISTs (EGISTs), as they differently originate from adipose tissue adjacent to the GI tract (omentum and mesentery) or from the pancreas [2]. So far, both GISTs and EGISTs have been managed indistinctively by combining surgery, histopathological distinctive features, imaging, and molecular analysis. Moreover, despite the contribution of defined genetic backgrounds whose influence is acknowledged in this type of tumor (i.e. Carney’s triad or familiar form of GIST), the pathobiology of both GISTs and EGISTs is not yet fully understood. We describe an interesting case of an extensively diffuse EGIST involving only omentum and mesocolon with multinodular growth and peculiar histological features, and for which a deeper histopathological/ molecular analysis is reported. Case presentation A 74-year-old female with a historical diagnosis of multiple myeloma was referred for anemia, alvus disorders (diarrhea and constipation), weight loss (15 kg in 6 months), and palpable mass of the right flank that had appeared 8 weeks before. On medication for multiple myeloma since 2016 (melphalan combined with prednisone and bortezomib9; carfilzomib/lenalidomide/ desametasone6 until complete remission), she also had type II diabetes, treated with oral medications and open cholecystectomy in the 1980s. Physical examination revealed the presence of a large mobile non-painful mass in the right flank apparently from the right colon, without signs of occlusion or intestinal bleeding. Blood analysis showed: hemoglobin 7.9 g/dL, white blood cells 2.3103/lL, glycemia 191 mg/dL, and a low potassium level of 2.8 mEq/L. We first treated the glycemia by insulin infusion and, second, we investigated the signs of anemia. By lower GI Submitted: 14 May 2020; Revised: 20 July 2020; Accepted: 28 July 202

    Triclosan and estradiol effects on human prostate cells

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    Xenoestrogens are estrogen-mimicking compounds that are commonly found in personal care products and pesticides. The activity of xenoestrogens in the human body involves interference with estrogen receptor binding. Triclosan (TCS), a lesserknown xenoestrogen, is a broad-spectrum antibacterial commonly used in cosmetics, toothpastes, soap and other consumer products. The widespread use of TCS and its detection in human breast milk, urine and serum have raised concerns regarding its association with various health outcomes. Recent evidence suggests that TCS may play a role in cancer development, perhaps through its estrogenicity. In the present work we have studied the effects of TCS and Estrogen (E2) on human prostate adenocarcinoma epithelial cells (LNCaP) in order to highlight estrogen and xenoestrogen influence on human prostate. Although androgens are the most important hormones in the normal development of the male reproductive system, more recently, it has been suggested a central role for estrogen in male reproductive system and it has been hypothesized that high level of estrogens may disturb the endocrine control of the male reproductive capability. We examined the effects of TCS and E2 on the proliferation of the LNCaP through MTT assay. They were both able to increase cell proliferation at concentration of 10-8 M after 24h of treatment. In order to study estrogen receptor (ER) involvement, we evaluated the cellular localization and expression of ERs with immunofluorescence and western blot techniques after treatment with TCS and E2. Finally, through Real Time PCR analysis we have investigated gene expression of several molecular targets of estrogen pathway. We have observed that treatment with TCS and E2 induced an upregulation of Ki-67, cyclin D1 and cyclin E. We have also observed an upregulation of proinflammatory cytochines Il-1β after TCS and E2 treatment. These results confirm the estrogenic activity of TCS and suggest that estrogen and xenoestrogens may interfere with molecular pathways of prostate physiolog

    Trends of Phase I Clinical Trials in the Latest Ten Years across Five European Countries

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    Phase 1 clinical trials represent a critical phase of drug development because new candidate therapeutic agents are tested for the first time on humans. Therefore, international guidelines and local laws have been released to mitigate and control possible risks for human health in agreement with the declaration of Helsinki and the international Good Clinical Practice principles. Despite numerous scientific works characterizing the registered clinical trials on ClinicalTrials.gov, the main features and trends of registered phase 1 clinical trials in Europe have not been investigated. This study is aimed at assessing the features and the temporal trend of distribution of phase 1 clinical studies, carried out in the five largest European countries over a ten-year period (2012-2021), and to evaluate the impact of the Italian regulatory framework on the activation of such studies

    Rapporto tecnico sulla valutazione della biomassa ittioplanctonica mediante l'utilizzo del Multi Plankton Sampler (MPS)

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    Il piano di campionamento della campagna oceanografica BANSIC'14, condotta a bordo della N/O "URANIA" dal 22 Luglio al 9 Agosto 2014, lungo transetti sotto costa e a largo delle coste meridionali della Sicilia, ha avuto l’obiettivo generale dello studio delle relazioni tra le strutture oceanografiche a mesoscala (vortici verticali ed orizzontali, upwelling, etc.) e le strutture spaziali dei fenomeni biologici relativi ai primi anelli della catena trofica (zooplancton, distribuzione e abbondanza di larve di piccoli pelagici e grandi pelagici) (vedi Rapporto finale BANSIC 2014) per la stima dell’abbondanza dello stock riproduttore. E' una campagna di ricerca nell'ambito del WP3 del progetto SSD-Pesca, finanziato dal MIUR su fondi MISE, a supporto della pesca italiana nelle Regioni Obiettivo 1 e del progetto RITMARE (SP2_WP4_AZ2_UO04). Il campionamento ittioplanctonico è inserito anche nel piano di lavoro del progetto regionale MIPAF-FAO “MedSudMed” (“Assessment and Monitoring of the Fishery Resources and the Ecosystems in the Straits of Sicily”). Il campionamento dell’ittioplancton, durante questa campagna, oltre ai metodi tradizionali quali le reti di tipo Bongo, ha visto l'utilizzo del Multi Plankton Sampler (MPS) MultiNet. I campionatori ittioplanctonici hanno lo scopo di prelevare porzioni di mesozooplancton da un massimo di 100 m fino alla superficie, in quanto le uova di pesci pelagici possiedono una galleggiabilità tale che nonostante le turbolenze superficiali dell’acqua, un campionamento entro i primi metri restituisce un dato affidabile della distribuzione anche se alcune uova possono trovarsi a maggiore profondità (Ahlstrom, 1959). Il campionatore MPS consente, a differenza di altri strumenti, di prelevare la frazione di zooplancton d'interesse con diverse modalità di campionamento: orizzontale, verticale e obliquo e, allo stesso tempo, permette di campionare a differenti quote di profondità. Le informazioni così ottenute sono state utilizzate per valutare la variazione della biomassa ittioplanctonica, l'abbondanza e la composizione delle specie lungo gli strati della colonna d'acqua anche in relazione alle componenti oceanografiche. Grazie all'utilizzo di questo strumento è possibile validare e verificare alcune informazioni e acquisirne delle nuove sull’ecologia delle specie larvali e sul mesozooplancton, sul modo in cui queste si distribuiscono lungo la colonna d'acqua e sulle interazioni intra ed interspecifiche legate anche a fattori oceanografici. Ciò consente di ottenere maggiori informazioni e contribuire al miglioramento della comprensione della biologia e dell'ecologia delle specie rinvenute e, nel contempo, approfondire e migliorare le conoscenze sugli stadi di sviluppo di uova di specie ittiche che allo stadio embrionale sono ancora poco conosciuti

    The 2016 Campobasso MW 4.3 seismic sequence

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    Alle 18.55 UTC del 16 gennaio 2016 è stato registrato dalla Rete Sismica Nazionale1 (RSN, http://doi.org/10.13127/SD/X0FXNH7QFY) dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) un terremoto di magnitudo locale (M ) 4.1 (magnitudo momento M 4.3) ben risentito in gran parte delle province di Campobasso e di Isernia e in alcune zone delle province limitrofe di Caserta, Benevento e Foggia. L’evento, localizzato a circa 6 km di distanza dal capoluogo molisano e ad una profondità prossima ai 10 km, è stato preceduto durante la giornata da una decina di eventi, il più significativo dei quali è stato di ML 2.9. La sequenza sismica sviluppatasi nei giorni successivi si colloca in un’area caratterizzata da una pericolosità sismica molto elevata e a circa 20 km a nord-est dalla sequenza sismica iniziata il 29 dicembre 2013 con un evento di ML 4.9 (MW 5.0 [De Gori et al., 2014]). Considerate le criticità che il sistema di sorveglianza sismica attivo H24/7 presso la sede INGV di Roma ha iniziato a patire nei giorni successivi a causa di cattive condizioni meteo, è stata predisposta in collaborazione con l’Agenzia della Protezione Civile della Regione Molise l’installazione di una stazione sismica temporanea a sei canali. L’installazione si è svolta nell’ambito del Coordinamento delle reti sismiche mobili INGV (Sismiko [Margheriti et al., 2014; Moretti et al., 2016]) ed è stata sufficiente per garantire la continuità del servizio di sorveglianza sismica, come richiesto nella Convenzione vigente2 tra l’INGV e il Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (DPC). La sequenza è stata analizzata con diverse tecniche di localizzazione, i cui risultati sono stati messi a confronto nel corrente lavoro.Published1-324IT. Banche datiJCR Journalope

    The Mu2e Crystal Calorimeter: An Overview

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    The Mu2e experiment at Fermilab will search for the standard model-forbidden, charged lepton flavour-violating conversion of a negative muon into an electron in the field of an aluminium nucleus. The distinctive signal signature is represented by a mono-energetic electron with an energy near the muon's rest mass. The experiment aims to improve the current single-event sensitivity by four orders of magnitude by means of a high-intensity pulsed muon beam and a high-precision tracking system. The electromagnetic calorimeter complements the tracker by providing high rejection power in muon to electron identification and a seed for track reconstruction while working in vacuum in presence of a 1 T axial magnetic field and in a harsh radiation environment. For 100 MeV electrons, the calorimeter should achieve: (a) a time resolution better than 0.5 ns, (b) an energy resolution <10%, and (c) a position resolution of 1 cm. The calorimeter design consists of two disks, each loaded with 674 undoped CsI crystals read out by two large-area arrays of UV-extended SiPMs and custom analogue and digital electronics. We describe here the status of construction for all calorimeter components and the performance measurements conducted on the large-sized prototype with electron beams and minimum ionizing particles at a cosmic ray test stand. A discussion of the calorimeter's engineering aspects and the on-going assembly is also reported

    Mu2e Crystal Calorimeter Readout Electronics: Design and Characterisation

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    The Mu2e experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory will search for the charged-lepton flavour-violating neutrinoless conversion of negative muons into electrons in the Coulomb field of an Al nucleus. The conversion electron with a monoenergetic 104.967 MeV signature will be identified by a complementary measurement carried out by a high-resolution tracker and an electromagnetic calorimeter, improving by four orders of magnitude the current single-event sensitivity. The calorimeter—composed of 1348 pure CsI crystals arranged in two annular disks—has a high granularity, 10% energy resolution and 500 ps timing resolution for 100 MeV electrons. The readout, based on large-area UV-extended SiPMs, features a fully custom readout chain, from the analogue front-end electronics to the digitisation boards. The readout electronics design was validated for operation in vacuum and under magnetic fields. An extensive radiation hardness certification campaign certified the FEE design for doses up to 100 krad and 1012 n1MeVeq/cm2 and for single-event effects. A final vertical slice test on the final readout chain was carried out with cosmic rays on a large-scale calorimeter prototype