278 research outputs found

    Measuring Entanglement in a Photonic Embedding Quantum Simulator

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    Measuring entanglement is a demanding task that usually requires full tomography of a quantum system, involving a number of observables that grows exponentially with the number of parties. Recently, it was suggested that adding a single ancillary qubit would allow for the efficient measurement of concurrence, and indeed any entanglement monotone associated to antilinear operations. Here, we report on the experimental implementation of such a device---an embedding quantum simulator---in photonics, encoding the entangling dynamics of a bipartite system into a tripartite one. We show that bipartite concurrence can be efficiently extracted from the measurement of merely two observables, instead of fifteen, without full tomographic information.Comment: Updated versio

    Percolation, Morphogenesis, and Burgers Dynamics in Blood Vessels Formation

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    Experiments of in vitro formation of blood vessels show that cells randomly spread on a gel matrix autonomously organize to form a connected vascular network. We propose a simple model which reproduces many features of the biological system. We show that both the model and the real system exhibit a fractal behavior at small scales, due to the process of migration and dynamical aggregation, followed at large scale by a random percolation behavior due to the coalescence of aggregates. The results are in good agreement with the analysis performed on the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 11 eps figure

    Gli echinodermi come modelli per lo studio di Distruttori Endocrini: un approccio integrato

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    Gli echinodermi rappresentano dei validi modelli sperimentali nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019ecotossicologia marina. Essi infatti sono organismi bentonici a diretto contatto con potenziali fonti di xenobiotici e offrono un ampio range di processi biologici utili per questo tipo di approccio. In questo lavoro sono presentati i risultati pi\uf9 significativi ottenuti nel nostro laboratorio utilizzando questi organismi come modelli per lo studio degli effetti di potenziali Distruttori Endocrini (ED). Sono stati presi in esame due diverse specie di echinodermi, il riccio di mare Paracentrotus lividus e il crinoide Antedon mediterranea, e due diversi aspetti della loro fisiologia, la biologia riproduttiva e lo sviluppo rigenerativo, rispettivamente. Esemplari adulti di entrambe le specie sono stati esposti a diversi ED, potenzialmente in grado di interferire con gli ormoni sessuali. Le concentrazioni utilizzate erano comparabili a quelle ambientali. La ricerca si \ue8 basata su un approccio multidisciplinare che ha previsto analisi morfologiche, chimiche e biochimiche. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato la capacit\ue0 di questi composti di interferire con diversi parametri quali la crescita rigenerativa, il pattern istologico e il diametro delle uova prodotte, sebbene lo specifico meccanismo d\u2019azione sia ancora da chiarire. Infatti, nel caso di P. lividus, la somministrazione diretta di ormoni sessuali, quali l\u2019estradiolo, non produce effetti significativi sulla biologia riproduttiva dell\u2019animale. Nel complesso i risultati ottenuti sottolineano sia l\u2019importanza di utilizzare modelli alternativi nei test ecotossicologici sia la necessit\ue0 di approfondire maggiormente la fisiologia di base degli organismi modello

    Growth hormone therapy and respiratory disorders: Long-term follow-up in PWS children

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    Context: Adenotonsillar tissue hypertrophy and obstructive sleep apnea have been reported during short-term GH treatment in children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). Objective: We conducted an observational study to evaluate the effects of long-term GH therapy on sleep-disordered breathing and adenotonsillar hypertrophy in children with PWS. Design: This was a longitudinal observational study. PatientsandMethods:Weevaluated 75 children with genetically confirmedPWS,ofwhom50 fulfilled the criteria and were admitted to our study. The patients were evaluated before treatment (t0), after 6 weeks (t1), after 6 months (t2), after 12 months (t3), and yearly (t4-t6) thereafter, for up to 4 years of GH therapy. The central apnea index, obstructive apnea hypopnea index (OAHI), respiratory disturbance index, and minimal blood oxygen saturation were evaluated overnight using polysomnography. We evaluated the adenotonsillar size using a flexible fiberoptic endoscope. Results: The percentage of patients with an OAHI of 1 increased from 3 to 22, 36, and 38 at t1, t4, and t6, respectively (2 12.2; P .05). We observed a decrease in the respiratory disturbance indexfrom1.4 (t0) to 0.8 (t3) (P.05)andthe centralapneaindexfrom1.2 (t0) to 0.1 (t4) (P.0001). We had to temporarily suspend treatment for 3 patients at t1, t4, and t5 because of severe obstructive sleep apnea. The percentage of patients with severe adenotonsillar hypertrophy was significantly higher at t4 and t5 than at t0. The OAHI directly correlated with the adenoid size (adjusted for age) (P .01) but not with the tonsil size and IGF-1 levels. Conclusion: Long-termGHtreatment in patients withPWSis safe; however,werecommend annual polysomnography and adenotonsillar evaluation

    Large oncosomes mediate intercellular transfer of functional microRNA

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    Prostate cancer cells release atypically large extracellular vesicles (EVs), termed large oncosomes, which may play a role in the tumor microenvironment by transporting bioactive molecules across tissue spaces and through the blood stream. In this study, we applied a novel method for selective isolation of large on cosomes applicable to human plateletpoor plasma, where the presence of caveolin-l-positive large oncosomes identified patients with metastatic disease. This procedure was also used to validate results of a miRNA array performed on heterogeneous populations of EVs isolated from tumorigenic RWPE-2 prostate cells and from isogenic non-tumorigenic RWPE-1 cells. The results showed that distinct classes of miRNAs are expressed at higher levels in EVs derived from the tumorigenic cells in comparison to their non-tumorigenic counterpart. Large oncosomes enhanced migration of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), an effect that was increased by miR-1227, a miRNA abundant in large oncosomes produced by RWPE-2 cells. Our findings suggest that large oncosomes in the circulation report metastatic disease in patients with prostate cancer, and that this class of EV harbors functional molecules that may play a role in conditioning the tumor microenvironment
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