24 research outputs found

    Performing a Motor Action Enhances Social Reward Processing and Modulates the Neural Processing of Predictive Cues.

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    Associative learning affects many areas of human behavior. Recently, we showed that the neural response to monetary reward is enhanced by performing an action, suggesting interactions between neural systems controlling motor behavior and reward processing. Given many psychiatric disorders are associated with social anhedonia, a key open question is whether such effects generalize to social rewards, and in how far they affect associative learning. We developed a novel task in which participants (n = 66) received social reward feedback and social punishment either by pressing a button or waiting. Predictive cues were linked to feedback valence with 80% accuracy. Using EEG, we measured the neural response to both predictive cues and social feedback. We found enhanced reward positivity for social reward preceded by an action, and an enhanced N2 for cues predicting negative feedback. Cue-locked P3 amplitude was reduced for cues associated with negative feedback in passive trials only, showing a modulation of outcome anticipation by performing a motor action. This was supported by connectivity analyses showing stronger directed theta synchronization, in line with increased top-down modulation of attention, in active compared with passive trials. These findings suggest that actively obtaining social feedback enhances reward sensitivity and modulates outcome anticipation

    From learning to creativity: Identifying the behavioural and neural correlates of learning to predict human judgements of musical creativity

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    Human creativity is strongly linked to acquired knowledge. However, to date learning a new musical style and subsequent creativity have largely been studied in isolation. We introduced a novel experimental paradigm combining behavioural, electrophysiological, and computational methods, to examine the neural correlates of unfamiliar music learning, and to investigate how neural and computational measures can predict human creativity. We investigated music learning by training non-musicians (N = 40) on an artificial music grammar. Participants’ knowledge of the grammar was tested before and after three training sessions by assessing explicit recognition of the notes of the grammar, while additionally recording EEG. After each training session, participants created their own musical compositions, which were later evaluated by human experts. A computational model of auditory expectation was used to quantify the statistical properties of both the grammar and the compositions. Results showed that participants successfully learned the grammar. This was also reflected in the N100, P200, and P3a components, which were higher in response to incorrect than correct notes. Delta band power in response to grammatical notes during first exposure to the grammar positively correlated with learning, suggesting a potential encoding neural mechanism. On the other hand, better learning was associated with lower alpha and higher beta band power after training, potentially reflecting neural mechanisms of retrieval. Importantly, learning was a significant predictor of creativity, as judged by experts. There was also an inverted U-shaped relationship between percentage of correct intervals and creativity, as compositions with an intermediate proportion of correct intervals were associated with the highest creativity. Finally, the P200 in response to incorrect notes was predictive of creativity, suggesting a link between the neural correlates of learning, and creativity. Overall, our findings shed light on the neural mechanisms of learning an unfamiliar music grammar, as well as offering contributions to the associations between learning measures and human evaluation of creativity

    The association between liking, learning and creativity in music

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    Aesthetic preference is intricately linked to learning and creativity. Previous studies have largely examined the perception of novelty in terms of pleasantness and the generation of novelty via creativity separately. The current study examines the connection between perception and generation of novelty in music; specifically, we investigated how pleasantness judgements and brain responses to musical notes of varying probability (estimated by a computational model of auditory expectation) are linked to learning and creativity. To facilitate learning de novo, 40 non-musicians were trained on an unfamiliar artificial music grammar. After learning, participants evaluated the pleasantness of the final notes of melodies, which varied in probability, while their EEG was recorded. They also composed their own musical pieces using the learned grammar which were subsequently assessed by experts. As expected, there was an inverted U-shaped relationship between liking and probability: participants were more likely to rate the notes with intermediate probabilities as pleasant. Further, intermediate probability notes elicited larger N100 and P200 at posterior and frontal sites, respectively, associated with prediction error processing. Crucially, individuals who produced less creative compositions preferred higher probability notes, whereas individuals who composed more creative pieces preferred notes with intermediate probability. Finally, evoked brain responses to note probability were relatively independent of learning and creativity, suggesting that these higher-level processes are not mediated by brain responses related to performance monitoring. Overall, our findings shed light on the relationship between perception and generation of novelty, offering new insights into aesthetic preference and its neural correlates