19 research outputs found

    Canonical quantum gravity in the Vassiliev invariants arena: II. Constraints, habitats and consistency of the constraint algebra

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    In a companion paper we introduced a kinematical arena for the discussion of the constraints of canonical quantum gravity in the spin network representation based on Vassiliev invariants. In this paper we introduce the Hamiltonian constraint, extend the space of states to non-diffeomorphism invariant ``habitats'' and check that the off-shell quantum constraint commutator algebra reproduces the classical Poisson algebra of constraints of general relativity without anomalies. One can therefore consider the resulting set of constraints and space of states as a consistent theory of canonical quantum gravity.Comment: 20 Pages, RevTex, many figures included with psfi

    Lattice knot theory and quantum gravity in the loop representation

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    We present an implementation of the loop representation of quantum gravity on a square lattice. Instead of starting from a classical lattice theory, quantizing and introducing loops, we proceed backwards, setting up constraints in the lattice loop representation and showing that they have appropriate (singular) continuum limits and algebras. The diffeomorphism constraint reproduces the classical algebra in the continuum and has as solutions lattice analogues of usual knot invariants. We discuss some of the invariants stemming from Chern--Simons theory in the lattice context, including the issue of framing. We also present a regularization of the Hamiltonian constraint. We show that two knot invariants from Chern--Simons theory are annihilated by the Hamiltonian constraint through the use of their skein relations, including intersections. We also discuss the issue of intersections with kinks. This paper is the first step towards setting up the loop representation in a rigorous, computable setting.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX, 14 figures included with psfi

    Consistent canonical quantization of general relativity in the space of Vassiliev knot invariants

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    We present a quantization of the Hamiltonian and diffeomorphism constraint of canonical quantum gravity in the spin network representation. The novelty consists in considering a space of wavefunctions based on the Vassiliev knot invariants. The constraints are finite, well defined, and reproduce at the level of quantum commutators the Poisson algebra of constraints of the classical theory. A similar construction can be carried out in 2+1 dimensions leading to the correct quantum theory.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, one figur

    Canonical quantum gravity in the Vassiliev invariants arena: I. Kinematical structure

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    We generalize the idea of Vassiliev invariants to the spin network context, with the aim of using these invariants as a kinematical arena for a canonical quantization of gravity. This paper presents a detailed construction of these invariants (both ambient and regular isotopic) requiring a significant elaboration based on the use of Chern-Simons perturbation theory which extends the work of Kauffman, Martin and Witten to four-valent networks. We show that this space of knot invariants has the crucial property -from the point of view of the quantization of gravity- of being loop differentiable in the sense of distributions. This allows the definition of diffeomorphism and Hamiltonian constraints. We show that the invariants are annihilated by the diffeomorphism constraint. In a companion paper we elaborate on the definition of a Hamiltonian constraint, discuss the constraint algebra, and show that the construction leads to a consistent theory of canonical quantum gravity.Comment: 21 Pages, RevTex, many figures included with psfi

    A finite spin-foam-based theory of three and four dimensional quantum gravity

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    Starting from Ooguri's construction for BFBF theory in three (and four) dimensions, we show how to construct a well defined theory with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. The spin network states that are kept invariant by the evolution operators of the theory are exact solutions of the Hamiltonian constraint of quantum gravity proposed by Thiemann. The resulting theory is the first example of a well defined, finite, consistent, spin-foam based theory in a situation with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. Since it solves the quantum constraints of general relativity it is also a candidate for a theory of quantum gravity. It is likely, however, that the solutions constructed correspond to a spurious sector of solutions of the constraints. The richness of the resulting theory makes it an interesting example to be analyzed by forthcoming techniques that construct the semi-classical limit of spin network quantum gravity

    Yang-Mills analogues of the Immirzi ambiguity

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    We draw parallels between the recently introduced ``Immirzi ambiguity'' of the Ashtekar-like formulation of canonical quantum gravity and other ambiguities that appear in Yang-Mills theories, like the θ\theta ambiguity. We also discuss ambiguities in the Maxwell case, and implication for the loop quantization of these theories.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, no figure

    The large cosmological constant approximation to classical and quantum gravity: model examples

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    We have recently introduced an approach for studying perturbatively classical and quantum canonical general relativity. The perturbative technique appears to preserve many of the attractive features of the non-perturbative quantization approach based on Ashtekar's new variables and spin networks. With this approach one can find perturbatively classical observables (quantities that have vanishing Poisson brackets with the constraints) and quantum states (states that are annihilated by the quantum constraints). The relative ease with which the technique appears to deal with these traditionally hard problems opens several questions about how relevant the results produced can possibly be. Among the questions is the issue of how useful are results for large values of the cosmological constant and how the approach can deal with several pathologies that are expected to be present in the canonical approach to quantum gravity. With the aim of clarifying these points, and to make our construction as explicit as possible, we study its application in several simple models. We consider Bianchi cosmologies, the asymmetric top, the coupled harmonic oscillators with constant energy density and a simple quantum mechanical system with two Hamiltonian constraints. We find that the technique satisfactorily deals with the pathologies of these models and offers promise for finding (at least some) results even for small values of the cosmological constant. Finally, we briefly sketch how the method would operate in the full four dimensional quantum general relativity case.Comment: 21 pages, RevTex, 2 figures with epsfi

    Loss of coherence from discrete quantum gravity

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    We show that a recent proposal for the quantization of gravity based on discrete space-time implies a modification of standard quantum mechanics that naturally leads to a loss of coherence in quantum states of the type discussed by Milburn. The proposal overcomes the energy conservation problem of previously proposed decoherence mechanisms stemming from quantum gravity. Mesoscopic quantum systems (as Bose--Einstein condensates) appear as the most promising testing grounds for an experimental verification of the mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, small final changes, to appear in Class. Quan. Gra