22 research outputs found

    First-principles investigation of morphotropic transitions and phase-change functional responses in BiFeO3-BiCoO3 multiferroic solid solutions

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    We present an ab initio study of the BFCO solid solution formed by multiferroics BiFeO3 (BFO) and BiCoO3 (BCO). We find that BFCO presents a strongly discontinuous morphotropic transition between BFO-like and BCO-like ferroelectric phases. Further, for all compositions such phases remain (meta)stable and retain well-differentiated properties. Our results thus suggest that an electric field can be used to switch between these structures, and show that such a switching involves large phase-change effects of various types, including piezoelectric, electric, and magnetoelectric ones.Comment: Submitte

    First-Principles Calculations at Constant Polarization

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    We develop an exact formalism for performing first-principles calculations for insulators at fixed electric polarization. As shown by Sai, Rabe, and Vanderbilt (SRV) [N. Sai, K. M. Rabe, and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 66}, 104108 (2002)], who designed an approximate method to tackle the same problem, such an approach allows one to map out the energy landscape as a function of polarization, providing a powerful tool for the theoretical investigation of polar materials. We apply our method to a system in which the ionic contribution to the polarization dominates (a broken-inversion-symmetry perovskite), one in which this is not the case (a III-V semiconductor), and one in which an additional degree of freedom plays an important role (a ferroelectric phase of KNO3_3). We find that while the SRV method gives rather accurate results in the first case, the present approach provides important improvements to the physical description in the latter cases.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Theoretical study of ferroelectric potassium nitrate

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    We present a detailed study of the structural behavior and polarization reversal mechanism in phase III of KNO3_3, an unusual ferroelectric material in which the nitrate groups rotate during polarization reversal. This material was one of several studied in a previous work [O. Di\'eguez and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 96}, 056401 (2006)] where methods were described for computing curves of energy versus electric polarization. In the present work we extend and systematize the previous first-principles calculations on KNO3_3, and analyze in detail a two-parameter model in which the energy of the system is written as a low-order expansion in the polarization and the nitrate group orientation. We confirm that this model reproduces the first-principles results for KNO3_3 very well and construct its parameter-space phase diagram, describing regions where unusual triple-well potentials appear. We also present first-principles calculations of KNO3_3 under pressure, finding that its energy-versus-polarization curves change character by developing a first-derivative discontinuity at zero polarization.Comment: Replaced with extended versio

    Translational covariance of flexoelectricity at ferroelectric domain walls

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    Macroscopic descriptions of ferroelectrics have an obvious appeal in terms of efficiency and physical intuition. Their predictive power, however, has often been thwarted by the lack of a systematic procedure to extract the relevant materials parameters from the microscopics. Here we address this limitation by establishing an unambiguous two-way mapping between spatially inhomogeneous fields and discrete lattice modes. This yields a natural treatment of gradient couplings in the macroscopic regime via a long-wavelength expansion of the crystal Hamiltonian. Our analysis reveals an inherent arbitrariness in both the flexoelectric and polarization gradient coefficients, which we ascribe to a translational freedom in the definition of the polar distortion pattern. Remarkably, such arbitrariness cancels out in all physically measurable properties (relaxed atomic structure and energetics) derived from the model, pointing to a generalized translational covariance in the continuum description of inhomogeneous ferroelectric structures. We demonstrate our claims with extensive numerical tests on 180° domain walls in common ferroelectric perovskites, finding excellent agreement between the continuum model and direct first-principles calculations

    Wannier-based definition of layer polarizations in perovskite superlattices

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    In insulators, the method of Marzari and Vanderbilt [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 56}, 12847 (1997)] can be used to generate maximally localized Wannier functions whose centers are related to the electronic polarization. In the case of layered insulators, this approach can be adapted to provide a natural definition of the local polarization associated with each layer, based on the locations of the nuclear charges and one-dimensional Wannier centers comprising each layer. Here, we use this approach to compute and analyze layer polarizations of ferroelectric perovskite superlattices, including changes in layer polarizations induced by sublattice displacements (i.e., layer-decomposed Born effective charges) and local symmetry breaking at the interfaces. The method provides a powerful tool for analyzing the polarization-related properties of complex layered oxide systems

    Polymorphism in Bi-based perovskite oxides: a first-principles study

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    Under normal conditions, bulk crystals of BiScO3_3 , BiCrO3_3, BiMnO3_3, BiFeO3_3, and BiCoO3_3 present three very different variations of the perovskite structure: an antipolar phase, a rhombohedral phase with a large polarization along the space diagonal of the pseudocubic unit cell, and a supertetragonal phase with even larger polarization. With the aim of understanding the causes for this variety, we have used a genetic algorithm to search for minima in the surface energy of these materials. Our results show that the number of these minima is very large when compared to that of typical ferroelectric perovskites like BaTiO3_3 and PbTiO3_3 , and that a fine energy balance between them results in the large structural differences seen. As byproducts of our search we have identified charge-ordering structures with low energy in BiMnO3_3 , and several phases with energies that are similar to that of the ground state of BiCrO3_3. We have also found that a inverse supertetragonal phase exists in bulk, likely to be favored in films epitaxially grown at large values of tensile misfit strain

    First-principles predictions of low-energy phases of multiferroic BiFeO3

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    We used first-principles methods to perform a systematic search for potentially-stable phases of multiferroic BiFeO3. We considered a simulation cell compatible with the atomic distortions that are most common among perovskite oxides, and found a large number of local minima of the energy within 100 meV/f.u. of the ferroelectric ground state. We discuss the variety of low-symmetry structures discovered, as well as the implications of these findings as regards current experimental (e.g., on thin films displaying {\em super-tetragonal} phases) and theoretical (on models for BiFeO3's structural phase transitions) work on this compound.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted in PRB (contains small changes in the text with respect to the first version

    First-principles study of epitaxial strain in perovskites

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    Using an extension of a first-principles method developed by King-Smith and Vanderbilt [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 49}, 5828 (1994)], we investigate the effects of in-plane epitaxial strain on the ground-state structure and polarization of eight perovskite oxides: BaTiO3_3, SrTiO3_3, CaTiO3_3, KNbO3_3, NaNbO3_3, PbTiO3_3, PbZrO3_3, and BaZrO3_3. In addition, we investigate the effects of a nonzero normal stress. The results are shown to be useful in predicting the structure and polarization of perovskite oxide thin films and superlattices.Comment: 10 page

    First-principles modeling of strain in perovskite ferroelectric thin films

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    We review the role that first-principles calculations have played in understanding the effects of substrate-imposed misfit strain on epitaxially grown perovskite ferroelectric films. We do so by analyzing the case of BaTiO3_3, complementing our previous publications on this subject with unpublished data to help explain in detail how these calculations are done. We also review similar studies in the literature for other perovskite ferroelectric-film materials.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to Phase Transition