33,156 research outputs found

    A Diabatic Surface Hopping Algorithm based on Time Dependent Perturbation Theory and Semiclassical Analysis

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    Surface hopping algorithms are popular tools to study dynamics of the quantum-classical mixed systems. In this paper, we propose a surface hopping algorithm in diabatic representations, based on time dependent perturbation theory and semiclassical analysis. The algorithm can be viewed as a Monte Carlo sampling algorithm on the semiclassical path space for piecewise deterministic path with stochastic jumps between the energy surfaces. The algorithm is validated numerically and it shows good performance in both weak coupling and avoided crossing regimes

    Stochastic Geometry Modeling of Cellular Networks: Analysis, Simulation and Experimental Validation

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    Due to the increasing heterogeneity and deployment density of emerging cellular networks, new flexible and scalable approaches for their modeling, simulation, analysis and optimization are needed. Recently, a new approach has been proposed: it is based on the theory of point processes and it leverages tools from stochastic geometry for tractable system-level modeling, performance evaluation and optimization. In this paper, we investigate the accuracy of this emerging abstraction for modeling cellular networks, by explicitly taking realistic base station locations, building footprints, spatial blockages and antenna radiation patterns into account. More specifically, the base station locations and the building footprints are taken from two publicly available databases from the United Kingdom. Our study confirms that the abstraction model based on stochastic geometry is capable of accurately modeling the communication performance of cellular networks in dense urban environments.Comment: submitted for publicatio

    Complex Monge-Amp\`ere equations on quasi-projective varieties

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    We introduce generalized Monge-Amp\`ere capacities and use these to study complex Monge-Amp\`ere equations whose right-hand side is smooth outside a divisor. We prove, in many cases, that there exists a unique normalized solution which is smooth outside the divisor

    The Intensity Matching Approach: A Tractable Stochastic Geometry Approximation to System-Level Analysis of Cellular Networks

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    The intensity matching approach for tractable performance evaluation and optimization of cellular networks is introduced. It assumes that the base stations are modeled as points of a Poisson point process and leverages stochastic geometry for system-level analysis. Its rationale relies on observing that system-level performance is determined by the intensity measure of transformations of the underlaying spatial Poisson point process. By approximating the original system model with a simplified one, whose performance is determined by a mathematically convenient intensity measure, tractable yet accurate integral expressions for computing area spectral efficiency and potential throughput are provided. The considered system model accounts for many practical aspects that, for tractability, are typically neglected, e.g., line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight propagation, antenna radiation patterns, traffic load, practical cell associations, general fading channels. The proposed approach, more importantly, is conveniently formulated for unveiling the impact of several system parameters, e.g., the density of base stations and blockages. The effectiveness of this novel and general methodology is validated with the aid of empirical data for the locations of base stations and for the footprints of buildings in dense urban environments.Comment: Submitted for Journal Publicatio

    On the singularity type of full mass currents in big cohomology classes

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    Let XX be a compact K\"ahler manifold and {θ}\{\theta\} be a big cohomology class. We prove several results about the singularity type of full mass currents, answering a number of open questions in the field. First, we show that the Lelong numbers and multiplier ideal sheaves of θ\theta-plurisubharmonic functions with full mass are the same as those of the current with minimal singularities. Second, given another big and nef class {η}\{\eta\}, we show the inclusion E(X,η)∩PSH(X,θ)⊂E(X,θ).\mathcal{E}(X,\eta) \cap {PSH}(X,\theta) \subset \mathcal{E}(X,\theta). Third, we characterize big classes whose full mass currents are "additive". Our techniques make use of a characterization of full mass currents in terms of the envelope of their singularity type. As an essential ingredient we also develop the theory of weak geodesics in big cohomology classes. Numerous applications of our results to complex geometry are also given.Comment: v2. Theorem 1.1 updated to include statement about multiplier ideal sheaves. Several typos fixed. v3. we make our arguments independent of the regularity results of Berman-Demaill

    L^1 metric geometry of big cohomology classes

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    Suppose (X,ω)(X,\omega) is a compact K\"ahler manifold of dimension nn, and θ\theta is closed (1,1)(1,1)-form representing a big cohomology class. We introduce a metric d1d_1 on the finite energy space E1(X,θ)\mathcal{E}^1(X,\theta), making it a complete geodesic metric space. This construction is potentially more rigid compared to its analog from the K\"ahler case, as it only relies on pluripotential theory, with no reference to infinite dimensional L1L^1 Finsler geometry. Lastly, by adapting the results of Ross and Witt Nystr\"om to the big case, we show that one can construct geodesic rays in this space in a flexible manner
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