9,604 research outputs found

    Polynomial Fusion Rings of Logarithmic Minimal Models

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    We identify quotient polynomial rings isomorphic to the recently found fundamental fusion algebras of logarithmic minimal models.Comment: 18 page

    Planar maps as labeled mobiles

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    We extend Schaeffer's bijection between rooted quadrangulations and well-labeled trees to the general case of Eulerian planar maps with prescribed face valences, to obtain a bijection with a new class of labeled trees, which we call mobiles. Our bijection covers all the classes of maps previously enumerated by either the two-matrix model used by physicists or by the bijection with blossom trees used by combinatorists. Our bijection reduces the enumeration of maps to that, much simpler, of mobiles and moreover keeps track of the geodesic distance within the initial maps via the mobiles' labels. Generating functions for mobiles are shown to obey systems of algebraic recursion relations.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures, tex, lanlmac, epsf; improved tex

    Statistics of planar graphs viewed from a vertex: A study via labeled trees

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    We study the statistics of edges and vertices in the vicinity of a reference vertex (origin) within random planar quadrangulations and Eulerian triangulations. Exact generating functions are obtained for theses graphs with fixed numbers of edges and vertices at given geodesic distances from the origin. Our analysis relies on bijections with labeled trees, in which the labels encode the information on the geodesic distance from the origin. In the case of infinitely large graphs, we give in particular explicit formulas for the probabilities that the origin have given numbers of neighboring edges and/or vertices, as well as explicit values for the corresponding moments.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures, tex, harvmac, eps

    Critical and Multicritical Semi-Random (1+d)-Dimensional Lattices and Hard Objects in d Dimensions

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    We investigate models of (1+d)-D Lorentzian semi-random lattices with one random (space-like) direction and d regular (time-like) ones. We prove a general inversion formula expressing the partition function of these models as the inverse of that of hard objects in d dimensions. This allows for an exact solution of a variety of new models including critical and multicritical generalized (1+1)-D Lorentzian surfaces, with fractal dimensions dF=k+1d_F=k+1, k=1,2,3,..., as well as a new model of (1+2)-D critical tetrahedral complexes, with fractal dimension dF=12/5d_F=12/5. Critical exponents and universal scaling functions follow from this solution. We finally establish a general connection between (1+d)-D Lorentzian lattices and directed-site lattice animals in (1+d) dimensions.Comment: 44 pages, 15 figures, tex, harvmac, epsf, references adde

    Open boundary Quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation and the weighted enumeration of Plane Partitions with symmetries

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    We propose new conjectures relating sum rules for the polynomial solution of the qKZ equation with open (reflecting) boundaries as a function of the quantum parameter qq and the τ\tau-enumeration of Plane Partitions with specific symmetries, with τ=(q+q1)\tau=-(q+q^{-1}). We also find a conjectural relation \`a la Razumov-Stroganov between the τ0\tau\to 0 limit of the qKZ solution and refined numbers of Totally Symmetric Self Complementary Plane Partitions.Comment: 27 pages, uses lanlmac, epsf and hyperbasics, minor revision

    The Perceived Impact of the In-Trust Agreements on CGIAR Germplasm Availability: An Assessment of Bioversity International's Institutional Activities

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    This study assesses the generation and consequences of the In-Trust Agreements (ITAs) that established the legal status of the CGIAR germplasm as freely available for the benefit of humanity under the auspices of FAO. The analysis looks at the history of the ITAs and focuses on the role of Bioversity International in research and other activities in influencing, facilitating and enabling the ITA negotiations. Results confirm the central role of Bioversity and policy research in the negotiations process. Concepts developed during the ITA negotiations contributed toward subsequent multilateral negotiations that eventually culminated in the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources

    Entanglement Entropy of the Low-Lying Excited States and Critical Properties of an Exactly Solvable Two-Leg Spin Ladder with Three-Spin Interactions

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    In this work, we investigate an exactly solvable two-leg spin ladder with three-spin interactions. We obtain analytically the finite-size corrections of the low-lying energies and determine the central charge as well as the scaling dimensions. The model considered in this work has the same universality class of critical behavior of the XX chain with central charge c=1. By using the correlation matrix method, we also study the finite-size corrections of the Renyi entropy of the ground state and of the excited states. Our results are in agreement with the predictions of the conformal field theory.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Infinite matrix product states, Conformal Field Theory and the Haldane-Shastry model

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    We generalize the Matrix Product States method using the chiral vertex operators of Conformal Field Theory and apply it to study the ground states of the XXZ spin chain, the J1-J2 model and random Heisenberg models. We compute the overlap with the exact wave functions, spin-spin correlators and the Renyi entropy, showing that critical systems can be described by this method. For rotational invariant ansatzs we construct an inhomogenous extension of the Haldane-Shastry model with long range exchange interactions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 reference adde