220 research outputs found

    The Impact of Dialogue Dynamics in Online Service Resolution

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    Complaint handling by frontline employees (FLEs) is increasingly occurring in digital channels. Drawing on dialogical interaction analysis, we demonstrate that customer complaints with more negative language are more difficult to solve, but by using dominant language and matching the consumer\u2019s linguistic style, FLEs can improve perceptions the complaint was resolved

    The Sales Impact of Using Handheld Scanners:Evidence from the Field

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    Anecdotal evidence is mixed regarding whether handheld scanners used in stores increase or decrease consumer sales. This article reports on three field studies, supported by eye-tracking technology and matched sales receipts, as well as two laboratory studies that show that handheld scanner use increases sales, notably through unplanned, healthier, and impulsive purchases. The findings highlight that these effects may be limited by factors such as not having a budget; for those without a budget, use of scanners can decrease sales. Building on embodied cognition and cognitive appraisal theories, the authors predict that scanners, as a bodily extension, influence sales through both cognitive (shelf attention, perceived control) and affective (number of products touched, shopping experience) mechanisms. The results offer implications for retailers considering whether to integrate scanners into their store environments.<br/

    Effectiveness of engagement initiatives across engagement platforms: A metaā€‘analysis

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    As part of their customer engagement (CE) marketing, firms use different platforms to interact with customers, in ways that go beyond purchases. Task-based CE strategies call for customersā€™ participation in structured, often incentivized tasks; experiential CE initiatives instead aim to stimulate pleasurable experiences for customers. But the optimal uses of these two strategies, in terms of improving customer engagement to produce more positive marketing outcomes, are unclear. With a meta-analysis and data from 395 samples, pertaining to 434,233 customers, the present study develops and tests a unifying framework of how to optimize investments in both two engagement strategies across different engagement platforms. On average, task-based initiatives are more effective in driving customer engagement, but the effects depend on the platform. If platforms support continuous or lean interactions, task-based initiatives are more effective; on platforms that encourage spot interactions, experiential initiatives are preferable. Three customer engagement dimensions (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral) in turn lead to positive marketing outcomes, though in ways that depend on the platformsā€™ interaction characteristics (intensity, richness, initiation) and differ across digital versus physical platforms. These results provide clear guidance for managers regarding how to plan their CE marketing activities to benefit both their firms and their customers

    Perceived Omnichannel Customer Experience (OCX): concept, measurement, and impact

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    Efforts to measure customer experiences (CX) in multifaceted, omnichannel, retail contexts are crucial but lacking research guidance. Prior service quality literature has established methods for measuring CX in traditional, single-channel contexts but not adapted such measures to omnichannel contexts. With a mixed method research design and studies in eight phases, the authors propose a comprehensive measurement instrument that incorporates a schema- and categorization-based theoretical conceptualization of how customers assess omnichannel retail experiences; they also integrate meansā€“end chain theory to explain perceived omnichannel customer experience (OCX) as a construct. This construct captures multiple omnichannel evaluation dimensions: social communications, value, personalization, customer service, consistency of both product availability and prices across channels, information safety, delivery, product returns, and loyalty programs. Multiple applications of the measurement model empirically confirm the suitability of this instrument in consumer goods omnichannel retail settings. Its 36 items reflect nine first-order quality dimensions that combine to form the overall, second-order OCX construct. The measurement instrument offers sound psychometric properties, as confirmed by several reliability and validity tests, and predicts customer behavior reliably across studies. Thus, the OCX measurement instrument offers utility for theory, management practice, and further research

    Franchise Partnership And International Expansion: A Conceptual Framework And Research Propositions

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    Although academic research has provided tremendous insights about the organizational form of franchising, considerable work remains with regard to understanding the critical factors that enable international franchise expansion and performance. The authors advance the argument that a franchise relationship is essentially an entrepreneurial partnership, and that this partnership influences the speed, scale, and scope of franchise expansion into international markets. In the proposed conceptual model, the authors detail the links among the franchise partnership, international expansion, and franchise system performance

    Customer Perceived Value: A Comprehensive Meta-analysis

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    Customer perceived value (CPV) is a cornerstone of marketing literature. However, myriad studies have generated contradictory empirical findings. In addition, though some existing literature reviews help clarify the conceptual foundations of CPV, the literature lacks a meta-analysis of empirical evidence about the CPV model and its effects. To consolidate existing research, the current meta-analysis assesses the findings of 687 articles, involving 780 independent samples and 357,247 customers. The most integrative CPV model, which includes benefits, sacrifices, and overall value, performs best. Empirical generalizations also reveal the relative weights of various benefits and sacrifices integrated into this CPV model and causal chains between CPV and different outcomes (satisfaction, word-of-mouth, and repurchase intentions). Finally, this analysis uncovers moderating effects of multiple relational contexts: nonprofit/for-profit, public/private, contractual/non-contractual, online/offline, business-to-business/business-to-consumer, and goods/services. For scholars, this article synthesizes existing findings on CPV; for managers, the results provide suggestions for ways to increase CPV

    Osjetljivost na vlagu te optička, mehanička i strukturna svojstva jestivih filmova na bazi proteina sirutke s dodatkom repičinog ulja

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    The objective of this work is to study the effect of the rapeseed oil content on the physical properties of whey protein emulsion films. For this purpose, whey protein films with the addition of 0, 1, 2 and 3 % of rapeseed oil, and glycerol as a plasticizer were obtained by the casting method. Film-forming emulsions were evaluated and compared using light scattering granulometry. The Sauter mean diameters (d32) of lipid droplets in film-forming solutions showed an increasing trend when increasing the oil volume fractions. The inclusion of rapeseed oil enhanced the hydrophobic character of whey protein films, reducing moisture content and film solubility in water. All emulsified films showed high lightness (L*ā‰ˆ90). Parameter a* decreased and parameter b* and total colour difference (Ī”E) increased with the increase of the volume fractions of oil. These results were consistent with visual observations; control films were transparent and those containing oil opaque. Water vapour sorption experimental data at the full range of water activity values from 0.11 to 0.93 were well described with Pelegā€™s equation (R2ā‰„0.99). The tensile strength, Youngā€™s modulus and elongation at break increased with the increase of rapeseed oil volume fraction, which could be explained by interactions between lipids and the protein matrix. These results revealed that rapeseed oil has enormous potential to be incorporated into whey protein to make edible film or coating for some food products. The mechanical resistance decreased with the addition of the lipids, and the opacity and soluble matter content increased.Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj dodatka repičinog ulja u različitim volumnim udjelima na fizikalna svojstva filmova izrađenih od proteina sirutke. Filmovi su pripremljeni u kalupima lijevanjem emulzija dobivenih od proteina sirutke s dodatkom 0, 1, 2 ili 3 % repičinog ulja te glicerola kao plastifikatora. Raspodjela veličine čestica emulzije određena je metodom laserske difrakcije, te je utvrđeno da se s povećanjem volumnog udjela ulja povećao srednji Sauterov promjer (d32) lipidnih kapljica. Dodatkom repičinog ulja povećala se hidrofobnost, a smanjio udjel vlage u filmovima te njihova topljivost u vodi. Sve su emulzije bile vrlo svijetle (L*ā‰ˆ90), a pri većim volumnim udjelima ulja smanjila se vrijednost parametra a*, a povećali vrijednost parametra b* i ukupna razlika u boji (Ī”E). Rezultati su bili u skladu s onima dobivenim vizualnim pregledom: kontrolni uzorci filmova bili su prozirni, dok su oni s dodatkom ulja bili mutni. Ispitana je sposobnost upijanja vode filmova, a dobiveni su podaci u rasponu aktiviteta vode od 0,11 do 0,93 dobro opisani pomoću Pelegove jednadžbe (R2ā‰„0,99). Povećanjem volumnog udjela repičinog ulja povećali su se vlačna čvrstoća, Youngov modul elastičnosti i istezljivost filmova, vjerojatno uslijed povezivanja lipida s proteinima. Rezultati pokazuju da se dodavanjem repičinog ulja emulzijama dobivenim od proteina sirutke može proizvesti jestivi film ili omotač za koje postoji velika mogućnost primjene u prehrambenoj industriji. Dodatkom lipida smanjili su se mehanički otpor i prozirnost filmova, a povećao udjel topljivih tvari

    The Effect of Image Content and Text Similarity on Brand Narratives Sharing

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    Although images are increasingly used in social media brand posts, it remains still unknown what type of images generate the most compelling narratives. The present research analyzes if and how the image content, and text similarity in the social media post affects consumer sharing of brand narratives

    Should online retailers emphasize efficiency or experience? First insights on the evolution and heterogeneity of website attributes

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    Anecdotal evidence indicates a notable shift in online consumer expectations, emphasizing a desire for an enjoyable online shopping experience, beyond convenience and efficiency. This insight thus prompts key questions: Should retailers emphasize efficiency-related or experience-related website attributes, and in which contexts might one priority be superior to the other for encouraging consumer loyalty? The present study provides initial insights into the evolution of the effectiveness of different website attributes and heterogeneity in their effects. Using a rich data set, spanning vastly different contexts and time periods, the authors detect new, evolving patterns by which different website attributes relate to customer loyalty. Experience-related attributes have become more important than efficiency-related attributes in recent years, with some noteworthy contingencies, such that they are especially impactful for services (vs. products) and in cultures with long-term (vs. short-term), high (vs. low) self-indulgence, and high (vs. low) masculinity orientations. The increasing importance of experience-related attributes is driven by cultures with a low (vs. high) uncertainty avoidance. These insights in turn offer practical implications for retailers navigating the challenges associated with designing their websites to drive customer loyalty

    Meta-analysis:integrating accumulated knowledge

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    Building a foundation of marketing theory requires developing effective ways to aggregate research results. Meta-analyses that accumulate knowledge within a research domain is an important means for summarizing research findings and increasingly is being conducted in various substantive marketing domains. Moderator analysis and structural models using meta-analytic inputs have emerged as a powerful means to advance current knowledge in a research domain, and, importantly, identify fruitful areas for future inquiry. This article reviews the growth of meta-analysis in marketing and identifies several important issues researchers must consider when conducting and reporting a meta-analysis.</p
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