123 research outputs found

    Iontophoresis: A Potential Emergence of a Transdermal Drug Delivery System

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    The delivery of drugs into systemic circulation via skin has generated much attention during the last decade. Transdermal therapeutic systems propound controlled release of active ingredients through the skin and into the systemic circulation in a predictive manner. Drugs administered through these systems escape first-pass metabolism and maintain a steady state scenario similar to a continuous intravenous infusion for up to several days. However, the excellent impervious nature of the skin offers the greatest challenge for successful delivery of drug molecules by utilizing the concepts of iontophoresis. The present review deals with the principles and the recent innovations in the field of iontophoretic drug delivery system together with factors affecting the system. This delivery system utilizes electric current as a driving force for permeation of ionic and non-ionic medications. The rationale behind using this technique is to reversibly alter the barrier properties of skin, which could possibly improve the penetration of drugs such as proteins, peptides and other macromolecules to increase the systemic delivery of high molecular weight compounds with controlled input kinetics and minimum inter-subject variability. Although iontophoresis seems to be an ideal candidate to overcome the limitations associated with the delivery of ionic drugs, further extrapolation of this technique is imperative for translational utility and mass human application

    Website Redesign with Animation

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    To analyse the previous website which means the original website. Trying to make more attractive and interesting. Methods: Analyse the old website. A website redesign shouldn’t just change the overall look of your website. It should enhance the ways in which it functions. Find out what is working on the current website. Building the website design plan. Added strong visual features and elements. Findings: website overall feels outdated i.e., make it more attractive and add some animated clip. Applications: the study highlighted various issues, redesign a IBM company website and you’re going to see that with very small tweaks to the layout and composition and have a dramatic impact on the webs design. The first thing notice is I’m overwhelmed, right in terms of graphic design terms of hierarchies there are so many things here they just try to grab attention, there is a image, styling so that grab my attention so many things are competing for my attention that just overwhelmed so, this is not a good user experience. First thing that that we were thinking about even before trying to get into what we do they even do here on the website is how can we simplify what’s going on here how can we create very clear hierarchies. We were thinking about how we can simplify this visually. A lot of times there’s so many things we can do here such as illustration, 3D rendering of this, do custom photography there’s so many ways to approach this. We can present it in a very interesting wa

    Opportunities and challenges in pharmacy profession in developing countries like India: An overview

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    Abstract Pharmacy, a profession that is responsible for the interpretation of prescription orders compounding, labelling, dispensing of drugs for appropriate use of medication, devices and services to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes. Patient monitoring and intervention and provision of cognitive services related to use of medications and devices are the other responsibilities. Pharmaceutical science is an inter-disciplinary science which is the base of the molecular biology, drug discovery and development science to healthcare delivery. While pharmacists are those who are educated and licensed to dispense drugs ad to provide drug information and are experts in handling of medications. The pharmacist is no longer just a supplier of medicines and a concocter of medicinal products, but also a team member involved in the provision of health care whether in the hospital, the community pharmacy, the laboratory, the industry or in academic institutions. The pharmacy profession has exciting opportunities, as well as challenges, they have the potential to help our country in facing these challenges. The changing role of pharmacy in monitoring medication usage is subsumed under the term "pharmaceutical care." Pharmaceutical care is the responsible provision of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving definite outcomes that improve a patient's quality of life i.e. pharmacist are also the primary health professionals. The gender shift that has occurred with the profession of pharmacy has sparked debate regarding the potential impact that this might have on the workforce shortage, pharmacist salaries, the impact of professional organizations, and the future of independent pharmacy ownership and proves specific position for females. This review deals with responsibility and services of pharmacists together with global opportunities to serve the society. Thus, there should be a close relationship among pharmacists, doctors and patients that may help improve patient's use of medicines and simplifying various complexities


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    Remote Sensing is a very reliable and expeditious technique for assessment and mapping of surface waterlogged areas. In this study band ratio based NDWI index (Normalized Difference Water Index) was used for extracting water pixels from optical imageries. To overcome the limitation of false positives and cloud penetration associated with optical imageries waterlogged areas was also extracted using SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images. Thresholding of NDWI for optical image and Sigma0 for SAR images was done using their respective histograms to distinguish water and terrestrial features. The total surface waterlogged areas in the district was calculated by integrating the results from both optical and SAR images. It was found that surface waterlogged areas varies temporally from pre-monsoon to post-monsoon period in Rohtak district, Haryana. The surface waterlogged area for pre monsoon period is around 9.7 km2 and for post monsoon period is 17.86 km2. The canal and surface drain network in the district was digitized using the high resolution Sentinel 2 MSS images. Since most of the canals in the area are unlined a buffer of 500 m either side of the canals and surface drains was considered to assess the impact of seepage and leakage from canals and surface drains. It was found that more than 50% of the total surface waterlogged areas fall within this buffer, clearly indicating the contribution of leakages from canals and surface drains on surface waterlogging


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    In India, water resources are managed at different levels, i.e. at central level by Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Central Water Commission and Central Ground Water Board, at states level by state water resources departments, and at local level by Municipal Corporation and Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs). As per India’s national water policy of year 2012 focuses on adaption to climate change, enhancement of water availability, water demand management by efficient water use practices, management of floods and droughts, water supply and sanitation, trans-boundary rivers, conservation of water bodies and infrastructure, and finally research and training needs for each theme. Geospatial technology has unique role in all aforementioned themes. Therefore, research and training in use of Geospatial Technology (GST) in water sector is needed for each theme at different levels of water administration and water utilisation. The current paper discusses the existing framework and content of capacity building in water sector and geospatial technology in use at various government organizations and institutes. The major gap areas and future capacity building requirements are also highlighted, along with duration and timelines of training/capacity building programs. The use of distance learning/educations tools, social media, and e-learning are also highlighted in promoting use of GST in water sector. The emerging technological trends such as, new remote sensing sensors for measuring water cycle components, ground sensors based field instruments, cloud based data integration and computational models, webGIS based water information portals and training needs of new technologies are also emphasised


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    Water is a very crucial element to sustain life on earth. The availability of water varies both spatially and temporally. India being a water stress country, the per capita availability of water is reducing with time. It is predicted that by 2050 around 54% of the country will be water scarce. The changing climate along with the ever-increasing population is putting additional stress on water availability. The science of water, its availability and distribution on earth and its atmosphere, is generally regarded as hydrology. The important aspects of hydrology and hydraulic or more broadly water resources are taught as the subject or optional subjects the branch of Civil Engineering at almost all engineering institutes/colleges at the undergraduate level. It is also one of the specializations for post-graduate level studies. It is, by now, well proven that the geospatial technology play crucial role in water resources assessment, planning and management. However, the young minds (graduate and post-graduate students) are just being trained for typical hydrology using traditional means and approaches. The advancement and potential of geospatial technology has drawn the attention of academician, and it has been started as a subject mostly at the post-graduate courses. Recently, some of the institutions have started courses on geo-informatics at the graduate level. However, the hydrology and geospatial technology are generally taught as two separate subjects under different course at different levels mostly under the broad subject of Civil Engineering. The present paper emphasis on needs and ways of updating Civil Engineering course curriculum by focusing on incorporation of applications of geospatial technology in hydrology as regular subject


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    The flood early warning for any country is very important due to possible saving of human life, minimizing economic losses and devising mitigation strategies. The present work highlights the experimental flood early warning study in parts of Beas Basin, India for the monsoon season of 2015. The entire flood early warning was done in three parts. In first part, rainfall forecast for every three days in double nested Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) domain (9 km for outer domain and 3 km for inner domain) was done for North Western Himalaya NWH using National Centres for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecasting System (GFS) 0.25 degree data as initialization state. Rainfall forecast was validated using Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) data, the simulation accuracy of WRF in rainfall prediction above 100 mm is about 60%. Rainfall induced flood event of August 05–08, 2015 in Sone River (tributary of Beas River) Basin, near Dharampur, Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh caused very high damages. This event was picked three days in advance by WRF model based rainfall forecast. In second part, mean rainfall at sub-basin scale for hydrological model (HEC-HMS) was estimated from forecasted rainfall at every three hours in netcdf format using python script and flood hydrographs were generated. In third part, flood inundation map was generated using Hydrodynamic (HD) model (MIKE 11) with flood hydrographs as boundary condition to see the probable areas of inundation


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    Extreme precipitation events are responsible for major floods in any part of the world. In recent years, simulations and projection of weather conditions to future, with Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models like Weather Research and Forecast (WRF), has become an imperative component of research in the field of atmospheric science and hydrology. The validation of modelled forecast is thus have become matter of paramount importance in case of forecasting. This study delivers an all-inclusive assessment of 5 high spatial resolution gridded precipitation products including satellite data products and also climate reanalysis product as compared to WRF precipitation product. The study was performed in river basins of North Western Himalaya (NWH) in India. Performance of WRF model is evaluated by comparing with observational gridded (0.25° × 0.25°) precipitation data from Indian Meteorological Department (IMD). Other products include TRMM Multi Satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B42-v7 product (0.25° × 0.25°) and Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) product (0.1° × 0.1°). Moreover, climate reanalysis rainfall product from ERA Interim is also used. Bias, Mean Absolute Error, Root Mean Square Error, False Alarm Ratio (FAR), Probability of False Detection (POFD), and Probability of Detection (POD) were calculated with particular rainfall thresholds. TRMM and GPM products were found to be sufficiently close to the observations. All products showed better performance in the low altitude areas i.e. in planes of Upper Ganga and Yamuna basin and Indus basin, and increase in error as topographical variation increases. This study can be used for identifying suitability of WRF forecast data and assessing performance of other rainfall datasets as well

    The clinical features of the piriformis syndrome: a systematic review

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    Piriformis syndrome, sciatica caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle, has been described for over 70 years; yet, it remains controversial. The literature consists mainly of case series and narrative reviews. The objectives of the study were: first, to make the best use of existing evidence to estimate the frequencies of clinical features in patients reported to have PS; second, to identify future research questions. A systematic review was conducted of any study type that reported extractable data relevant to diagnosis. The search included all studies up to 1 March 2008 in four databases: AMED, CINAHL, Embase and Medline. Screening, data extraction and analysis were all performed independently by two reviewers. A total of 55 studies were included: 51 individual and 3 aggregated data studies, and 1 combined study. The most common features found were: buttock pain, external tenderness over the greater sciatic notch, aggravation of the pain through sitting and augmentation of the pain with manoeuvres that increase piriformis muscle tension. Future research could start with comparing the frequencies of these features in sciatica patients with and without disc herniation or spinal stenosis


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    The seasonal snow cover and permanent ice in form of Himalayan glaciers provide fresh water to many perineal rivers of Himalayas. The melt water from seasonal snow and glaciers, especially during of 15 March to 15 June acts as important source of water for drinking, hydropower and irrigation requirements of many areas in North India. This work has highlights the use of C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data from RISAT-1, Sentinel-1A and 1B satellites and ALOS-PALSAR-2 PolInSAR data for snow cover and glacier dynamics study for parts of North West Himalaya. Glacier velocity was derived using InSAR based method using 6 day temporal interval images from Sentinel-1 satellites and 14 day interval for PALSAR-2 satellite. High coherence was obtained for main glacier in both the data sets, which resulted accurate line of site (LOS) glacier velocity estimates for test glaciers. These InSAR data glacier velocity results are obtained after a gap of 21 years. Glacier facies was estimated using multi-temporal SAR image composition based classification. All these maps were verified by extensive ground surveys done at these sites during 2014–2017. The time series data of C-band SAR in VV/VH polarisation was also used to map snow cover in test basins of Bhagirathi and Beas River. The VV/VH data clearly shows difference between dry and wet snow, thus helping in improved snow cover mapping using SAR data. This study will help in refining algorithms to be used for such studies using upcoming NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) mission