18 research outputs found

    Post-Activation Performance Enhancement (PAPE) After Resisted Sprinting in Recreationally Active Participants: A Double-Blind Randomised Crossover Trial

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    Sprint performance and therefore sprint training play important roles in a range of sports and numerous methods to enhance sprint performance have been proposed. One such method is resisted sprinting, whereby a predetermined load (% body mass) or a load which elicits a reduction in sprint velocity, is towed over a prescribed distance. Resisted sprint training can be implemented chronically or acutely. The latter is used to elicit a performance enhancement via post-activation potentiation whereby a superior performance may be achieved when the activity is preceded by a specific stimulus, usually as part of the warm up. The purpose of this study was to determine if a post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) could be achieved following an acute resisted sprint at two different decreases in sprint velocity using novel resisted sprint equipment (Run Rocket). Eleven healthy male, recreationally trained volunteers (age 23.4 ± 1.9 years, height 180.5 ± 3.5 cm, body mass 86.4 ± 14.5 kg) participated in the study. A maximal 15 m baseline body mass only sprint was performed on the initial visit to ascertain 5 and 15 m sprint time. Participants visited a further two times which consisted of a pre-conditioning resisted sprint activity using the Run Rocket at two different resistance settings in a randomised counter-balanced design. A repeated measures analysis of variance (rmANOVA) showed no significant differences in sprint time, velocity or acceleration between the three conditions (p> 0.05). However, when assessing individuals by the smallest worthwhile change, some participants may have decreased their sprint time. Therefore, the use of resisted sprints did not elicit a post-activation performance enhancement in recreationally trained individuals and may not be beneficial for augmenting acute performance in this population. Individual responses to this type of training may vary and should be a consideration for strength coaches


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    Research on toxicity test of Sarcophyton sp. extract from Timor against Artemia s. Leach Nauplii has been conducted. Sarcophyton sp. from Paradiso beach, Kupang, was macerated in n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol then each macerate was evaporated at 400C and 450C to dry. The dried extract resulted was tested its secondary metabolite content and toxicity using Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). The results showed that the methanol extract contains saponins, phenols, and steroids while the ethyl acetate extract contains steroids and terpenoids. The toxicity test against artemia showed that the methanol extract from Sarcophyton sp. is very toxic to the nauplii with LC50 value of 29,56 ppm while the ethyl acetate extract is classified toxic and gave LC50 value of 34,11 ppm


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    Lansia berisiko mengalami penyakit atrhitis gout dikarenakan penurunan fungsi tubuh. Terdapat lima puluh lebih keadaan yang dapat disebut sebagai arthritis, namum yang paling banyak dijumpai adalah osteoatrhitis, atrhitis gout, arthritis rheumatoid (rematik), dan atrhitis infeksi. Penyakit arthritis gout dapat menimbulkan dampak bagi kesehatan mental lansia, dalam hal ini kesehatan jiwa yaitu kecemasan. Kecemasan merupakan suatu perasaan dimana seseorang merasa tidak aman dan terancam atas suatu hal atau keadaan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan metode cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tanggal 19-22 juli 2019, data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi yang di isi oleh responden dan di bantu peneliti. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 55 orang, sampel berjumlah 35 orang yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data di analisa dengan menggunakan uji Kotingensi C dengan tingkat kemaknaan α 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikant antara tingkat kecemasan dengan kejadian arthritis gout pada lansia. Hal ini di tujukan dari hasil analisis yaitu responden dengan arthritis gout yang mengalami kecemasan berat berjumlah 18 (100%) orang, yang tidak mengalami arthritis gout 0 (0%) orang, kecemasan sedang berjumlah 3 (37,5%) dengan artirits gout dan 5 (62,5%) tidak mengalami arthritis gout, kecemasan ringan berjumlah 0 (0%) dengan arthritis gout dan 9 (100%) yang tidak mengalami arthritis gout. Hal ini menunjukan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat kecemasan dengan kejadian artrtitis gout yang dialami para lansia (p<0.05). Oleh karena itu diharapkan anggota keluarga maupun petugas kesehatan serta masyarakat supaya bisa membantu serta memberi motivasi kepada para lansia dalam mengatasi kecemasan yang dialami guna untuk mengurangi penderitan akibat artitis gout yang diderita sehingga para lansia mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidu

    Estimation of Physical losses in water Distribution System using leakage Index: a case study

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    Frequency band widening technique for cantilever-based vibration energy harvesters through dynamics of fluid motion

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    Vibration energy harvesting has evoked great interests for a wide variety of self-powered microsystems. Vibration energy harvesters typically have a narrow bandwidth, which causes infeasibility for real-life applications. This issue has been addressed by incorporating frequency band widening technique with the help of fluid filled tip mass. It is based on the principle of center of gravity shifts due to the mass change caused by the dynamic motion of the fluid. This concept has been validated through simulations and experimentation carried out for piezoelectric patches from MIDE™, MEAS™ and our fabricated device. Performance evaluation of piezoelectric energy harvester has been carried with solid, and fluid filled tip mass. Open circuit electric potential of 7.4 V with 10 Hz bandwidth has been recorded for fluid (honey-motor oil mixture) tip mass in contrast with 4 Hz bandwidth for solid tip mass. It is found that fluid-filled tip mass has broadened frequency band by 250% without affecting harvested power. Keywords: Dynamics of fluid motion, Fluid-filled tipmass, Polymer substrate, Vibration energy harvestin

    Formulation and evaluation of fast dissolving oral wafers of linagliptin

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    Wafers are modern oral dosage forms which are commonly used by patients worldwide. Also, in acute pain, these dosage types can be used to get immediate relief. &nbsp;These oral sublingual wafers are nothing more than a thin oral stripe which dissolves immediately due to the presence of saliva in the mouth when placed in the sublingual cavity by releasing medication within a short span of time. The faster dissolution can be achieved by using different superdisintegrants in different concentrations and a comparative study of different superdisintegrants has been carried out. Present investigation aims to formulate fast dissolving wafer of linagliptin using different film forming agents. From the latest research it can be inferred that fast-dissolving oral films of drug release are preferable. The films prepared by HPMC K4 and K15 and CCS and CP had shown strong mechanical power, release of narcotics, period for disintegration and analysis of dissolution. F7 formulation is considered the better with less disintegrating time and release in 10 min according to the results obtained. Percent drug release and disintegration time was taken as responses for study which were found within the accepted ranges