653 research outputs found

    Effect of uniaxial strain on the structural and magnetic phase transitions in BaFe2_2As2_2

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    We report neutron scattering experiments probing the influence of uniaxial strain on both the magnetic and structural order parameters in the parent iron pnictide compound, BaFe2_2As2_2. Our data show that modest strain fields along the in-plane orthorhombic b-axis can affect significant changes in phase behavior simultaneous to the removal of structural twinning effects. As a result, we demonstrate in BaFe2_2As2_2 samples detwinned via uniaxial strain that the in-plane C4_4 symmetry is broken by \textit{both} the structural lattice distortion \textit{and} long-range spin ordering at temperatures far above the nominal (strain-free), phase transition temperatures. Surprising changes in the magnetic order parameter of this system under relatively small strain fields also suggest the inherent presence of magnetic domains fluctuating above the strain-free ordering temperature in this material.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Systematic review on the effects of the physical and social aspects of community pharmacy spaces on service users and staff

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    AIM: This systematic review aimed to provide new insights into how pharmacy spaces, or the architecture of pharmacies, are experienced by pharmacy service users and staff. The review sought to identify environmental factors which may influence service users' and staff participation in community-based pharmacy health services. METHOD: Ten databases were searched for English language publications, using a combination of search terms relating to pharmacy service users and staff; pharmacy spaces; and health and social care outcomes. Data from the final selected studies were extracted, thematically analysed using a narrative approach and the quality of each study assessed using the Integrated quality Criteria for the Review of Multiple Study designs (ICROMS). RESULTS: 80 articles reporting 80 studies published between 1994 and 2020 were identified; they were from 28 countries, involving around 3234 community pharmacies, 13,615 pharmacy service users, 5056 pharmacists and 78 pharmacy health staff. Most studies (94%) met the ICROMS minimum score, and half did not meet the mandatory quality criteria. Four themes likely to influence service users' and staff experiences of pharmacy health services were identified: (1) privacy; (2) experience of the physical environment; (3) professional image; and (4) risk of error. CONCLUSION: To optimise the delivery and experience of pharmacy health services, these spaces should be made more engaging. Future applied research could focus on optimising inclusive pharmacy design features

    Differential Study of Projectile Coherence Effects on Double Capture Processes in p + Ar Collisions

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    We have measured differential yields for double capture and double capture accompanied by ionization in 75 keV p + Ar collisions. Data were taken for two different transverse projectile coherence lengths. A small effect of the projectile coherence properties on the yields were found for double capture, but not for double capture plus ionization. The results suggest that multiple projectile-target interactions can lead to a significant weakening of projectile coherence effects

    Magnetic order and the electronic ground state in the pyrochlore iridate Nd2Ir2O7

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    We report a combined muon spin relaxation/rotation, bulk magnetization, neutron scattering, and transport study of the electronic properties of the pyrochlore iridate Nd2Ir2O7. We observe the onset of strongly hysteretic behavior in the temperature dependent magnetization below 120 K, and an abrupt increase in the temperature dependent resistivity below 8 K. Zero field muon spin relaxation measurements show that the hysteretic magnetization is driven by a transition to a magnetically disordered state, and that below 8 K a complex magnetically ordered ground state sets in, as evidenced by the onset of heavily damped spontaneous muon precession. Our measurements point toward the absence of a true metal-to-insulator phase transition in this material and suggest that Nd2Ir2O7 lies either within or on the metallic side of the boundary of the Dirac semimetal regime within its topological phase diagram.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Zn-induced spin dynamics in overdoped La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCu1−y_{1-y}Zny_yO4_4

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    Spin fluctuations and the local spin susceptibility in isovalently Zn-substituted La2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}Cu1−y_{1-y}Zny_yO4_4 (x=0.25x=0.25, y≈0.01y\approx0.01) are measured via inelastic neutron scattering techniques. As Zn2+^{2+} is substituted onto the Cu2+^{2+}-sites, an anomalous enhancement of the local spin susceptibility χ′′(ω)\chi^{\prime\prime}(\omega) appears due to the emergence of a commensurate antiferromagnetic excitation centered at wave vector \textbf{Q}=(π,π,0)=(\pi, \pi, 0) that coexists with the known incommensurate SDW excitations at \textbf{Q}HK=(π±δ,π),(π,π±δ)_{HK}=(\pi\pm\delta,\pi), (\pi,\pi\pm\delta). Our results support a picture of Zn-induced antiferromagnetic (AF) fluctuations appearing through a local staggered polarization of Cu2+^{2+}-spins, and the simultaneous suppression of Tc_c as AF fluctuations are slowed in proximity to Zn-impurities suggests the continued importance of high energy AF fluctuations at the far overdoped edge of superconductivity in the cuprates.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    A Gyrochronology and Microvariability Survey of the Milky Way's Older Stars Using Kepler's Two-Wheels Program

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    Even with the diminished precision possible with only two reaction wheels, the Kepler spacecraft can obtain mmag level, time-resolved photometry of tens of thousands of sources. The presence of such a rich, large data set could be transformative for stellar astronomy. In this white paper, we discuss how rotation periods for a large ensemble of single and binary main- sequence dwarfs can yield a quantitative understanding of the evolution of stellar spin-down over time. This will allow us to calibrate rotation-based ages beyond ~1 Gyr, which is the oldest benchmark that exists today apart from the Sun. Measurement of rotation periods of M dwarfs past the fully-convective boundary will enable extension of gyrochronology to the end of the stellar main-sequence, yielding precise ages ({\sigma} ~10%) for the vast majority of nearby stars. It will also help set constraints on the angular momentum evolution and magnetic field generation in these stars. Our Kepler-based study would be supported by a suite of ongoing and future ground-based observations. Finally, we briefly discuss two ancillary science cases, detection of long-period low-mass eclipsing binaries and microvariability in white dwarfs and hot subdwarf B stars that the Kepler Two-Wheels Program would facilitate.Comment: Kepler white pape
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