723 research outputs found

    Extended hydrodynamic theory of the peak and minimum pool boiling heat fluxes

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    The hydrodynamic theory of the extreme pool boiling heat fluxes is expanded to embrace a variety of problems that have not previously been analyzed. These problems include the prediction of the peak heat flux on a variety of finite heaters, the influence of viscosity on the Taylor and Helmoltz instability mechanisms with application to film boiling and to the peak heat flux in viscous liquids, the formalization of the analogy between high-current-density electrolysis and boiling, and the description of boiling in the low-gravity limit. The predictions are verified with a large number of new data

    Branching ratios of Bc Meson Decaying to Pseudoscalar and Axial-Vector Mesons

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    We study Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) favored weak decays of Bc mesons in the Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise (ISGW) quark model. We present a detailed analysis of the Bc meson decaying to a pseudoscalar meson (P) and an axial-vector meson (A). We also give the form factors involving transition in the ISGW II framework and consequently, predict the branching ratios of decays.Comment: 19 pages,7 table

    Diagnostic utility of p501s (prostein) in comparison to prostate specific antigen (PSA) for the detection of metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Immunohistochemical detection of prostate specific antigen (PSA) is widely used to identify metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma. However, PSA may not be expressed in some poorly differentiated prostatic carcinomas and its immunoreactivity has been found in some non-prostatic tissues. P501s (prostein) is a prostate-specific marker that is expressed in the cytoplasm of benign and malignant prostatic glandular cells. It has not been detected in any other normal or malignant tissues. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the expression of P501s in metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma and compare its expression with PSA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunohistochemical stains with anti-P501s antibodies were performed on 5-micron sections of tissue microarray (TMA) specimens. The TMA is constructed with normal donor prostates (NDP), prostatic adenocarcinoma (PRCA), non-neoplastic prostatic tissues adjacent to malignant glands (NAT), benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), high-grade prostatic neoplasia (PIN), metastatic adenocarcinoma to lymph nodes (MLN), metastatic adenocarcinoma to other sites (MC), and samples of benign testis, colon, adrenal and kidney. The two groups of metastatic lesions were also subjected to stains with antibodies to PSA. A composite score (ranging from 0 to 3) was assigned to score intensity of staining.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Granular staining pattern of p501s was seen in all benign glands (score = 1.77 – 2.1) and malignant acini (score = 1.52) at the apical aspect of cytoplasm, predominantly adjacent to the nuclei. No staining was observed in controls including testis, colon, adrenal and kidney. The MLN group received a score of 1.0, with 10% of cases negative for p501s. The MC cases had a score of 0.64, with 16.7% of case showing loss of p501s expression. Although the metastatic lesions demonstrated similar rate of negative expression with PSA antibody, only 2 MC cases (3.3%) showed simultaneous negative stains for both P501S and PSA.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>P501s is an organ specific marker for benign and malignant prostatic epithelial cells. Its characteristic cytoplasmic stain pattern provides an additional valuable immunomarker for detection of metastatic prostatic malignancy, even though the intensity of its expression is reduced, as in the case with PSA. Simultaneous stains with P501S and PSA will greatly improve the detection rate and identify a significant majority of the metastases.</p

    Utility of a dual immunostain cocktail comprising of p53 and CK20 to aid in the diagnosis of non-neoplastic and neoplastic bladder biopsies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Distinction between non-neoplastic and neoplastic bladder lesions is therapeutically and prognostically important. Our objective is to describe the use of double immunohistochemistry (DIHC) for p53+CK20 as a tool for diagnosing neoplasia in bladder biopsies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>p53+CK20 DIHC were examined in 38 reactive atypia, 10 dysplasia, 9 carcinoma in situ (CIS) and 7 invasive carcinoma (IC) cases. CK20 was evaluated according to distribution extent and degree of intensity whereas percentage of positive cells together with staining intensity was taken into account in the evaluation of p53.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>92% of reactive cases were either CK20(-) or (+) only in the upper 1/3 urothelium. In dysplastic cases CK20 staining distribution was as follows: 60% in 2/3 of the urothelium, 30% full thickness, 10% in the upper 1/3 urothelium. Among CIS cases, 89% had full thickness CK20 positivity, of which 62% were p53(+). 71% of IC cases exhibited strong and full thickness dual staining.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first study in the literature to use DIHC of p53+CK20 in distinction of non-neoplastic and neoplastic bladder lesions. Dual staining by p53+CK20 cocktail allows for histologic correlation and diminishes the risk of losing the area of interest in limited biopsy specimens.</p

    Exclusive Semileptonic Decays of Bc Meson

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    We present a detailed analysis of exclusive semileptonic decays of Bc meson involving pseudoscalar and vector mesons in the BSW framework, by investigating the effects of the flavor dependence on the average transverse quark momentum inside a meson. Branching ratios of exclusive semileptonic decays of Bc meson are predicted.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Nucleotide analysis of pome fruit virus isolates detected in apple and pear samples from Italy and India

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    In the framework of a joint research project between Italy and India field surveys were done in different pear and apple growing areas of North of India and Central and Southern Italy. Samples were collected from plants belonging to common and local varieties and molecularly analyzed for the detection of the main pome fruit viruses (Apple stem pitting virus, Apple stem groving virus, Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus, Apple mosaic virus) by using harmonized diagnostic protocols.The sequence homology was evaluated and a phylogenetic tree was built, on the basis of which, the Indian isolate of ASGV showed maximum sequence identity at a nucleotide level to Italian isolates when analyzed by BLAST (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi). Similarly, a maximum identity, ranging from 90-93%, was found for the Italian isolates of ASPV and pear and apple isolates from Poland, while a sequence homology ranging from 83 to86% was observed within the Indian isolates of ASPV. Multiple alignment of the Indian pome ACLSV-isolates indicate maximum variability in the middle portion while the first 140 nucleotides are maximally conserved and shared a percent identity at nucleotide level of 86-100% with the Italian isolates.The ApMV Indian isolates showed maximum (92-99%) sequence homology to the Korean isolate (AY125977) from apple. However, a comparison with other isolates from different host plant species revealed a clustering of Indian isolates with a Czech isolate from pear and a sequence homology of 84 to 98%. Phylogenetic analysis showed that sequence variability was independent to the geographical origin or the host for all the investigated viruses.Keywords: ACLSV, ASPV, ASGV, ApMV, sequences analysis, Italy, India

    NLO QCD Corrections to BcB_c-to-Charmonium Form Factors

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    The Bc(1S0)B_c(^1S_0) meson to S-wave Charmonia transition form factors are calculated in next-to-leading order(NLO) accuracy of Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD). Our results indicate that the higher order corrections to these form factors are remarkable, and hence are important to the phenomenological study of the corresponding processes. For the convenience of comparison and use, the relevant expressions in asymptotic form at the limit of mc0m_c\rightarrow0 for the radiative corrections are presented

    Void Fraction Measurements during Saturated Pool Boiling of Water on Partially Wetted Vertical Surfaces,”

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    Introduction Of all the modes of boiling, nucleate boiling is associated with the highest heat transfer coefficients. As a result, this process is of great interest with regard to applications as well as basic understanding. Numerous studies of nucleate boiling heat transfer have been reported in the literature. The results of these studies have generally been given in the form of correlations. So far, relatively few attempts have been made to describe the nucleate boiling process in a mechanistic way, and those efforts have met with little success. The primary cause for the very limited success of those attempts is a lack of understanding of the interaction of several surface and fluid parameters. To facilitate further development of mechanistic models of nucleate boiling and maximum heat fluxes, the purpose of the present work is to determine experimentally the interplay between the wall void fraction, surface wettability, and vapor flow dynamics away from the wall. The earliest correlation for nucleate boiling is that o

    Functional consequences of seven novel mutations in the CYP11B1 Gene: four mutations associated with nonclassic and three mutations causing classic 11 -Hydroxylase Deficiency

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    Context: Steroid 11β-hydroxylase (CYP11B1) deficiency (11OHD) is the second most common form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Cases of nonclassic 11OHD are rare compared with the incidence of nonclassic 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the functional consequences of seven novel CYP11B1 mutations (p.M88I, p.W116G, p.P159L, p.A165D, p.K254_A259del, p.R366C, p.T401A) found in three patients with classic 11OHD, two patients with nonclassic 11OHD, and three heterozygous carriers for CYP11B1 mutations. Methods: We conducted functional studies employing a COS7 cell in vitro expression system comparing wild-type (WT) and mutant CYP11B1 activity. Mutants were examined in a computational three-dimensional model of the CYP11B1 protein. Results: All mutations (p.W116G, p.A165D, p.K254_A259del) found in patients with classic 11OHD have absent or very little 11β-hydroxylase activity relative to WT. The mutations detected in patients with nonclassic 11OHD showed partial functional impairment, with one patient being homozygous (p.P159L; 25% of WT) and the other patient compound heterozygous for a novel mild p.M88I (40% of WT) and the known severe p.R383Q mutation. The two mutations detected in heterozygous carriers (p.R366C, p.T401A) also reduced CYP11B1 activity by 23 to 37%, respectively. Conclusion: Functional analysis results allow for the classification of novel CYP11B1 mutations as causative for classic and nonclassic 11OHD, respectively. Four partially inactivating mutations are predicted to result in nonclassic 11OHD. These findings double the number of mild CYP11B1 mutations previously described as associated with mild 11OHD. Our data are important to predict phenotypic expression and provide important information for clinical and genetic counseling i

    National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank: A standard based biospecimen and clinical data resource to enhance translational research

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    Background: Advances in translational research have led to the need for well characterized biospecimens for research. The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank is an initiative which collects annotated datasets relevant to human mesothelioma to develop an enterprising biospecimen resource to fulfill researchers' need. Methods: The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank architecture is based on three major components: (a) common data elements (based on College of American Pathologists protocol and National North American Association of Central Cancer Registries standards), (b) clinical and epidemiologic data annotation, and (c) data query tools. These tools work interoperably to standardize the entire process of annotation. The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank tool is based upon the caTISSUE Clinical Annotation Engine, developed by the University of Pittsburgh in cooperation with the Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid™ (caBIG™, see http://cabig.nci.nih.gov). This application provides a web-based system for annotating, importing and searching mesothelioma cases. The underlying information model is constructed utilizing Unified Modeling Language class diagrams, hierarchical relationships and Enterprise Architect software. Result: The database provides researchers real-time access to richly annotated specimens and integral information related to mesothelioma. The data disclosed is tightly regulated depending upon users' authorization and depending on the participating institute that is amenable to the local Institutional Review Board and regulation committee reviews. Conclusion: The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank currently has over 600 annotated cases available for researchers that include paraffin embedded tissues, tissue microarrays, serum and genomic DNA. The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank is a virtual biospecimen registry with robust translational biomedical informatics support to facilitate basic science, clinical, and translational research. Furthermore, it protects patient privacy by disclosing only de-identified datasets to assure that biospecimens can be made accessible to researchers. © 2008 Amin et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd