10 research outputs found

    Molecular modelling of bimetallic Au-Cu nanoparticles under reactive gas

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    Ce travail de thèse est dédié à l’étude théorique de l’effet de l'environnement sur les nano-catalyseurs AuCu. Ainsi dans le cadre de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT), la stabilité du système bimétallique AuCu, modélisé sous forme de surfaces semi-infinies, de nanoparticules libres et de nanoparticules supportées, a été examinée en présence et en absence de gaz réactif. Du point de vue thermodynamique, et sous conditions de vide, la ségrégation de l’or en surface est favorisée, en partie grâce à sa plus faible énergie de surface comparée à celle du cuivre. En revanche, en présence de molécules de gaz (CO, NO ou O2), les résultats montrent une ségrégation inversée, du cuivre vers la surface et de l’or vers le volume. Ces résultats confirment et expliquent les observations expérimentales et permettent aussi de prédire la localisation du cuivre à la surface de l’alliage en présence de chaque environnement gazeux. Sur les surfaces, l’étude énergétique de l’anisotropie de ségrégation (c'est-à-dire la force de ségrégation pour chaque type de terminaison de la surface) montre une ségrégation préférentielle de Cu vers la surface (110) en présence de gaz. L’analyse de la structure électronique issue des calculs de la densité d’état et des distributions de charges met en évidence des caractères très différents pour les molécules de gaz et donc des effets différents sur l’alliage AuCu, à savoir un caractère local pour CO, semi-local pour NO et complètement singulier dans le cas de O2.Sous forme de nanoparticule (cuboctaèdre de 38 atomes), l’étude de l’évolution de la stabilité de AuCu en fonction de la teneur en Au et pour différents types d’alliages (cœur-coquille, alliage régulier, peau-cœur) a été effectuée grâce aux calculs de l’énergie de surface. Les résultats révèlent l’existence d’une relation linéaire entre la composition chimique et la stabilité de AuCu. En outre, à partir d’une teneur en Au de 20%, les nano-alliages bimétalliques AuCu se révèlent plus stables que les composantes Au et Cu pures. En présence de gaz, un modèle thermodynamique qui prend en compte l’adsorption des molécules de CO a été développé pour prédire le diagramme de stabilité en fonction de la température et de la pression de CO. Les résultats montrent l’instabilité des nanoparticules de Cu sous pression de gaz et prédisent une composition critique en Au (15%) à partir de laquelle l’alliage AuCu devient stable sous gaz réactif. Ces résultats sont en parfait accord avec des résultats expérimentaux récemment publiés.Enfin, l'effet du support oxyde a été soigneusement étudié en considérant l’interaction des nanoparticules AuCu sur la surface de TiO2(100) anatase. L’analyse des composantes énergétiques (énergies de dépôt, énergies d’interaction, etc ..), des effets géométriques (déformations de la nanoparticule et du support) et des propriétés électroniques (transferts de charges) ainsi que l’étude de la réactivité ont permis de comprendre le comportement de l’alliage supporté et d’évaluer l’effet du support anatase, pas du tout le même en fonction de la structure et de l’ordre chimique de la nanoparticule considérée.This thesis is devoted to the theoretical description of the effect of the environment on AuCu nanocatalysts. In the framework of density functional theory (DFT), the stability of the AuCu bimetallic system, modeled as semi-infinite surfaces, free nanoparticles and supported nanoparticles, was studied in the presence and in the absence of reactive gas. From a thermodynamic point of view, and under vacuum conditions, the segregation of gold at the surface is favored, which is due, in part, to its lower surface energy compared to that of copper. However, in the presence of gas molecules (CO, NO or O2), the results show an inverted segregation, of copper towards the surface and of gold towards the bulk. These results confirm and explain the experimental observations and also make it possible to predict the localization of the copper on the surface of the alloy in the presence of gas environment.Over the AuCu surfaces, the energetic study of segregation anisotropy (i.e. the segregation forces versus surface terminations) shows preferential segregation of Cu toward the (110) surface, in the presence of gas. The analyses of the electronic structure from the calculation of density of states and charge distributions reveal very different characters of gas molecules and therefore different effects on the AuCu alloy, namely a local character for CO, semi-local for NO and a completely different behavior for the case of O2.In the form of nanosized particle (truncated cuboctahedron of 38 atoms), the AuCu stability as a function of Au content and for different alloy types (core-shell, regular alloy, skin-heart) was investigated by considering surface energy calculations. The results reveal the existence of a linear relationship between the chemical composition and the stability of AuCu. In addition, for Au content equal and beyond 20%, the AuCu bimetallic nano-alloys are found to be more stable than the pure Au and Cu components. In the presence of gas, a thermodynamic model that takes into account the adsorption of CO molecules was developed to predict the stability diagram as a function of temperature and CO pressure. The results show the instability of Cu nanoparticles under gas pressure and predict a critical composition in Au of about 15% from which the AuCu nanoalloys become stable. These results are in full agreement with recent experimental reports.Finally, the effect of the oxide support has been carefully investigated by considering the adsorption of AuCu nanoparticles over TiO2 (100) anatase surface. The analysis of energetic components (deposition and interaction energies etc.), geometric effects (nanoparticle and support deformations) and electronic properties (charge transfers) as well as the study of the reactivity, made it possible to understand the behavior of the supported nanoalloys and to evaluate the effect of the anatase support; not at all the same depending on the structure and the chemical order of the considered nanoparticle

    First-principles study of Au–Cu alloy surface changes induced by gas adsorption of CO, NO, or O2

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    International audienceThe surface composition of bimetallics can be strongly altered by adsorbing molecules where the metal with the strongest interaction with the adsorbate segregates into the surface. To investigate the effect of reactive gas on the surface composition of Au–Cu alloy, we examined by means of density functional theory to study the segregation behavior of copper in gold matrices. The adsorption mechanisms of CO, NO, and O2 gas molecules on gold, copper, and gold-copper low index (111), (100), and (110) surfaces were analyzed from energetic and electronic points of view. Our results show a strong segregation of Cu toward the (110) surface in the presence of all adsorbed molecules. Interestingly, the Cu segregation toward the (111) and (100) surface could occur only inthe presence of CO and at a lower extent in the presence of NO. The analysis of the electronic structure highlights the different binding characters of adsorbates inducing the Cu segregation

    Support Effects Examined by a Comparative Theoretical Study of Au, Cu and CuAu Nanoclusters on Rutile and Anatase Surfaces

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    International audienceThe role of the support anatase TiO2(100) and rutile TiO2(110) on the energetics, the shape and the charge transfer of deposited CuAu nanoclusters ( 1 nm) has been examined by using density functional theory calculations including Hubbard correction (DFT+U). Regula

    Les virus de l'hépatite profitent des pratiques traditionnelles pour augmenter la charge du carcinome hépatocellulaire en Tunisie

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    International audienceHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a major public health issue in Africa. In Tunisia, hepatitis B virus (HBV) is known to be an important risk factor for HCC in the south of the country, but the role played by hepatitis C virus (HCV) still remains unclear. The aim of the current case-control study was to identify risk factors for HCC development in the northern part of the country. Clinical and biological data including viral hepatitis status (serological and molecular) and non-infectious risk factors from 73 patients with HCC and 70 control subjects without hepatic diseases were collected. The mean age of the patients was 63 ± 10 years, and the ratio of males to females was 1.1. HCC occurred in cirrhotic liver in 72.0% of the cases. HCV infection was the dominant risk factor (64.3% of cases); the presence of HBV was observed in 53.4% of the cases. Occult hepatitis B and C were implicated, respectively, in 30.1% and 9.6% of the cases. HCV genotype 1b was predominant. Patients originating from western Tunisia formed a homogeneous group, characterized by significantly higher rates of tattoos or scarifications (83%) and HCV infection (80%) than those from other parts of the country. Chronic HCV infection is currently the primary risk factor for HCC in Tunisia; HBV infection remains frequent in its overt or occult infection forms. Traditional esthetic practices apparently contribute to increasing the burden of terminal liver diseases in western Tunisia

    SmartVista: Smart Autonomous Multi Modal Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring

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    International audienceThe SmartVista is dedicated to develop a personalized self-powered smart multi-modal vital sign monitoring wearable patch that is seamlessly integrated with the skin with multi-fold increased sensor accuracy. We are investigating one- and two-dimensional (1D/2D) nanomaterials, including carbon nanotubes (CNTs), silver nanowires (Ag NWs), and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) sheets, to develop ultra-sensitive and highly-stretchable skin-like biosensors used for the monitoring of health-related physiological body signals. Both theoretical and experimental studies are on-going for the optimization of sensor’s design and performance. Furthermore, to ensure autonomy of the smart sensor, 3D printable battery powered by energy harvesting module is integrated on a single flexible device platform. For energy harvesting, thermoelectric generator (TEG) modules are being developed to harvest power from the body heat and temperature gradient. The entire system will be powered by a 3D printed battery, which reduces the battery form factor significantly and allows for drastic system miniaturization that is crucial for wearables. The present wearable and implantable autonomous sensing device has significant potential to be employed for doctor – patient mobile health monitoring system

    Molecular Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Tunisia (North Africa) through Several Successive Waves of COVID-19

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    Documenting the circulation dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 variants in different regions of the world is crucial for monitoring virus transmission worldwide and contributing to global efforts towards combating the pandemic. Tunisia has experienced several waves of COVID-19 with a significant number of infections and deaths. The present study provides genetic information on the different lineages of SARS-CoV-2 that circulated in Tunisia over 17 months. Lineages were assigned for 1359 samples using whole-genome sequencing, partial S gene sequencing and variant-specific real-time RT-PCR tests. Forty-eight different lineages of SARS-CoV-2 were identified, including variants of concern (VOCs), variants of interest (VOIs) and variants under monitoring (VUMs), particularly Alpha, Beta, Delta, A.27, Zeta and Eta. The first wave, limited to imported and import-related cases, was characterized by a small number of positive samples and lineages. During the second wave, a large number of lineages were detected; the third wave was marked by the predominance of the Alpha VOC, and the fourth wave was characterized by the predominance of the Delta VOC. This study adds new genomic data to the global context of COVID-19, particularly from the North African region, and highlights the importance of the timely molecular characterization of circulating strains