11 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Lingkungan Fisik, Biologi, Dan Sosial Di Daerah Endemis Dbd Kota Banjar Tahun 2011

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    Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) ialah penyakit menular akibat virus dengue yang ditularkan Aedes aegypti sebagai vektor utama. Penyakit ini dapat menimbulkan KLB di Kota Banjar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik lingkungan fisik, biologi dan sosial daerah endemis DBD Kota Banjar. Tujuan penelitian ini melihat karakteristik lingkungan fisik, biologi dan sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan rancangan potong lintang. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa karakteristik lingkungan fisik yang meliputi: Kepadatan rumah: daerah endemis tinggi (517,884 unit/km2), endemis sedang (271,713 dan 331,584 unit/km2), dan endemis rendah (392,171 unit/km2). Keberadaan kontainer: daerah endemis tinggi (95,9%), endemis sedang (95% dan 100%), dan endemis rendah (100%). Suhu udara rumah: daerah endemis tinggi (27,470C), endemis sedang (27,2% dan 27,930C), dan endemis rendah (26,850C). Kelembaban ruangan: daerah endemis tinggi (56,71%), endemis sedang (60,2% dan 62,47%) dan endemis rendah (65,43%). Keberadaan baju menggantung: daerah endemis tinggi (89,8%), endemis sedang (80% dan 85%) dan endemis rendah (81,8%). Keberadaan kasa: daerah endemis tinggi (30,6%), endemis sedang (10% dan 25%) dan endemis rendah (27,3%). Keberadaan tanaman hias: daerah endemis tinggi (61,2%), endemis sedang (30% dan 95%) dan endemis rendah (81,8%). Keberadaan lahan pekarangan: daerah endemis tinggi (98%), endemis sedang (75% dan 95%) dan endemis rendah (100%). Keberadaan jentik nyamuk: daerah endemis tinggi (27%), endemis sedang (20% dan 35%) dan endemis rendah (36%). Daerah endemis tinggi DBD dan endemis sedang sebagian besar berpendidikan tamat SLTA, endemis rendah tamat berpendidikan SLTP. Sebagian besar memiliki kesamaan pekerjaan, yaitu wiraswata dan ibu rumah tangga. Sebagian besar memiliki kesamaan penghasilan, yaitu Rp. 750.000-1.000.000/bulan. Mobilitas penduduk: endemis tinggi (49%), endemis sedang (55% dan 85%), endemis rendah (100%). Keberadaan kelompok peduli DBD: endemis tinggi (40,8%), endemis sedang (20% dan 50%), endemis rendah (45,5%). Aktivitas PSN: endemis tinggi (61,2%), endemis sedang (95%), dan rendah (100%)

    Impact of Deltamethrin on Cockroaches (Periplaneta Americana) and Its Residue on Environment

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    Background: Intensive use of chemical insecticides not only affect the targetspecies, but also non-target species and environment. In this study, we examined residual effect of deltamethrin on cockroaches (Periplaneta americana), catfishes (Clarias batrachus) and nile-tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). In addition, we aimed to measure the infiltration rate ofdeltamethrin insecticides in different types of soil. Methods: An experimental study was conducted on laboratory-reared P. americana in Institut Pertanian Bogor (Agricultural Institute, Bogor). Using five different deltamethrin concentrations 0.8%, 0.4%, 0.2%, 0.1% and 0.05% (v/v) in three replications, we assessed deltamethrin residual effect against cockroaches in 24 and 48-hrs. Lethal concentration (LC ) for cockroaches was determined using Probit analysis. The lethal concentration was50 then tested on C. batrachus and O. niloticus in spraying and soaking method using organophosphate 1 ppm and 10 ppm. Infiltration rate of insecticide on three soil type was measured with lysimeter. Results: The toxic effect (LC ) of deltamethrin residue against cockroach reached at concentration of 500.2% in 24-hrs. Fifty per cent of nile-tilapia were killed by deltamethrin 0.2% within 24-hrs. Infiltration capacity of the insecticide were higher on sandy soil (5 ml/mins) than dominantly-composed by clay soil. Conclusions: Deltamethrin 0.2% had a knockdown effect on P. americana, may infiltrate soil and waterbodies, and had a residual toxic effect on nile-tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). (Health Science Indones 2014;2:94-9

    The Maya Index Analysis on Dengue Patient Household in Banjar City, 2012

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    Salah satu faktor risiko kejadian DBD di antaranya adalah ketersediaan kontainer tempat perkembangbiakan vektor. Tahun2012 dilakukan survei observasional analitik dengan pendekatan potong lintang pada 100 rumah penderita DBD di KotaBanjar. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko penularan DBD melalui pendekatan analisis Maya Index. Datayang dikumpulkan meliputi jenis, jumlah kontainer, dan jumlah kontainer mengandung larva Aedes sp. Kontainer yangditemukan dikategorikan menjadi Controllable Container dan Disposable Container untuk mengetahui Breeding Risk Index(BRI) dan Hygene Risk Index (HRI). Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk mengetahui proporsi jumlah dan jenis kontainer.Maya index diperoleh dari hasil pengkategorian rasio BRI dan HRI. Container Index dan Breteau Index dihitung untukmengetahui kepadatan larva. Hasil pengamatan ditemukan sebanyak 915 kontainer yang terdiri dari jenis controllablecontainers (93%) dan disposable containers (7%). Jenis kontainer yang dominan adalah tempayan tanah liat (15,52%), bakair (14,35%), pot bunga (48,47%), dan penampung air pada dispenser (7%). Larva Aedes sp. banyak ditemukan pada bak air(48,57%) dan penampung air pada dispenser (22,86%). Sementara, botol bekas (35,3%) dan kaleng bekas (26,1%)merupakan jenis disposable container yang paling banyak ditemukan. Analisis menunjukkan sebagian besar rumahberkategori BRI tinggi (93%) dan HRI rendah (92%). Berdasarkan Maya Index, rumah penderita termasuk dalam kategoririsiko sedang (97%) dengan CI dan BI masing-masing sebesar 3,85% dan 35. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa sebagian besarrumah penderita masih memiliki potensi penularan infeksi virus Dengue

    The Distribution of Culex Spp (Diptera: Culicidae) in Selected Endemic Lymphatic Filariasis Villages in Bandung District West Java Indonesia

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    . Bandung district has been implemented mass drug administration (MDA) program since 2009, but little is known about entomological data especially about bionomic aspects and distribution of lymphatic filariasis (LF) mosquito vectors. This study was aimed to identify potential LF mosquito species and its potential breeding sites in two LF endemic villages in Majalaya, Bandung district. The observational study was conducted in September-October 2013. Mosquito larvae were collected by a scoop and adult mosquitos were captured through indoor-outdoor human-landing and resting collection to identify species diversity and density. Six species filariasis mosquito vectors were identified. The primary LF vectors, Culex quinquefasciatus and Cx. tritaeniorhynchus were found as dominant species with peak landing time between 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. Five potential breeding sites was identified near to villages including neglected fish-pool and paddy field with salinity 0‰, water temperature 28.5-29°C, pH 6-7. The Man-Hour Density (MHD) and Man-Biting Rate (MBR) of Cx. quinquefasciatus was relatively low, however, transmission may potentially occur due to their existence and the availability of favorable environmental conditions across the villages

    Spatial epidemiological approaches to inform leptospirosis surveillance and control: a systematic review and critical appraisal of methods

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    Leptospirosis is a global zoonotic disease that the transmission is driven by complex geographical and temporal variation in demographics, animal hosts and socioecological factors. This results in complex challenges for the identification of high‐risk areas. Spatial and temporal epidemiological tools could be used to support leptospirosis control programs, but the adequacy of its application has not been evaluated. We searched literature in six databases including PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE, Scopus, SciELO and Zoological Record to systematically review and critically assess the use of spatial and temporal analytical tools for leptospirosis and to provide general framework for its application in future studies. We reviewed 115 articles published between 1930 and October 2018 from 41 different countries. Of these, 65 (56.52%) articles were on human leptospirosis, 39 (33.91%) on animal leptospirosis and 11 (9.5%) used data from both human and animal leptospirosis. Spatial analytical (n = 106) tools were used to describe the distribution of incidence/prevalence at various geographical scales (96.5%) and to explored spatial patterns to detect clustering and hot spots (33%). A total of 51 studies modelled the relationships of various variables on the risk of human (n = 31), animal (n = 17) and both human and animal infection (n = 3). Among those modelling studies, few studies had generated spatially structured models and predictive maps of human (n = 2/31) and animal leptospirosis (n = 1/17). In addition, nine studies applied time‐series analytical tools to predict leptospirosis incidence. Spatial and temporal analytical tools have been greatly utilized to improve our understanding on leptospirosis epidemiology. Yet the quality of the epidemiological data, the selection of covariates and spatial analytical techniques should be carefully considered in future studies to improve usefulness of evidence as tools to support leptospirosis control. A general framework for the application of spatial analytical tools for leptospirosis was proposed

    Atasi Masalah Kesehatan Sesuai Kerangka Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

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    Ada dua prinsip dasar dalam konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan, yaitu prinsip kehati-hatian (precautionary principles) dan ketidakpastian (uncertainty). Kedua prinsip inilah yang akan menuntun arah pembangunan menuju pembangunan yang berkeadilan dan pencapaian keseimbangan tiga dimensi kehidupan yaitu lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial.Kesehatan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah dua hal yang saling berkaitan. Terciptanya masyarakat sehat adalah salah satu indikator dalam keberhasilan penerapan konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan di suatu negara yang tercantum dalam Agenda 21.Pembangunan berkelanjutan menekankan pada penyelesaian masalah secara terintegrasi dan komprehensif. Dalam kaitannya dengan bidang kesehatan, pengendalian penyakit menular seperti malaria, dapat dikendalikan dukungan masyarakat melalui pelibatan atau partisipasi aktif dan kemitraan pemerintah dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan di berbagai sektor/lintas sektor. Pengendalian tidak hanya dari sisi vektor, melainkan juga perlu mengintegrasikannya dengan berbagai aspek, seperti sosial-budaya masyarakat, program dan kebijakan pemerintah yang pro rakyat, serta lingkungan.Akhimya, hal yang terpenting dalam upaya pemecahan masalah kesehatan yang semakin kompleks ini adalah dengan memperhatikan keterkaitan berbagai dimensi yaitu sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan serta pendekatan interdisiplin

    Atasi Masalah Kesehatan Sesuai Kerangka Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

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    Ada dua prinsip dasar dalam konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan, yaitu prinsip kehati-hatian (precautionary principles) dan ketidakpastian (uncertainty). Kedua prinsip inilah yang akan menuntun arah pembangunan menuju pembangunan yang berkeadilan dan pencapaian keseimbangan tiga dimensi kehidupan yaitu lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial.Kesehatan dan pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah dua hal yang saling berkaitan. Terciptanya masyarakat sehat adalah salah satu indikator dalam keberhasilan penerapan konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan di suatu negara yang tercantum dalam Agenda 21.Pembangunan berkelanjutan menekankan pada penyelesaian masalah secara terintegrasi dan komprehensif. Dalam kaitannya dengan bidang kesehatan, pengendalian penyakit menular seperti malaria, dapat dikendalikan dukungan masyarakat melalui pelibatan atau partisipasi aktif dan kemitraan pemerintah dengan berbagai pemangku kepentingan di berbagai sektor/lintas sektor. Pengendalian tidak hanya dari sisi vektor, melainkan juga perlu mengintegrasikannya dengan berbagai aspek, seperti sosial-budaya masyarakat, program dan kebijakan pemerintah yang pro rakyat, serta lingkungan.Akhimya, hal yang terpenting dalam upaya pemecahan masalah kesehatan yang semakin kompleks ini adalah dengan memperhatikan keterkaitan berbagai dimensi yaitu sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan serta pendekatan interdisiplin

    Leptospirosis, Climate and Satellite-based Environmental Factors: A Temporal Modeling

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    ObjectiveTo quantify the effects of climate variability, selected remotely-sensed environmental factors on human leptospirosis in the high-risk counties in China.IntroductionLeptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the pathogenic Leptospira bacteria and is ubiquitously distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. Leptospirosis transmission driven by complex factors include climatic, environmental and local social conditions 1. Each year, there are about 1 million cases of human leptospirosis reported globally and it causes approximately 60,000 people lost their lives due to infection 2. Yunnan Province and Sichuan Province are two of highly endemic areas in the southwest China that had contributed for 47% of the total national reported cases during 2005-2015 3. Factors underlying local leptospirosis transmission in these two areas is far from clear and thus hinder the efficacy of control strategies. Hence, it is essential to assess and identify local key drivers associated with persistent leptospirosis transmission in that areas to lay foundation for the development of early-warning systems. Currently, remote sensing technology provides broad range of physical environment data at various spatial and temporal scales 4, which can be used to understand the leptospirosis epidemiology. Utilizing satellite-based environmental data combined with locally-acquired weather data may potentially enhance existing surveillance programs in China so that the burden of leptospirosis could be reduced.MethodsThis study was carried out in two counties situated in different climatic zone in the southwestern China, Mengla and Yilong County (Fig 1). Total of 543 confirmed leptospirosis cases reported during 2006-2016 from both counties were used in this analysis. Time series decomposition was used to explore the long-term seasonality of leptospirosis incidence in two counties during the period studied. Monthly remotely-sensed environmental data such as normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), modified normalized water difference index (MNDWI) and land surface temperature (LST) were collected from satellite databases. Climate data include monthly precipitation and relative humidity (RH) data were obtained from local weather stations. Lagged effects of rainfall, humidity, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI) and land surface temperature (LST) on leptospirosis was examined. Generalized linear model with negative binomial link was used to assess the relationships of climatic and physical environment factors with leptospirosis. Best-fitted model was determined based on the lowest information criterion and deviance.ResultsLeptospirosis incidence in both counties showed strong and unique annual seasonality. Bi-modal temporal pattern was exhibited in Mengla County while single epidemic curve was persistently demonstrated in Yilong County (Fig 2). Total of 10 and 20 models were generated for Mengla and Yilong County, respectively. After adjusting for seasonality, final best-fitted models indicated that rainfall at lag of 6-month (incidence rate ratio (IRR)= 0.989; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.985-0.993, p<0.001) and current LST (IRR=0.857, 95%CI:0.729-0.929, p<0.001) significantly associated with leptospirosis in Mengla County (Table 1). While in Yilong, rainfall at 1-month lag, MNDWI (5-months lag) and LST (3-months lag) were associated with an increased incidence of leptospirosis with a risk ratio of 1.013 (95%CI: 1.003-1.023), 7.960 (95%CI: 1.241-47.66) and 1.193 (95%CI:1.095-1.301), respectively.ConclusionsOur study identified lagged effect and relationships of weather and remotely-sensed environmental factors with leptospirosis in two endemic counties in China. Rainfall in combination with satellite derived physical environment factors such as flood/water indicator (MNDWI) and temperature (LST) could help explain the local epidemiology as well as good predictors for leptospirosis outbreak in both counties. This would also be an avenue for the development of leptospirosis early warning system in to support leptospirosis control in China.References1. Haake, D. A. , Levett, P. N. Leptospirosis in humans. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 2015, 387, 65-97.2. Costa, F. et al. Global Morbidity and Mortality of Leptospirosis: A Systematic Review. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2015, 9, e0003898.3. Dhewantara, P. W. et al. Epidemiological shift and geographical heterogeneity in the burden of leptospirosis in China. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2018, 7, 57.4. Herbreteau, V., Salem, G., Souris, M., Hugot, J. P. & Gonzalez, J. P. Thirty years of use and improvement of remote sensing, applied to epidemiology: from early promises to lasting frustration. Health & Place 2007, 13, 400-403.


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    ABSTRACT The distribution of LLINs (Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets) is one of the strategies implemented by health programs to control malaria in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the sociodemographic factors associated with the use of LLINs. The research is an observational  with a cross-sectional study design. Interviews using a structured questionnaire were carried out on household members from 4602 sample houses in selected villages with systematic random sampling that had been distributed malaria nets in 2017 - 2018 in 12 malaria endemic districts. The data collected were ownership of bed nets, sociodemographic data including gender, marital status, education, age, occupation, household status, and behavior of using bed nets. Data analysis used multivariate logistic regression. The results showed that 83.9% of respondents had mosquito nets and as much as 82.4% of them were obtained from the LLINs program, and the use of LLINs netting was obtained by 60.5%. Sociodemographic factors associated with the use of bed nets were gender (OR=1,12, 95%CI=1,08 – 1,20), marital status (OR=1,31, 95%CI=1,22-1,44), , educational status (OR=1,26, 95% 1,08-1,45), age (OR=1,58, 95% CI=1,40 – 1,77), occupation (OR=1,23, 95%CI=1,11 – 1,21) and status in the household (OR=1,09, 95%=1,00 – 1,19). The use of LLINs in the community is still low, so there is a need for more intensive socialization and education, so that the use of mosquito nets in the community increases. Keywords: Endemic, bed nets, LLINs, malaria, sociodemographic   ABSTRAK Distribusi kelambu anti nyamuk merupakan salah satu strategi yang dilakukan program kesehatan untuk mengendalikan kasus malaria di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor sosiodemografi yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan kelambu anti nyamuk. Studi ini merupakan observasional dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Wawancara menggunakan kuisioner terstruktur dilakukan pada anggota rumah tangga,  dari 4602 sampel rumah di desa terpilih secara systematic random sampling yang telah didistribusikan kelambu malaria tahun 2017 – 2018 pada 12 kab/kota endemis malaria. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah kepemilikan kelambu, karakteristik sosiodemografi meliputi jenis kelamin, status pernikahan, pendidikan,  umur, pekerjaan, status di rumah tangga serta perilaku penggunaan kelambu. Analisis data digunakan regresi logistik multi variat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 83,9% responden memiliki kelambu dan sebanyak 82,4% kelambu tersebut diperoleh dari program (LLINs), dan penggunaan kelambu LLINs diperoleh sebesar 60,5%. Faktor sosiodemografi yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan kelambu adalah jenis kelamin (OR=1,12, 95%CI=1,08 – 1,20), status perkawinan (OR=1,31, 95%CI=1,22-1,44),  pendidikan (OR=1,26, 95% 1,08-1,45), usia (OR=1,58, 95% CI=1,40 – 1,77), status pekerjaan (OR=1,23, 95%CI=1,11 – 1,21), serta kedudukan responden (OR=1,09, 95%=1,00 – 1,19). Penggunaan kelambu LLINs di masyarakat masih rendah, sehingga perlu dilakukan sosialisasi dan edukasi yang lebih intensif lagi, agar penggunaan kelambu di masyarakat meningkat. Kata kunci: Endemis, kelambu anti nyamuk,  malaria, sosiodemograf