151 research outputs found

    The Universal Generating Function of Analytical Poisson Structures

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    The notion of generating functions of Poisson structures was first studied in math.SG/0312380.They are special functions which induce, on open subsets of Rd\R^d, a Poisson structure together with the local symplectic groupoid integrating it. A universal generating function was provided in terms of a formal power series coming from Kontsevich star product. The present article proves that this universal generating function converges for analytical Poisson structures and compares the induced local symplectic groupoid with the phase space of Karasev--Maslov.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, shorter version, introductive part remove

    Deformation quantization of Leibniz algebras

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    This paper has two parts. The first part is a review and extension of the methods of integration of Leibniz algebras into Lie racks, including as new feature a new way of integrating 2-cocycles (see Lemma 3.9). In the second part, we use the local integration of a Leibniz algebra h using a Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff type formula in order to deformation quantize its linear dual h^*. More precisely, we define a natural rack product on the set of exponential functions which extends to a rack action on C^{\infty}(h^*).Comment: 37 pages, added explicit computation of the first term of the deformation, i.e. the bracket which is to be quantize

    Tensor products of representations up to homotopy

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    We study the construction of tensor products of representations up to homotopy, which are the A-infinity version of ordinary representations. We provide formulas for the construction of tensor products of representations up to homotopy and of morphisms between them, and show that these formulas give the homotopy category a monoidal structure which is uniquely defined up to equivalence.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figure

    Integration of Lie Algebroid Comorphisms

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    We show that the path construction integration of Lie algebroids by Lie groupoids is an actual equivalence from the category of integrable Lie algebroids and complete Lie algebroid comorphisms to the category of source 1-connected Lie groupoids and Lie groupoid comorphisms. This allows us to construct an actual symplectization functor in Poisson geometry. We include examples to show that the integrability of comorphisms and Poisson maps may not hold in the absence of a completeness assumption.Comment: 28 pages, references adde

    The Universal Generating Function of Analytical Poisson Structures

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    Generating functions of Poisson structures are special functions which induce, on open subsets of Rd\mathbb{R}^d , a Poisson structure together with the local symplectic groupoid integrating it. In a previous paper by A. S. Cattaneo, G. Felder and the author, a universal generating function was provided in terms of a formal power series coming from Kontsevich star product. The present article proves that this universal generating function converges for analytical Poisson structures and shows that the induced local symplectic groupoid coincides with the phase space of Karasev-Maslo

    Symplectic Microgeometry III: Monoids

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    We show that the category of Poisson manifolds and Poisson maps, the category of symplectic microgroupoids and lagrangian submicrogroupoids (as morphisms), and the category of monoids and monoid morphisms in the microsymplectic category are equivalent symmetric monoidal categories.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure