430 research outputs found

    NEP-2020: A New National Highway For The Youths Of India

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    ‘Change, the law of nature, is the only constant of life’ so none and nothing can remain aloof from it’ such is with the policies of the nations of the world be they belong to foreign policies or economy policies or education policies. So far as the thing is concerned with the education policies of India whether it is Macaulay’s ‘Minute On Indian Education of 1835’ or ‘The first National Policy On Education of 1968’ or ‘The New Education Policy of 1986’, or ‘ Program of Action (PoE) of 1992, under the National Policy on Education’ or ‘NCF (National Curriculum Framework) 2005,’ all of them have often been objected on various grounds from time to time as being out of fashion and being unable to fulfill the need of time and place. This is why ‘The Union Cabinet Of India’ has recently replaced the previous NPE of 1986 with/by the NEP-2020 with a comprehensive framework from elementary education to higher education as well as vocational training in both rural and urban India. Although rural India is highlighted as the soul of India resides in the countries, urban India is not neglected yet. NEP-2020 has a broad outlook, visions-provisions, and missions for various people and various things. In this chapter, with these points, an attempt has been made to present what the special things are for the youths of the country; what the things are going to make them special, and how it is a new national highway for the youths of the country to run on and on

    Searching for the Self in the Novels of Thomas Hardy from the Existential Lenses

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    ‘Aham Brahmasmi’, the soul of ‘Hindu and Yoga’ philosophy, reveals the integrity of the Atman (self or soul) with Brahman (the Absolute). Unless and until, one understands AHAM (self), one can’t attain one’s BRAHMAN (Absolute). Not to talk about sages and seers, this ‘Absolute’ is nothing but a desired destination for a common man. The literature of the world is nothing, but the literature of the man, the literature of the choice, the literature of the free will, and the literature of the self—authentic and inauthentic. It is the self that makes and mars the man. This is why ‘Self’ has been a thing of debate since the rays of cultures and civilizations fall on the pious ground of this blue planet. Seeing all this, an attempt is made to describe in brief the ‘Self’ along with its various types. Why it is called an omnipresent thing and how it is an impersonator, is the next thing. It is also in the crux of this exploration. What the various theories along with the various theorists are related to it, is also aimed to mention in this paper. What the ‘Searching for the self’ or ‘self-searching’ is, and what the existential thinkers think about the self, is the prime of the present paper. The essential thing here is to shed light on how the major novels of Thomas Hardy are about ‘Self-Searching’ along with its examining through the existential lenses

    A Telescopic Vision of K.V. Dominic’s Poetic World through Cataracts of Compassion

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    An attempt to present the poetic world of a particular poet particularly based on a particular volume is thought to be a herculean task. Can it be possible? is the question. Generally, the poetic world of a poet is known or understood with the help of the close study of his all works where his all feelings, passions and emotions are reflected vividly and variously. There is a saying in this world that possibility resides in impossibility and hither is our ray of hope as the work of a poet is the result of all the generative energy that he possesses. Time, place and position are also the dominant deciding factors in shaping the poetic world of a poet .None can prevent him from the above said things. The other thing is that feelings, passions and emotions are the recurring things that recur in each and every work of a poet in various forms. This is why, here, a little step is taken to have a telescopic vision of his poetic world through his particular anthology The Cataracts of Compassion. Its possibility is to be seen in an affirmative way as without any major distinction the mind, psyche and tendency of a poet is present in his all works. Miniatures always present the giants i.e. they attribute the real and ubiquity of a poet is known to all so there is no harm to have a telescopic visions of Prof. Dominic’s poetic world through the Cataracts of Compassion

    Painting in Poetry and Poetry in Painting: Aesthetic Reflections in D.G. Rossetti

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    Bright eyed and bushy-tailed poems and paintings are very rare, so are their past masters who create them. The history of the world literature is often brimming with such rare authors as are the unparalleled amalgamator of paintings and writings. In this field, the names, which are counted highly with boundless esteem, are of William Blake, Lewis Carroll, Hans Christian Andersen, Elizabeth Bishop, Leo Tolstoy, Lorraine Hansberry, Victor Hugo, Sylvia Plath, George Sand, Jack Kerouac, Herman Hesse, Gunter Grass, Charles Bukowski, Henry Miller, William S. Burroughs, E.E. Cummings, Tennessee Williams, Carlo Levi, J.B. Priestley, and R.N. Tagore. Undisputedly, D.G. Rossetti is one such figure. When the world literature is deconstructed, two clusters of the authors appear on the literary landscape. The first cluster consists of those authors who are painters and writers as well. The painters who have painted the literary pieces of the authors fall into the second cluster. D.G. Rossetti somewhere stands in- between. He is painter (especially illustrator) as well author-poet. But the flabbergasting certitude is that his elite poetry is found in his pieces of mural, and his elite mural in his pieces of poesy. His all creations, be they paintings, or poems, fall in three categories. In the first faction fall such pieces of his poems as are only poems—without any illustration, in the second faction fall such pieces of his paintings as are without poems, while in the third faction fall such pieces of his paintings as are with poems, or with mythical illustrations, or on certain literary pieces. Nothing to say about these groups, but one thing is clear that all of them possess aesthetic reflections. Keeping this very fact in mind, the present article aims at exploring, analyzing, and presenting the three-dimensional view in Rossetti painting and poetry with the help of the textual analysis, visual methods, and descriptive and explorative approach

    Predatory Birds Fauna of Desert Locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) (Acrididae: Orthoptera) in Barmer, Rajasthan (India)

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    This field study was conducted on birds as natural predators of desert locust, S. gregaria and recorded to be the indicator along the movement of hoppers during the occurrence. Eight birds were observed to prey on different stages of locust. Indian myna, common crow, spotted babbler in flocks, desert lark, variable wheatear in small groups and rock bush quail in group were observed to pick and feed on locust. However, Gouriya and Bagula in folks were observed to prey on I to II and III to IV instars hoppers but folks of both seen near villages. The congregation of any one or combination of species of the eight identified bird species can be used as the ‘indicators’ of presence of desert locust hoppers for survey by locust surveyors and to strategize further management practices.&nbsp

    Error Minimization in Indoor Wireless Sensor Network Localization Using Genetic Technique

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    Using the genetic technique, error minimisation in indoor wireless sensor network localisation improves indoor wireless sensor network localisation during this field research. Sensor localisation-based techniques; several wireless device network applications require awareness of each node's physical location. The discovery of the position complete utilising range measurements also as sensor localisation received signal strength in time of arrival and sensor localisation received signal strength in a time difference of arrival and angle of arrival. WSN in positioning algorithms like the angle of arrival between two neighbour nodes. A wireless sensor network using positioning techniques in the area is assumed as localisation. WSNs always operate in an unattended manner, various situations like dynamic situations in the wireless network. It's impossible to exchange sensor manner after deployment. Therefore, a fundamental objective is to optimise the sensor manner lifetime. There has been much specialising in mobile sensor networks, and we have even seen the event of small-profile sensing devices that are ready to control their movement. Although it's been shown that mobility alleviates several issues regarding sensor network coverage and connectivity, many challenges remain node localisation in wireless device network is extremely important for several applications and received signal strength indicator has the capability of sensing, actuating the environmental data the actual-time and favourable information are often collected using the sensor in WSN systems. WSN is often combined with the internet of things to permit the association and extensive access to sensor data, and genetic techniques search the position of the nodes in WSN using all anchor nodes. A proposed algorithm as a genetic technique supported received signal strength, angle of arrival, receptive wireless device and also localisation wireless network. In the study, this paper problem that accuracy is low and error more, but the proposed algorithm overcomes this problem and minimises the error rate. Finally, the simplest possible location satisfies each factor with a minimal error rate and absolute best solution using GA

    Varieties of Language and the Quest for Excellence in its Teaching and Learning

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    Human beings are different from animals in being able to organize the range of sounds produced by body mechanism into a highly efficient system of their identical language-based communication which has a network of varieties along with space, time, and social classes, deciding the identity, lexis and structural aspects of that variety of language known as a dialect. When one person uses one dialect in his own unique way, it is called his idiolect but different roles and situations decide the register and style of that dialect which is used as a standard dialect, no less than a language in itself. Every language has its own sounds, words, sentence patterns, and semantic meanings which need to be taught and learned. For this, three variables namely, the students, the methods/ approaches, and the teachers should be given due attention for further exploration in the field of academic study (teaching and learning) of the English language

    A Review on Enhancement of SRAM Memory Cell

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    In this field research paper explores the design and analysis of Static Random Access Memory (SRAMs) that focuses on optimizing delay and power. CMOS SRAM cell consumes very little power and has less read and write time. Higher cell ratios will decrease the read and write time and improve stability. PMOS semiconductor unit with fewer dimensions reduces the ability consumption. During this paper, 6T SRAM cell is implemented with reduced power and performance is good according to read and write time, delay and power consumption. It's been noticed typically that increased memory capability will increase the bit-line parasitic capacitance that successively slows down voltage sensing, to avoid this drawback use optimized scaling techniques and more, get improve performance of the design. Memories are a core part of most of the electronic systems. Performance in terms of speed and power dissipation is the major area of concern in today's memory technology. During this paper SRAM cells supported 6T, 9T, and 8T configurations are compared based on performance for reading and write operations. During this paper completely different static random access memory is designed to satisfy low power, high-performance circuit and also the extensive survey on options of various static random access memory (SRAM) designs were reported. Improve performance static random access memory based on designing a low power SRAM cell structure with optimum write access power

    Development of Adaptive Threshold and Data Smoothening Algorithm for GPR Imaging

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    There are many approaches available to separate the background and foreground in image processing applications. Currently, researchers are focusing on wavelet De-noising, curvelet threshold, Edge Histogram Descriptor threshold, Otsu thresholding, recursive thresholding and adaptive progressive thresholding. In fixed and predictable background conditions, above techniques separate background and foreground efficiently. In a common scenario, background reference is blind due to soil surface moisture content and its non-linearity. There are many methodologies proposed from time to time by researchers to solve this blind reference background separation. But challenges still now remain, because there are two major problems in ground penetrating radar imaging such as targets like ground enhances the false alarm and non-metallic target detection, where the threshold decision is a critical task. In this paper, a novel real time blind adaptive threshold algorithm is proposed for ground penetrating radar image processing. The blind threshold was decided to use normal random variable variance and image data variance. Further, the image was smoothened by random variance ratio to image data variance. Experimental results showed satisfactory results for the background separation and smoothening the targeted image data with the proposed algorithm
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