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    Abstrak: Bounding attachment merupakan suatu hubungan kasih sayang dan keterikatan batin, saling mencintai dan saling membutuhkan antara orangtua dan bayi. Peran ibu dalam bounding attachment adalah memenuhi kebutuhan dan menciptakan rasa “aman” bagi bayi. Pengetahuan ibu merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi bounding and attachment karena pengetahuan dan pendidikan yang baik akan menjadi dasar orang tua khususnya ibu untuk mengimplementasikan perilaku kesehatan demi optimalisasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yaitu agar ibu bayi (0-1 tahun) dan kader kesehatan dapat memahami pentingnya bounding and attachment terutama untuk perkembangan bayi dan kesehatan ibu. Metode dari kegiatan ini berupa penyuluhan dengan menggunakan poster. Jumlah mitra yang menjadi sasaran adalah ibu bayi (0-1 tahun) sebanyak 5 orang dan 5 orang kader kesehatan. Hasil yang dicapai adalah peningkatan pengetahuan mahasiswi mengenai mitra dengan rerata hasil pretest adalah 7,4 dan hasil posttest adalah 9,3. Informasi kesehatan melalui edukasi kesehatan yang didapatkan apabila direspon dengan baik akan menjadi suatu sikap positif sehingga mampu membentuk karakter dan perilaku kesehatan.Abstract: Bounding attachment is a relationship of affection and inner attachment, mutual love and mutual need between parents and babies. The mother's role in bounding attachment is to fulfill needs and create a sense of "security" for the baby. Maternal knowledge is one of the factors that influences bonding and attachment because good knowledge and education will be the basis for parents, especially mothers, to implement health behavior to optimize the baby's growth and development. The aim of this activity is so that mothers of babies (0-1 years) and health cadres can understand the importance of bonding and attachment, especially for baby development and maternal health. The method of this activity is in the form of outreach using posters. The number of partners targeted is 5 mothers of babies (0-1 years) and 5 health cadres. The results achieved were an increase in student knowledge regarding partners with the average pretest result being 7.4 and posttest result being 9.3. Health information through health education that is obtained if responded well will become a positive attitude so that it can shape character and health behavior.

    Edukasi Cara Peningkatan Produksi ASI dan Pijat Oksitosin pada Ibu Bayi 0-1 tahun dalam Rangka Peningkatan Cakupan ASI sampai 2 Tahun

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    ABSTRAK ASI merupakan makanan alami terbaik dengan kandungan lengkap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi dan energi bayi. Manfaatnya dapat memberikan imunitas bawaan dari ibu sehingga bayi mendapat perlindungan dari bebagai infeksi. Salah satu masalah yang sering terjadi pada ibu menyusui yaitu ketidaklancaran produksi ASI. Beberapa ibu cemas dan beranggapan ASI yang diproduksi hanya sedikit yang menyebabkan frekuensi menyusui berkurang bahkan berhenti. Hal tersebut akan mengakibatkan rangsangan pada hormon prolaktin dan okstitosin turun sehingga produksi ASI semakin berkurang. Pengetahuan ibu sangat penting untuk mendukung keberhasilan cakupan ASI sampai anak berusia 2 tahun. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu dan kader kesehatan tentang pentingnya edukasi tentang pijat oksitosin dan kiat bagaimana meningkatkan produksi ASI bagi ibu bayi 0-1 tahun. Kegiatan ini berupa penyampaian materi dengan menggunakan software microsoft power point. Jumlah mitra yang menjadi sasaran adalah ibu bayi (0-1 tahun) sebanyak 5 orang dan 5 orang kader kesehatan. Hasil yang dicapai adalah peningkatan pengetahuan mitra dengan rerata hasil pretest adalah 7,1 dan hasil posttest adalah 9,2. Pengetahuan ibu bayi 0-1 tahun dan kader mengalami peningkatan signifikan. Saran kegiatan pengabdian selanjutnya adalah adanya pendampingan dan edukasi mengenai MPASI sebagai persiapan menghadapi masa berakhirnya ASI ekskusif dan memenuhi kebutuhan makan bayi sesuai dengan tahapan perkembangan usia. Kata Kunci: ASI Booster, Pijat Oksitosin, Bayi, Ibu.  ABSTRACT Breast milk is the best natural food with complete ingredients to meet the nutritional and energy needs of babies. The benefit is that it can provide innate immunity from the mother so that the baby gets protection from various infections. One of the problems that often occurs in breastfeeding mothers is the lack of smooth breast milk production. Some mothers are worried and think that only a small amount of breast milk is produced, which causes the frequency of breastfeeding to decrease or even stop. This will cause stimulation of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin to decrease so that breast milk production decreases. Maternal knowledge is very important to support successful breastfeeding coverage until the child is 2 years old. The aim of this activity is to increase the knowledge of mothers and health workers about the importance of education about oxytocin massage and tips on how to increase breast milk production for mothers of babies 0-1 years old. This activity takes the form of delivering material using Microsoft Power Point software. The number of partners targeted is 5 mothers of babies (0-1 years) and 5 health cadres. Results: The results achieved were an increase in partner knowledge with the average pretest result being 7.1 and posttest result being 9.2. Knowledge of mothers of 0-1 year old babies and cadres has increased significantly. The next recommendation for community service activities is to provide assistance and education regarding MPASI as preparation for the end of exclusive breastfeeding and to meet the baby's food needs according to age development stages. Keywords: ASI Booster, Oxitocyn Massage, Mother, Baby

    Association between Community Perception and Willingness to Vaccinated Againts COVID-19 in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Background: Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic since March 2020 until now, so the government requires the provision of a covid-19 vaccine for all people. The government's vaccination campaign has received various responses from the public, some people accept and some reject the Covid-19 vaccine. This study aims to determine the relationship between public perception of the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine in Surakarta.Subjects and Methods: The cross sectional study was conducted in Surakarta. A sample of 65 people aged >12 years was selected by random sampling. The dependent variable was the willingness to receive the covid-19 vaccine. Tthe independent variable was perception. Data was collected by online questionnaire (google form). Data were analyzed by chi square test.Results: There is a relationship between public perception of vaccination and acceptance of the covid-19 vaccine (OR=5.45 ; 95% CI= 2.57 to 11.53 ; p<0.001)Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between perceptions related to vaccines and people's willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.Keywords: covid-19, acceptance, knowledge, rejection, vaccinationCorrespondence: Annita Viesta Nirmala Dewi. Midwifery Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir Sutami 36 Surakarta, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6285103027268.Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2021), 06(04): 430-438https://doi.org/10.26911/theijmed.2021.06.04.0