291 research outputs found

    A Study of Home in the Early Novels of Shashi Deshpande

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    Roots and Shadows, The Dark Holds No Terrors and That Long Silence are the three early novels of Shashi Deshpande in which she explores the inner and the private world of her characters and the changes in the public sphere that influence and transform their private world. In all Deshpande’s novels, house is an integral part of the protagonist’s identity. In these novels of the early phase of middle class educated women occupy the central position; who have to struggle hard to reconcile to the traditions and customs, as well as to seek their independent identity in their family and society. Indu in Roots and Shadows, Sarita in The Dark Holds No Terrors and Jaya in That Long Silence, are middle class women who go in self-quest and in the process, free themselves from the inhibitions of the family, society and culture and also from their own psychological conflicts. Home plays a crucial role in this odyssey of the protagonists in recording their experiences and in shaping their personalities

    Study of risk factors in progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD)

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    Chronic kidney disease is a growing epidemic, with at least 10 million people with kidney damage. Diabetic kidney disease is the most common cause of  ESRD worldwide. The rate of decline of GFR is variable, especially in diabetics, ranging from 2 to 20 ml/min/1.73 m2/yr. The reasons for these differences in the rate of disease progression are multifactorial, including both non-modifiable and modifiable factors. Aim is to retard progression of disease as cost of therapy is high.  The study was planned to identify progression factors

    Extractive spectrophotometric method for the determination of carbaryl in environmental samples

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    In the view of the potential hazards associated with the widespread use of carbaryl insecticide, a new simple extractive spectrophotometric method has been developed for its determination in environmental samples viz. soil, water and foodstuffs for its safer and more effective use. The proposed method is based on the microwave assisted alkaline hydrolysis of the insecticide to methylamine. The later is measured as methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) extractable yellow nickel(II)-methyldithiocarbamate complex at 380 nm through the reaction with carbon disulfide and nickel(II) acetate. The insecticide can be determined in the linearity range from 2.01 to 60.3 µg mL-1 with a correlation coefficient of 0.996. The method has been applied to the analysis of carbaryl in its commercial formulation and its recovery from vegetable and water samples for monitoring health hazards. Recoveries of the insecticide from vegetables and spiked water samples were good, ranging from 87.6-92.8%, with RSDs ranging from 0.54-1.02%. The method has also been validated for investigating the sorption of carbaryl on five soils with different characteristics to evaluate its leaching behaviour which is a measure of ground and surface water contamination. The leaching potential of the insecticide in terms of groundwater ubiquity score (GUS) has values in the range 1.8-2.2 classifying it as transition leacher hence it has potential to contaminate groundwater. KEY WORDS: Carbaryl, Spectrophotometry, Environmental toxicity, Soil-sorption study, Leaching/GUS Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2015, 29(2), 173-186DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v29i2.

    Analisis perpindahan jabatan terhadap motivasi kerja pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Sekretariat Daerah Kota Mojokerto

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    The purpose of this study are: 1) To prove the analysis of job change simultaneously to the motivation of civil servants work at the Secretariat of the City of Mojokerto. 2) To prove and analyze the analysis of job displacement partially to the work motivation of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of Mojokerto City. 3) To prove and analyze which is more dominant between mutation and promotion of position to work motivation of Civil Servant at City Secretariat of Mojokerto. Number of subjects in a population of 218 people. In sampling, using simple random sampling system, Slovin formula using error rate of 5%, determined the number of samples 141.1 or 141 people. In this study the authors use multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The conclusion of this research is. 1) The results of the first hypothesis testing, the respondents gave an appreciation of the questionnaire distributed, therefore at this conclusion can be stated that the simultaneous influence of mutations and promotion of office against the motivation of civil servants work at the Secretariat of the City of Mojokerto. 2) The results of testing the second hypothesis, most of the respondents' answers lead to the conclusion that there is partial influence of mutation and promotion of office against the motivation of civil servants work at the Secretariat of the City of Mojokerto. 3) Based on the results of testing the third hypothesis, the dominant influence between mutation and promotion of office to the motivation of civil servants work at the Secretariat of Mojokerto


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    The objective of this research is to evaluate the inter-relationship among the experiental marketing, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in the context of restaurant or cafe in Indonesia. A total of three hypotheses will be tested. A quantitave research will be carried out to address the research objective. Purposive sampling technique and the distribution of a total 187 responden will be selected as part of the research methodology specially in customer of Janji Jiwa Jilid 358 Surabaya. The statistical data will be analyzed by SEM-PLS. And the result shows that experiental marketing has positive effect on repurchase intention. Also indicates that the positive effect has been fully mediated by the customer satisfaction of the customer at Janji Jiwa Jilid 358 Surabaya. According to the conclusions, this research provides that sense and feel experiences are positively related to the repurchase intention as well as experiental marketing is positvely related to the customer satisfaction
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