5,415 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in a Driven Sandpile Model

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    We construct a driven sandpile slope model and study it by numerical simulations in one dimension. The model is specified by a threshold slope \sigma_c\/, a parameter \alpha\/, governing the local current-slope relation (beyond threshold), and jinj_{\rm in}, the mean input current of sand. A nonequilibrium phase diagram is obtained in the \alpha\, -\, j_{\rm in}\/ plane. We find an infinity of phases, characterized by different mean slopes and separated by continuous or first-order boundaries, some of which we obtain analytically. Extensions to two dimensions are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX (preprint format), 4 figures available upon requs

    The Oslo model, hyperuniformity, and the quenched Edwards-Wilkinson model

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    We present simulations of the 1-dimensional Oslo rice pile model in which the critical height at each site is randomly reset after each toppling. We use the fact that the stationary state of this sandpile model is hyperuniform to reach system of sizes >107> 10^7. Most previous simulations were seriously flawed by important finite size corrections. We find that all critical exponents have values consistent with simple rationals: ν=4/3\nu=4/3 for the correlation length exponent, D=9/4D =9/4 for the fractal dimension of avalanche clusters, and z=10/7z=10/7 for the dynamical exponent. In addition we relate the hyperuniformity exponent to the correlation length exponent ν\nu. Finally we discuss the relationship with the quenched Edwards-Wilkinson (qEW) model, where we find in particular that the local roughness exponent is αloc=1\alpha_{\rm loc} = 1.Comment: 20 pages, 26 figure

    Numerical Diagonalisation Study of the Trimer Deposition-Evaporation Model in One Dimension

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    We study the model of deposition-evaporation of trimers on a line recently introduced by Barma, Grynberg and Stinchcombe. The stochastic matrix of the model can be written in the form of the Hamiltonian of a quantum spin-1/2 chain with three-spin couplings given by H= \sum\displaylimits_i [(1 - \sigma_i^-\sigma_{i+1}^-\sigma_{i+2}^-) \sigma_i^+\sigma_{i+1}^+\sigma_{i+2}^+ + h.c]. We study by exact numerical diagonalization of HH the variation of the gap in the eigenvalue spectrum with the system size for rings of size up to 30. For the sector corresponding to the initial condition in which all sites are empty, we find that the gap vanishes as LzL^{-z} where the gap exponent zz is approximately 2.55±0.152.55\pm 0.15. This model is equivalent to an interfacial roughening model where the dynamical variables at each site are matrices. From our estimate for the gap exponent we conclude that the model belongs to a new universality class, distinct from that studied by Kardar, Parisi and Zhang.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures (included

    One step growth of GaN/SiO2 core/shell nanowire in vapor-liquid-solid route by chemical vapor deposition technique

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    GaN/SiO2 core/shell nanowires are grown by cobalt phthalocyanine catalyst assisted vapor-liquid-solid route, in which Si wafer coated with a mixture of gallium and indium is used as the source for Ga and Si and ammonia is used as the precursor for nitrogen and hydrogen. Gallium in the presence of indium and hydrogen, which results from the dissociation of ammonia, forms Si-Ga-In alloy at the growth temperature around 910 degree Celsius. This alloy acts as the source of Si, Ga and In. A detailed study using a variety of characterization tools reveals that these wires, which are several tens of micron long, has a diameter distribution of the core ranging from 20 to 50 nm, while the thickness of the amorphous SiO2 shell layer is about 10 nm. These wires grow along direction. It has also been observed that the average width of these wires decreases, while their density increases as the gallium proportion in the Ga-In mixture is increased.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Operation of FDI caps in India and corporate control mechanisms

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    While India has generally been following an open door FDI policy, a few areas are still subject to caps on FDI and/or specific government approval. One of the justifications for the same is the need to retain a degree of control over the operations of the investee companies in Indian hands. Earlier this year, the government specified the methodology for calculating direct and indirect foreign equity in Indian companies in order to remove ambiguities in calculating the extent of FDI in a company. Based on empirical evidence this paper argues that percentage of shares or proportion of directors do not necessarily represent the extent of control and more direct intervention would be required if the objectives of imposing the caps are to be achieved.FDI; corporate control, veto powers, India, joint control, joint ventures, corporate governance