13 research outputs found

    Fenofibrate and left ventricle remodeling in volume overload

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    Aims : Fenofibrate is a peroxisome proliferator-associated receptor alpha agonist (PPARα) used clinically for the management of dyslipidemia and is a myocardial fatty acid oxidation stimulator. It has also been shown to have cardiac anti-hypertrophic properties but the effects of fenofibrate on the development of eccentric LVH and ventricular function in chronic left ventricular (LV) volume overload (VO) are unknown. This study was therefore designed to explore the effects of fenofibrate treatment in a VO rat model caused by severe aortic valve regurgitation (AR) with a focus on cardiac remodeling and myocardial metabolism. Main methods : Male Wistar rats were divided in four groups (13–15 animals/group): Shams (S) treated with fenofibrate (F; 100 mg/kg/d PO) or not (C) and severe AR receiving or not fenofibrate. Treatment was started one week before surgery and the animals were sacrificed 9 weeks later. Key findings : AR rats developed severe LVH (increased LV weight) during the course of the protocol. Fenofibrate did not reduce LV weight. However, eccentric LV remodeling was strongly reduced by fenofibrate in AR animals. Fractional shortening was significantly less affected in ARF compared to ARC group. Fenofibrate also increased the myocardial enzymatic activity of enzymes associated with fatty acid oxidation while inhibiting glycolytic enzyme phosphofructokinase. Significance : Fenofibrate decreased LV eccentric remodeling associated with severe VO and helped maintain systolic function. Studies with a longer follow-up will be needed to assess the long-term effects of fenofibrate in chronic volume overload caused by aortic regurgitation

    Chronic high-fat diet-induced obesity decreased survival and increased hypertrophy of 2 rats with experimental eccentric hypertrophy from chronic aortic regurgitation.

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    Background : The composition of a diet can influence myocardial metabolism and development of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). The impact of a high-fat diet in chronic left ventricular volume overload (VO) causing eccentric LVH is unknown. This study examined the effects of chronic ingestion of a high-fat diet in rats with chronic VO caused by severe aortic valve regurgitation (AR) on LVH, function and on myocardial energetics and survival. Methods : Male Wistar rats were divided in four groups: Shams on control or high-fat (HF) diet (15 rats/group) and AR rats fed with the same diets (ARC (n = 56) and ARHF (n = 32)). HF diet was started one week before AR induction and the protocol was stopped 30 weeks later. Results : As expected, AR caused significant LV dilation and hypertrophy and this was exacerbated in the ARHF group. Moreover, survival in the ARHF group was significantly decreased compared the ARC group. Although the sham animals on HF also developed significant obesity compared to those on control diet, this was not associated with heart hypertrophy. The HF diet in AR rats partially countered the expected shift in myocardial energy substrate preference usually observed in heart hypertrophy (from fatty acids towards glucose). Systolic function was decreased in AR rats but HF diet had no impact on this parameter. The response to HF diet of different fatty acid oxidation markers as well as the increase in glucose transporter-4 translocation to the plasma membrane compared to ARC was blunted in AR animals compared to those on control diet. Conclusions : HF diet for 30 weeks decreased survival of AR rats and worsened eccentric hypertrophy without affecting systolic function. The expected adaptation of myocardial energetics to volume-overload left ventricle hypertrophy in AR animals seemed to be impaired by the high-fat diet suggesting less metabolic flexibility

    Metformin reduces left ventricular eccentric remodeling in experimental volume overload in the rat

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    Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is often associated with a change in myocardial energy substrate preference from fatty acids to glucose. A possible anti hypertrophic treatment strategy could aim at stimulating or restoring normal myocardial energy metabolism. Metformin, an adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activator used in the management of glucose metabolism in diabetes, is also a fatty acid oxidation stimulator. The effect of metformin on the development of eccentric LVH and ventricular function in chronic left ventricular (LV) volume overload (VO) is unknown. This study was designed to study this question in a VO rat model caused by severe aortic valve regurgitation (AR). Male Wistar rats were divided in four groups (13-15 animals / group): Shams (S) treated or not (C) with metformin (M; 100 mg/kg/d PO) and severe ARreceiving or not metformin. Treatment was started one week before surgery and the animals were sacrificed 9 weeks later. As expected AR rats developed severe eccentric LVH during the course of the protocol. Metformin treatment did not influence the total heart weight. However, LV remodeling associated with the severe VO was severe in ARM than in ARC. Fractional shortening, a marker of systolic function, was significantly higher in ARM compared to ARC group. Metformin also increased the activity of enzymes associated with fatty acid oxidation while inhibiting phosphofructokinase, a glycolytic enzyme. A 2 month treatment with metformin reduced LV eccentric remodeling associated with severe VO and helped maintain a better systolic function

    Endurance training or beta-blockade can partially block the energy metabolism remodeling taking place in experimental chronic left ventricle volume overload.

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic aortic valve regurgitation (AR) causing left ventricular (LV) volume overload can remain asymptomatic for many years despite having a severely dilated heart. The sudden development of heart failure is not well understood but alterations of myocardial energy metabolism may be contributive. We studied the evolution of LV energy metabolism in experimental AR. METHODS: LV glucose utilization was evaluated in vivo by positron emission tomography (microPET) scanning of 6-month AR rats. Sham-operated or AR rats (n = 10-30 animals/group) were evaluated 3, 6 or 9 months post-surgery. We also tested treatment intervention in order to evaluate their impact on metabolism. AR rats (20 animals) were trained on a treadmill 5 times a week for 9 months and another group of rats received a beta-blockade treatment (carvedilol) for 6 months. RESULTS: MicroPET revealed an abnormal increase in glucose consumption in the LV free wall of AR rats at 6 months. On the other hand, fatty acid beta-oxidation was significantly reduced compared to sham control rats 6 months post AR induction. A significant decrease in citrate synthase and complex 1 activity suggested that mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation was also affected maybe as soon as 3 months post-AR.Moderate intensity endurance training starting 2 weeks post-AR was able to partially normalize the activity of various myocardial enzymes implicated in energy metabolism. The same was true for the AR rats treated with carvedilol (30 mg/kg/d). Responses to these interventions were different at the level of gene expression. We measured mRNA levels of a number of genes implicated in the transport of energy substrates and we observed that training did not reverse the general down-regulation of these genes in AR rats whereas carvedilol normalized the expression of most of them. CONCLUSION: This study shows that myocardial energy metabolism remodeling taking place in the dilated left ventricle submitted to severe volume overload from AR can be partially avoided by exercise or beta-blockade in rats

    Angiotensin II converting enzyme inhibition improves survival, ventricular remodeling and myocardial energetics in experimental aortic regurgitation.

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    Background— Aortic valve regurgitation (AR) is a volume-overload disease causing severe eccentric left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and eventually heart failure. There is currently no approved drug to treat patients with AR. Many vasodilators including angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors have been evaluated in clinical trials, but although some results were promising, others were inconclusive. Overall, no drug has yet been able to improve clinical outcome in AR and the controversy remains. We have previously shown in an animal model that captopril (Cpt) reduced LV hypertrophy and protected LV systolic function, but we had not evaluated the clinical outcome. This protocol was designed to evaluate the effects of a long-term Cpt treatment on survival in the same animal model of severe aortic valve regurgitation. Methods and Results—Forty Wistar rats with AR were treated or untreated with Cpt (1 g/L in drinking water) for a period of 7 months to evaluate survival, myocardial remodeling, and function by echocardiography as well as myocardial metabolism by µ positron emission tomography scan. Survival was significantly improved in Cpt-treated animals with a survival benefit visible as soon as after 4 months of treatment. Cpt reduced LV dilatation and LV hypertrophy. It also significantly improved the myocardial metabolic profile by restoring the level of fatty acids metabolic enzymes and use. Conclusions—In a controlled animal model of pure severe aortic valve regurgitation, Cpt treatment reduced LV remodeling and LV hypertrophy and improved myocardial metabolic profile and survival. These results support the need to reevaluate the role of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in humans with AR in a large, carefully designed prospective clinical trial

    Transcriptional changes associated with long-term left ventricle volume overload in rats : impact on enzymes related to myocardial energy metabolism.

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    Patients with left ventricle (LV) volume overload (VO) remain in a compensated state for many years although severe dilation is present. The myocardial capacity to fulfill its energetic demand may delay decompensation. We performed a gene expression profile, a model of chronic VO in rat LV with severe aortic valve regurgitation (AR) for 9 months, and focused on the study of genes associated with myocardial energetics. Methods. LV gene expression profile was performed in rats after 9 months of AR and compared to sham-operated controls. LV glucose and fatty acid (FA) uptake was also evaluated in vivo by positron emission tomography in 8-week AR rats treated or not with fenofibrate, an activator of FA oxidation (FAO). Results. Many LV genes associated with mitochondrial function and metabolism were downregulated in AR rats. FA β-oxidation capacity was significantly impaired as early as two weeks after AR. Treatment with fenofibrate, a PPARα agonist, normalized both FA and glucose uptake while reducing LV dilation caused by AR. Conclusion. Myocardial energy substrate preference is affected early in the evolution of LV-VO cardiomyopathy. Maintaining a relatively normal FA utilization in the myocardium could translate into less glucose uptake and possibly lesser LV remodeling

    The 20S proteasome core, active within apoptotic exosome-like vesicles, induces autoantibody production and accelerates rejection

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    Autoantibodies to components of apoptotic cells, such as anti-perlecan antibodies, contribute to rejection in organ transplant recipients. However, mechanisms of immunization to apoptotic components remain largely uncharacterized. We used large-scale proteomics, with validation by electron microscopy and biochemical methods, to compare the protein profiles of apoptotic bodies and apoptotic exosome-like vesicles, smaller extracellular vesicles released by endothelial cells downstream of caspase-3 activation. We identified apoptotic exosome-like vesicles as a central trigger for production of anti-perlecan antibodies and acceleration of rejection. Unlike apoptotic bodies, apoptotic exosome-like vesicles triggered the production of anti-perlecan antibodies in naïve mice and enhanced anti-perlecan antibody production and allograft inflammation in mice transplanted with an MHC (major histocompatibility complex)–incompatible aortic graft. The 20S proteasome core was active within apoptotic exosome-like vesicles and controlled their immunogenic activity. Finally, we showed that proteasome activity in circulating exosome-like vesicles increased after vascular injury in mice. These findings open new avenues for predicting and controlling maladaptive humoral responses to apoptotic cell components that enhance the risk of rejection after transplantation

    Le métabolisme énergétique comme cible potentielle d'intervention thérapeutique pour l'hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche dans un modèle d'insuffisance aortique sévère chez le rat

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    L’insuffisance de la valve aortique (IA) est définie par le reflux anormal du sang de l’aorte dans le ventricule gauche (VG) pendant la diastole du fait d’une perte d’étanchiété de la valve occasionnant une surcharge de volume (SV) pathologique et une hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche (HVG) de type excentrique. Parallèlement au remodelage structural et fonctionnel associé à l’HVG, un remodelage métabolique est également observé. À notre connaissance, il n’y a pas d’études portant sur les impacts d’une intervention pharmacologique qui cible le métabolisme myocardique détérioré dans l’HVG causée par une SV. Il existe, également, des lacunes au niveau des connaissances concernant les changements fonctionnels et métaboliques manifestés au cours d’une IA chronique avant l’établissement de l’obésité ou de diabète de type 2 (DT2). Dans cette optique, ce travail a testé l'hypothèse générale qui stipule que le traitement à la metformine ou au fénofibrate lesquels ciblent deux voies de signalisation essentielles du métabolisme énergétique (AMPK et PPARα respectivement) améliorera la fonction et le métabolisme myocardique et que l’administration d’une diète riche en gras (obésitogène) aura une influence négative sur ces mêmes paramètres. Les objectifs principaux de cette thèse sont ainsi ; d’évaluer les effets à court terme (8 semaines) du fénofibrate et de la metformine ainsi que les impacts de la consommation à long terme (30 semaines) d’une diète riche en gras sur les paramètres cliniques et échocardiographiques et le métabolisme énergétique myocardique dans un modèle animal de SV chronique causée par l’induction chirurgicale d’une IA sévère chez le rat. Mes travaux ont démontré chez le rat IA, que les deux traitements ont permis de réduire la dilatation et le remodelage excentrique du VG sans toutefois empêcher l’HVG. Nous avons observé que la consommation, pendant 30 semaines, d’une diète riche en gras a un impact négatif sur la survie, le développement de l’HVG et sur le métabolisme myocardique chez les rats IA comparés à ceux sous la diète contrôle. Ces résultats nous laissent croire que la diète peut influencer chez les patients IA le développement de la maladie et leur survie.Aortic valve regurgitation (AR) is defined by the abnormal reflux of blood from the aorta into the left ventricle (LV) during diastole due to loss of etancheity causing volume overload (VO) disease and eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Parallel to the structural and functional remodeling associated with LVH, a metabolic remodeling is also observed. Furthermore, to our knowledge, the impact of a pharmacological intervention that targets the damaged myocardial metabolism in LVH caused by VO has not been studied. There are also gaps in knowledge about the functional and metabolic changes manifested in chronic AR with the establishment of obesity or type 2 diabetes (T2D). In this perspective, this work tested the general hypothesis that treatment with metformin or fenofibrate targeting two essential pathways in energy metabolism (AMPK and PPARα respectively) will improve function and myocardial metabolism and that administration of a high-fat diet (obesogenic) will negatively influence the function and cardiac remodeling and energy metabolism. The main objectives of this thesis are to assess the short-term (8 weeks) effects of two pharmacological treatments: fenofibrate and metformin as well as the impacts of a long term (30 weeks) consumption of a diet enriched in fat, on clinical and echocardiographic parameters and myocardial energy metabolism in an animal model of chronic VO caused by surgical induction of severe AR in rats. My studies have shown in the AR rat that both treatments reduced the dilation and eccentric LV remodeling but without preventing LVH. It was observed that the consumption for 30 weeks of a high-fat diet had a negative impact on the survival and development of LVH and myocardial metabolism in AR rats compared to the control diet. These results lead us to believe that the nature of the food taken by AR patients may influence the development of the disease and survival

    Neonatal exposure to high oxygen levels leads to impaired ischemia-induced neovascularization in adulthood

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    Abstract Adverse perinatal conditions can lead to developmental programming of cardiovascular diseases. Prematurely born infants are often exposed to high oxygen levels, which in animal models has been associated with endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, and cardiac remodeling during adulthood. Here we found that adult mice that have been transiently exposed to O2 after birth show defective neovasculariation after hindlimb ischemia, as demonstrated by impaired blood flow recovery, reduced vascular density in ischemic muscles and increased tissue damages. Ischemic muscles isolated from mice exposed to O2 after birth exhibit increased oxidative stress levels and reduced expression of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Pro-angiogenic cells (PACs) have been shown to have an important role for postnatal neovascularisation. We found that neonatal exposure to O2 is associated with reduced number of PACs in adults. Moreover, the angiogenic activities of both PACs and mature mouse aortic endothelial cells (MAECs) are significantly impaired in mice exposed to hyperoxia after birth. Our results indicate that neonatal exposure to high oxygen levels leads to impaired ischemia-induced neovascularization during adulthood. The mechanism involves deleterious effects on oxidative stress levels and angiogenic signals in ischemic muscles, together with dysfunctional activities of PACs and mature endothelial cells