4 research outputs found

    Identifying the influence of blade number and angle of attack on a breastshot type waterwheel micro hydroelectric power generator using ANOVA

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    This study focuses on optimizing the performance of micro-hydro power generation, specifically the breastshot type waterwheel. The limited availability of non-renewable energy sources and the high cost of developing renewable energy sources in the energy sector pose challenges, making it essential to find new energy sources and improve energy efficiency. The 2004–2022 national electricity plan aims to increase electricity access in rural areas, including remote regions like Bogor Regency, where access to electricity is limited. Many residents have constructed their own micro hydroelectric power generators, but their vulnerability to natural disasters is a concern. The study investigates the potential of breastshot waterwheel technology for micro hydroelectric power generation. The study involved testing a micro hydro power plant with 6, 8, and 10 blades and blade angles of 0°, 30°, and 45°. The current research focuses on performance optimization, including the use of ANOVA analysis to know the significant impact of blade number and angle on the waterwheel’s rotation. The maximum rotational speed was achieved with 10 blades and an angle of attack of 0°, 30°, and 45°, with respective speeds of 153.59 RPM, 155.84 RPM, and 164.95 RPM. The study indicates that the higher the number and angle of attack of blades, the greater the rotation of the breastshot type waterwheel. ANOVA tests showed that the number of blades had a significant impact on the waterwheel’s rotation, with an F-test value of 6.32 and a p-value of 0.012. On the other hand, the angle of attack of the blade had no significant impact, with an F-test value of 3.20 and a p-value of 0.06

    Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Reinforcement Suspension Member Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma

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    Customer satisfaction is the main requirement that must be provided by companies with products that meet the specified specifications, and quality is also a crucial factor in supporting customer satisfaction. The problem identified in this study is the occurrence of defects in reinforcement suspension member products that exceed the company\u27s defect tolerance limit of 0.1%. The aim of this study is to analyze the causes of defects using the Six Sigma method with the DMAIC steps (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control), and to propose improvements to address the number of defects that occur. Some of the tools used in this study are the fishbone diagram and the P control chart. The results of this study indicate that the factors causing the failures are the method and environment factors. Meanwhile, the data processing resulted in a DPMO of 2745.21 with a sigma level of 4.28 a process capability index (Cp) of 1.43, and an average defective product rate of 0.28% with a total of 392 defective pieces, while the company\u27s defect tolerance limit is 0.1%. Therefore, the company needs to implement quality control by making improvements to the method and environment factors.Kepuasan pelanggan merupakan syarat utama yang harus diberikan oleh perusahaan dengan produk yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang sudah ditetapkan, dan juga kualitas menjadi faktor yang sangat mendukung terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Permasalahan  yang  ditemukan pada penelitian ini adalah adanya cacat yang terjadi pada produk reinforcement suspension member yang melebihi batas toleransi cacat perusahaan sebesar 0,1%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penyebab terjadinya cacat menggunakan metode six sigma dengan tahapan DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, ,dan control), dan memberikan usulan perbaikan untuk untuk menanggulangi jumlah cacat yang terjadi. Beberapa tool yang digunakan pada peneilitan ini adalah fishbone diagram dan peta kontrol P. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa faktor yang menjadi penyebab kegagalan adalah faktor methode dan faktor environoment. Sementara hasil pengolahan data diperoleh DPMO sebesar 2745,21 dengan level sigma 4,28 serta perolehan nilai kapabilitas proses (Cp) 1,43, serta rata-rata produk cacat sebesar 0,28% dengan jumlah cacat 392 pcs sementara batas toleransi cacat perusahaan adalah 0,1%. Sehingga perusahaan perlu melakukan pengendalian kualitas dengan melakukan perbaikan pada faktor methode dan faktor environment

    Modifikasi Sistem Penggerak Belt Conveyor T92-BC1

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    Belt conveyor is one of the transportation media used to move material in the form of units or bulk spills from one operating system to another. At PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia, one of the belt conveyor is used to alternately transport two types of materials, namely fly ash & bottom ash (FABA) and silica. It causes inconsistent bin filling when the consumption of silica and FABA materials is high at the same time. In addition, problems with the FABA belt conveyor drive system often occur, such as tripping motors, broken chains, and worn sprockets, causing FABA transport to be disrupted. Therefore, it is necessary to modify the belt conveyor drive system so that FABA transport becomes smoother. The methode begins with collecting data in the field or information from supervisors, field studies, carrying out the design process to evaluating the results. The modifications made were by replacing the gearmotor with a power of 11 kW with a rotational output 24 rpm, changing the transmission system from chain-sprocket to a coupling, and increasing the diameter of the head pulley from 478 mm to 560 mm to increase the belt conveyor transport capacity to 125 tons per hour.Belt conveyor adalah salah satu media pengangkutan yang digunakan untuk memindahkan muatan dalam bentuk satuan atau tumpahan curah dari satu sistem operasi yang satu ke sistem yang lain. Di PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia, salah satu belt conveyor digunakan untuk mengangkut dua jenis material secara bergantian yaitu fly ash&bottom ash (FABA) dan silika. Hal itu menyebabkan pengisian bin tidak konsisten ketika kebutuhan material silika dan FABA sedang tinggi pada waktu bersamaan. Selain itu, seringkali terjadi permasalahan pada sistem penggerak belt conveyor yang mengangkut FABA seperti motor trip, chain putus, dan sprocket aus sehingga menyebabkan pengangkutan FABA menjadi terhambat. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan modifikasi pada sistem penggerak belt conveyor agar transport FABA menjadi lebih lancar. Metode diawali dengan pengambilan data di lapangan atau informasi dari pembimbing, studi literatur, melakukan proses perancangan hingga evaluasi hasil. Modifikasi yang dilakukan yaitu dengan penggantian gearmotor dengan daya sebesar 11 kW dengan output putaran 24 rpm, mengganti sistem transmisi dari chain-sprocket menjadi kopling, serta memperbesar diameter head pulley dari 478 mm menjadi 560 mm untuk meningkatkan kapasitas transport belt conveyor menjadi 125 ton per jam