5 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the application of Reciprocal Teaching with role cards to improve student mathematical reasoning abilities on trigonometry material. Mathematical reasoning is thinking about mathematical problems logically to solve a problem and give reasons for a solution. One of the lessons learned to overcome the low mathematical reasoning ability is the learning of Reciprocal Teaching models using role cards. The steps of Reciprocal Teaching activities include question generating, clarifying, predicting, and summarizing. Before the Reciprocal Teaching steps are carried out, students are given a role card to determine the students who become model teachers. This research is a classroom action research. Based on the research that has been done, it is known that the application of the Reciprocal Teaching model increases the mathematical reasoning ability of students in XI grade IPA 2 of SMA Negeri 8 Malang on the Trigonometry with an increase in class average from initial 73 to 60 in cycle I and to 73 in cycle II. In addition, the average percentage increase in students' mathematical reasoning also increased from 60% to 73%

    Analysis of Student Learning Styles in Differentiation Learning

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    This research is an attempt to describe students’ learning styles in differentiation learning. The study was conducted on all students of class X-3 at SMAN 8 Malang. Learning style is a consistent way that students have in capturing stimulus or information, how to remember, think, and solve problems. Based on the implementation of the independent curriculum, it is also necessary to map learning needs based on the learning profile of students. This mapping can be done by providing a diagnostic assessment to find out. There are various ways of information processing that students display, some are easier to process through visual information, some are auditory (sound), and others are kinesthetic (direct practice). The findings obtained from this study are that mapping different learning styles can not only improve the quality of learning in students but also help them in mastering mathematics. Keywords: learning style, differentiation learnin

    Application of Problem-based Learning Learning Model with Game Approach to Improve Learning Outcomes in Class X-4 SMAN 8 Malang

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    The background of this study is that the learning motivation of students in participating in mathematics learning is very low, this can be seen in the basic ability test conducted before starting early semester learning, the average class score was 23.6 with only 16 students who had scores above the grade average of around 44.4%. In addition, from the results of interviews with grade X-4 children, information was obtained that learning in previous junior high schools was only teacher-centered and learning was carried out online, thus leading to lack of understanding of mathematics ion students. The lack of teaching aids is also one of the obstacles by teachers in the learning process. Students are also still shy in expressing opinions, so they still need to be guided in order to express their opinions. The purpose of this study is to apply the problem-based learning (PBL) learning model with a game approach to improve the learning outcomes of class X-4. This research was conducted at SMAN 8 Malang for two cycles and consisted of three stages, namely planning, implementation of actions and action results (do), and reflection (see). The results of this study showed that the results of changes in the final test results of cycle I and cycle II using the game approach showed a better development in the percentage in each cycle, which was 42.4%, with an average value of 21.36 in cycle I and to 94.4%, with an average value of 89.1 in cycle II. In this case, it can be concluded that the application of the PBL model with a game approach can improve the learning outcomes of grade X-4 students of SMAN 8 Malang. Keywords: problem-based learning, Game, learning outcome

    How to Improve Students Learning Outcomes Using Problem-based Learning with Hypnoteaching Method

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    Paradigm of learning began to change according to the current development. Students will have to start with more complex problems and require good abilities and skills. One of the efforts that teacher can do is to choose the right learning model and method for students. Selection of learning models is adjusted to the characteristics of students based on the results of the diagnostic assessment. Diagnostic assessment is used to see the characteristics of students and determine the appropriate treatment for these students. The appropriate learning model is problem-based learning. Problem-based learning uses problems as learning media; and serves students to actively think, communicate, search and process data, and draw conclusions from a problem. The learning method used is hypnoteaching. Hypnoteaching is used to make learning more interesting and fun. The advantage of hypnoteaching method can create a supportive learning atmosphere by giving positive suggestions to students. This study uses classroom action research in only one class with 2 cycles. Data collection is done by observation to see learning activities and tests to see an increase in student learning outcomes. Keywords: problem-based learning, classroom action research, hypnoteaching method, learning outcome

    Rancang Bangun Penyimpanan Ikan Multi Fungsi (Unibox)

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    The fishing industry holds significant importance in Indonesia, relying heavily on fishermen to ensure the quality of fish remains intact from the sea to the hands of distributors. However, traditional fishermen often encounter obstacles due to limited cooling facilities, leading to compromised fish quality and potential spoilage prior to sale. Moreover, conventional fishing methods consume considerable time and fuel resources. To enhance the efficiency and productivity of fishermen, there is a need for technological advancements such as a versatile fish storage solution known as Unibox. This innovation incorporates self-sustaining power generation, fish tracking technology, eco-friendly fish preservation methods, and efficient boat illumination systems. Unibox is anticipated to enhance fishermen's livelihoods, contribute to national food security initiatives, and provide a platform for students to gain firsthand industry experience.Industri perikanan merupakan salah satu sektor penting di Indonesia, dan nelayan merupakan pilar utama dalam menjaga kualitas ikan dari laut hingga ke tangan pengepul. Namun, nelayan tradisional sering menghadapi tantangan terkait peralatan pendingin yang terbatas, menyebabkan kualitas ikan terganggu dan bahkan banyak yang membusuk sebelum dijual. Selain itu, metode pencarian ikan yang konvensional juga menghabiskan waktu dan bahan bakar yang berharga. Dalam upaya meningkatkan efektivitas dan produktivitas nelayan, diperlukan inovasi teknologi seperti tempat penyimpanan ikan yang multifungsi (Unibox), sebuah solusi yang menggabungkan pembangkit listrik mandiri, teknologi pendeteksi lokasi ikan, pendingin ikan ramah lingkungan, dan sistem penerangan perahu yang efisien. Unibox diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan, membantu program ketahanan pangan nasional, dan menjadi wadah bagi mahasiswa untuk belajar langsung dari industri