76 research outputs found

    Tingkat Kesegaran Jasmani Dan Aktivitas Fisik Murid SMP Non- Anemia Yang Tinggal Di Wilayah Kota Dan Desa (the Physical Fitness and Activities Level of Non-anemia Secondary School Students in Rural and Urban Area)

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    Background: Adolescence group is considered as human resources potential need to be. Health is main condition to fulfill to succeed the education. Physical fitness is a tool to know the health level. Objective is to determine the physical fitness and physical activities among non anemic adolescence group in rural and urban area. Methods: about 122 respondents non anemic age 11-13 years old from rural and urban area were selected as sample match on according to their age and sex. Data collection including anthropometric measurement (weight, height), fitness was measured by 2.4 km running, sit-ups, sit and reach, muscle strength and body composistion. The fitness level was calculated as average of those 6 components of fitness. Physical activities were collected by 3 days self-report. Results: There is significantly difference found between adolescent in rural and urban area according to the cardiovascular endurance and abdominal strength. The length of physical activities was signifantly difference among rural and urban adolescence. The physical fitness of urban adolescent 46.8 percent were low while in rural only 13.3 percent. Conclusion: The physical fitness of rural non anemic adolescence was better compare to those adolescence who are living in urban area. [Penel Gizi Makan 2010, 33(2): 138-147


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    Vitamin A Breastmilk Postpartum Women In Kabupaten Serang.Background: Since the vitamin A status of most newborn is marginal, therefore, to avoid the infants suffering from vitamin A deficiency, it may be worth by ensuring that the concentration of retinol in breast milk is adequate.Objectives: To evaluate the effect of vitamin A supplementation on the concentration of retinol in breast milk of postpartum mothers.Methods: One hundred sixteen of postpartum mothers were randomly assigned to group 1 group 2. The mothers in group one (59 respondents) were given a single dose of vitamin A by 2 days consecutive, whereas the mothers in group two (57 respondents) were given double doses of vitamin A. Anthropometry, food consumption were assessed and maternal breast milk retinol level were serially assessed.Results: Breast milk retinol concentration showed greater at 24 h after supplementation in both groups. From 0.52 ± 0.29 umol/L in 0 h to 1.40 ± 0.65 umol/L in group 1 and from 0.41 ± 0.37 umol/L to 2.36 ± 0.89 umol/L in group 2. However, after 30 days of supplementation showed that the breast milk retinol concentration of both groups was lower then the zero hour concentration.Conclusions: Two ways vitamin A supplementation maintain higher breast milk retinol concentrabon of at least 30 days after supplementation.Keywords: retinol, postpartum, breastmil

    Cara Praktis Pendugaan Tingkat Kesegaran Jasmani

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    Prevalensi Kkp Anak Balita Di Wilayah Indonesia Bagian Timur

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    Telah dianalisis data berat badan (BB) dan tinggi badan (TB) anak Balita yang dikumpulkan pada waktu pelaksanaan Studi Prevalensi Defisiensi Vitamin A dan Zat-zat Gizi Lainnya di Wilayah Indonesia Timur pada tahun 1990/1991. Tujuan analisis ini terutama untuk mengetahui prevalensi Kurang Kalori Protein (KKP) di empat propinsi Wilayah Indonesia Bagian Timur (IBT) dan perbandingan antara prevalensi KKP menurut perhitungan berdasarkan median baku Harvard dengan Z-skor berdasarkan baku WHO-NCHS. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi gizi buruk dan sedang (KKP) di wilayah IBT masing-masing 17% menurut indeks BB/U berdasarkan median baku Harvard dan 44% menurut indeks BB/U berdasarkan -2 SB baku WHO-NCHS. Prevalensi KKP menurut TB/U berdasarkan Z-skor WHO-NCHS hampir sama dengan prevalensi menurut indeks BB/U berdasarkan median bahan baku Harvard. Untuk mendapatkan prevalensi KKP yang hampir sama antara kedua indikator tersebut, batas ambang penentuan status KKP (gizi baik dan gizi kurang) menurut indeks BB/U berdasarkan baku WHO-NCHS adalah antara -2.6 SB dan -2.8 SB, atau rata-rata -2.75 SB
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