337 research outputs found

    Unquestioned Gender Lens in Contemporary Indonesian Shari‘ah-Ordinances (Perda Syariah)

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    Indonesian muslim participation in the democratic arena is now contested with the arrival of the decentralization process in 423 districts since 1992. The most notable movement is the quest for Islamic identity in the rejuvenation of Shari ‘ah Ordinances which is interpreted symbolically and transcripturally. These ordinances have unrecognized the importance of gender lens in its practice. Until the end of 2007 no less than 63 districts have ratified Perda Syari’ah. In general, these ordinances designed to govern three aspects of public life, namely (1) to eradicate social crimes especially prostitutions and gambling; (2) to enforce ritual observances among Muslims such as reading the Qur’an, Friday congregations and fasting during Ramadan; and (3) to govern the way people dress up in public sphere especially the head-veiling for women. Although Islam is the religion of the majority there are also non-muslim among Indonesian and institutionally Indonesia is not an Islamic state, therefore the ratification of Perda Syari’ah betrayed national consensus agreed upon by the founding fathers of the republic

    Toru Watanabe’s Mental Development In Norwegian Wood Novel (1987) By Haruki Murakami: An Individual Psychological Approach

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    This research aims to describe individu’s mental health when he/she leaved die by people’s closest. Sense of loneliness, frustration, displacement have be depicted within Norwegian Wood Novel by Haruki Murakami. Within this novel also shown sexuality that wrapped by feminism, and it’s an interpretation of human life. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that uses theory of psychological approach. The researcher uses novel Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami works as a data source. This research shows that the feeling’s Watanabe at the time to feel confusion about everything that he is not understood it. Preceded by no reportedly Naoko at one day after they making love, then Watanabe search Naoko in her apartement. It turns out Naoko go home to their area which they came from, namely Kobe. Then, Watanabe repeatedly sent a letter of Naoko, but not replied. Until a few moment later, Naoko reply his letter and she tell that she now reside at a place of psychiatric rehabilitation. Of course clearly how feel who experienced by Watanabe when know it. The girl who loved and has made love at the time, recent she is doing medical treatment to treat the her mental disorder. Watanabe also remember that it was first time the Naoko have sex, after doing it, Naoko crying

    The Rise of Social Media in “The Last Crowd (2017)” by Okky Madasari ; A Sociological Approach

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    Abstract This study aims to analyze the effects of the use of social media in the novel The Last Crowd. This type of research is a sociological approach. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social media internet in particular. Data from this study are information found in the novel The Last Crowd. Researchers used a social approach that was sharpened by the theory of Kanneth and Davin and the theory of Swingewood and Laurenson. The results showed that the family is a social group in which social interaction occurs. In this study the author wants to inform you that intrnet has several negative impacts, namely: 1) Family Disunity. "And now I run from one woman I don't know to another woman who even though I can remember her face. (Pages: 34). 2) Plagiarism. "Wandering the earth that I have seen is always mighty now helpless. Sometimes he makes sentences of self-defense, but stones are quickly thrown at him. "Cheating, plagiarism. Thief. "There is no place for plagiarism here. (Pages: 100) 3) Bullying. ”This is the place of originality. Here honesty is the pain. But it was not yet time to hear the voice sink back, oppressed by other sounds that were so big. A combined voice of many people. (Pages: 100). Technological developments succeeded in bringing very significant changes in aspects of human life, these changes still cause conflicts in the family and also society. The results showed that The Last Crowd novel is a picture of life in the digital age in society. Keywords: sociological approac

    Social Conflict In Victoria Aveyard's Red Queen Novel (2005): A Sociological Approach

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    This study is about SOCIAL CONFLICT IN VICTORIA AVEYARD’S RED QUEEN NOVEL (2015): A SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACH. This study uses sociological theory. The purpose of this research are to analyze the victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen (2015) based on the structural elements of the novel and to analyze social conflict in Victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen novel. The result of studi is (1) social background in American of 21stcentury, (2) social conflict in Victoria Aveyard’s Red Queen novel. This method uses descriptive qualitative. Type of data in this research uses primary and secondary data sources. The primary data uses Red Queen novel. The secondary data sources in this research used article, books, and internet. Key word: Red Queen novel, social conflict, sociological, and literary

    Psychopath Reflected In Robert Galbraith’s The Cuckoos Calling (2013): Psychoanalytic Approach

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    The purpose of this research was:1) analyzes the characteristics of the psychopath The Cuckoos Calling (2013): Psychoanalytic Approach 2) analyze the psychopathic brother and 3) analyze how Roberth Galbraith's overcome the psychopath who happened to a sister. This type of research is qualitative, descriptive. In this study, researchers apply a Psychoanalytic theory of Psychology approach i.e. by Sigmund Freud. The theory of Psychoanalytic Theory by Sigmund Freud is used as a tool to analyze why and how the main character becomes a psychopath. The results showed that a brother can become a psychopath on the novel Roberth Galbraith's i.e. the unbalanced force to control the nature and duration of the psychopath, acts of repression, the character oppressor was intense and proactive, and deliberate action to harm other people. Oppression of sisters depicted in the novel Roberth Galbraith's The Cuckoos Calling in the form of physical oppression, suppression of verbal (words), and social oppression. Roberth Galbraith's way of overcoming oppression happens to him through six main principles analyzed the psychology of the individual that is feeling inferior, struggle to grab the superiority, lifestyle, social interest, creative force, and finalism fictional

    Rebellion In Mata Hari The Spy Novel (2016) By Paulho Coelho: A Feminist Analysis

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    This research describe about a person named Margaret Zelle who acts as a spy for the German state and has the secret name of H21 and has a stage name that is Mata Hari. This research describes how Paulo Coelho described the rebellion in the novel The Spy. The purpose of this study is to find out how the rebellion and the reason the author describes the rebellion in this novel. This writer is qualitative by using descriptive method. This research was analyzed using Feminist theory. The analysis is used to describe the occurrence of rebellion in this novel. This study has several conclusions. First, there are several reasons for the rebellion in the Spy novel and the second there is a Feminist Principle consisting of four parts: the Women’s Position, Women's Roles, Women's Rights and Women's Participation

    Andrew Beckett’s Fight For Human Rights In Jonathan Demme’s Philadelphia Movie ( 1993 ): An Individual Psychological Approach

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    The major problem of this study is to reveal Andrew Beckett’s fight for human right in Jonathan Demme’s Philadelphia movie. The objective of this study is to analyze the movie based on its structural elements, and based on individual psychological approach. In analyzing Philadelphia, the writer uses qualitative method and Individual Psychological Aapproach. The object of the study is Jonathan Demme’s Philadelphia movie published in 1993 by Hollywood studio picture. The primary data source is the movie and its script, and the secondary data sources are the other data related to the analysis such as the author’s biography and some reference books. The method of data collection is library research by collecting and recording both of the primary and secondary data. The technique of data analysis used in this study is descriptive analysis. The outcome of the study shows that all of the elements of the movie compose one unity. Fight for human right of the major character in this movie, matched with the basic principles of Adler to overcome his life problem and makes positive and negative impacts for his own self and other people around him

    Personal Independence: The Hunger Games Novel By Suzanne Collins (2008): An Individual Psychological Approach

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    This research is about how is personal independence of the major and minor characters reflected in The Hunger Games novel. The objective of this study is to analyze the novel based on the individual psychological approach. The type of this research is qualitative research. Type of data of the study is novel taken from two data sources: primary and secondary. The primary data source is The Hunger Games novel published in 2008. While the secondary data sources are other materials taken from books, author’s biography, essay, comments, critics and internet related to the study. Both data are collected by conducting library research and analyzed by descriptive analysis. Based on the individual psychology analysis, the study shows that the problem is faced by the major character is herown psychology condition to decide the appropriate ways for his life. Collins tells that the problem of the major character causes the personal independence of her social life because of her personality and causes some effect to inferiority feeling, striving to superiority, creative self, style of life, social interest, and functional finalism of the main character. Keywords: The Hunger Games, personal independence, courage, kind, obstacles, psychological theory

    Gender Phenomenon On Caroline For Sex Education And Life In Patricia Cabot Educating Caroline (2001): A Feminism Approach

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    This study aims 1) To find out the Gender used by Patricia to struggle for sex education and life in Patricia Cabot Educating Caroline (2001): A Feminism Approach and 2) To find out struggle finally formed at Caroline to get reall love from her sex education, viewed from Gender of feminism. This research includes the qualitative research. Data collection technique of this research is read the novel more than once, taking notes of the important parts in both primary and secondary data sources, the note can be in computer or in other notes, browsing to the internet to get some information article that related to the topic. The results of this analysis show that gender identity where Caroline make a crazy appointment with Braden and but part of sex education for Caroline. Suspicious is the feeling and it almost the same with jealousy. Caroline compares that Lady Jacquelyn is more beautiful than she is especially in body shape. Lady Caroline has large breast where larger than she is. The biological sex related to clothes that wear by Caroline. Caroline mention finding loose crystal bead on her skirt, it shows that the skirt become Caroline’s style and maybe also characteristic

    Fatherhood Reflected In Danielle Steel's Winners Novel(2013): A Humanistic Psychological Approach

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    The major problem of this study is fatherhood. How a father shows his love to his lovely daughter. The objective of this study is to analyze this novel based on humanistic approach. The writer employs qualitative method. The writer uses two data sources: primary and secondary. The primary data source of the study is Winners novel by Danielle Steel. Secondary data are the supporting data taken from literary books, criticism, and some articles related to the novel. The secondary data of the study are taken from any information related to the novel. The method of data collection is the researcher will employ the descriptive qualitative research. Based on the analysis, the researcher gets some conclusions. The study shows that the problem faced by the major character is a fatherhood. It is proven by a father, Bill Thomas. Bill has a child, her name is Lily Thomas. Lily is a smart, energic and stromg girl. Bill loved Lily so much. Bill wants the best things for Lily. Lily can fulfill the five basic needs by Abraham Maslow (Physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, estem needs, and self-actualization needs)
