3,806 research outputs found

    The Difference of Satisfaction Level in BPJS Health Insurance Patient and Non Insurance Patient Toward Health Service

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    National Health Insurance (JKN) developed in Indonesia is part of the National Social Insurance System (SJSN). One way to assess the services quality is to measure the patient satisfaction level. This research is a quantitative research with the cross sectional research design. The subjects of this research were the BPJS health insurance patients and non insurance patients with 200 people as the samples. The data was analyzed by the independent t-test, gap analysis, CSI (Customer satisfation index) and IPA (Importance performance analysis). The result showed that significant (ρ value >0,05) in all dimensions which mean that there is no difference of patient satisfaction level in Social Security Organizing Body (BPJS) participants and non insurance patients toward health services in Negara General Hospital. The biggest satisfaction in non insurance patients is on the Assurance variable (-1,002) and the smallest satisfaction is on the Tangibles variable (-1,357) and the biggest satisfaction of BPJS health insurance patients is on Assurance variable (-1,085) and their smallest satisfaction is on Responsiveness variable (-1,367). The non insurance patients gap is (-0,217) and the BPJS health insurance patients gap is (-1,206), both of them were classified into low satisfaction level. The result of Importance performance analysis value of non insurance patient showed Responsiveness attributes that should be prioritized and improved while in BPJS health patients showed Responsiveness and Reliability attributes that should be prioritized and improved by Negara General Hospital

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Korban Penyalahguna Narkotika dengan Berlakunya Undang-undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika

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    This Study in the legal protection of the victims of narcotics abusers aims todecrypt and analyze aspects of issues related to the concepts that underlie theneed for justification of legal protection of the victims and supervision of theimplementation of the decisions of rehabilitation, as well as decrypt and analyzethe legal form of protection. This study is a normative one using law approachand legal concept analysis. The results of the study indicate the legal protection ofvictims of drug abusers can not be detached from the underlying idea of legalprotection of the victims of narcotics abusers in the form rehabilitasi. Legalprovisions governing the rehabilitation of drug addicts measures stipulated inArticle 54, 56.103, and was associated with article 127 of Law No. 35 of 2009,SEMA No. 4 of 2010 as The Guideline on the implementation of the rehabilitationof narcotics abusers, but monitoring of the rehabilitation measures notaccommodated in such provisions so that there are gaps in the law enforcementmechanism of action monitoring narotics rehabilitation

    Modification of Rice Husk-Based Activated Carbon using Sodium Lauryl Sulfat (SLS) for Lead (Pb) Ions Removal

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    A rice husk-based active carbon modified using SLS surfactant showed an increase on Pb ionic metal removal with the efficiency of 99.96%. Activated carbon is commonly applied as adsorben in waste water treatment, in particularly, waste water containing heavy metals and dye molecules. Even though it is commonly used, the adsorption efficiency of activated carbon to the heavy metal waste is still low. Therefore, in the present work, carbon from rice husk was modified using surfactant which further it is called surfactant modified active carbon (SMAC). Firstly, rice husk-based carbon was activated using 40% H3PO4 for 2, 6, 10, 14, 15 and 16 hours. The activated carbon was then modified by contacting it into SLS in different concentration 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 ppm for 5 hours. Finally, the SMAC was then applied to remove Pb ionic metal. Moreover, several characterisation techniques were performed including FTIR, SEM, UV-Vis and AAS

    Double-core evolution and the formation of neutron-star binaries with compact companions

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    We present the results of a systematic exploration of an alternative evolutionary scenario to form double neutron-star binaries, first proposed by Brown (1995), which does not involve a neutron star passing through a common envelope. In this scenario, the initial binary components have very similar masses, and both components have left the main sequence before they evolve into contact; preferably the primary has already developed a CO core. We have performed population synthesis simulations to study the formation of double neutron star binaries via this channel and to predict the orbital properties and system velocities of such systems. We obtain a merger rate for DNSs in this channel in the range of 0.1 - 12/Myr. These rates are still subject to substantial uncertainties such as the modelling of the contact phase.Comment: MNRAS, accepte

    Dasar Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Badung dalam Memberikan Standar Pelayanan Bagi Perempuan dan Anak Korban Kekerasan

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    Base on Article 28 G paragraph (1) The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia to declare,that every person has the right to protection of self, family, material, dignity, and propertyunder his control, and has the right to feel secure and protection from threats to do ornot to do that is a human right. In addition, under Article 20 of act Child Protection toregulate that the State, government, society, family, and the parents are obliged responsiblefor the implementation of child protection. In article 5 of act on the Elimination of DomesticViolence to declare that every person is prohibited from domestic violence against people inthe scope of the household by means of: physical violence; psychological violence; sexualviolence; or neglect of household.Based on the reality that exsistence of women and children are the group who are becomingvictims of violence. Many factors contribute to the violence against women and children,among which is a factor of a patriarchal culture that is still views women is lower than inmen. Another thing is also very influence violence as a false perception of violence whichconsiders that violence as a matter of course, and the rights of the offender.The purpose of research is to determine the authority of local government in providingprotection for women and children victims of violence. So, want to know the forms andmechanisms of a given service standards Badung regency administration especially to womenand children victims of violence. Specific targets to be achieved is to provide information tothe public that is legally local governments have the authority to provide service standardsand to determine also whether local governments already have a minimum service standardsand other forms of care is given to women and children victims of violence , given the manywomen and children victims of violence have not got a good service or minimum service asa form of protection for women and children victims of violence. The method is normativeresearch.Base on discussion can be presented , the first, that authority Badung Government in providingservice standards for women and children victims of violence. That service standards hasbeen regulated in act Number. 15 of 2013, that is the title of act the Protection of Womenand Children Victims of Violence. Second, that the standard services forms of BadungGovernment have five (5) types of shapes minimum service standards

    Nasionalisme Penyelesaian Sengketa (Studi Pemberdayaan Bani Sebagai Lembaga Penyelesaian Sengketa Penanaman Modal Asing)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengupayakan terwujudnya nasionalisme dalam penyelesaiansengketa penamanam modal asing dengan memberdayakan BANI sebagai alternatiflembaga penyelesaian sengketa, dan juga menemukan hambatan-hambatan apa sajayang dihadapi dalam mengupayakan terwujudnya nasionalisme penyelesaiansengketa penanaman modal asing. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Spesifikasi penelitian yangdipergunakan penulis adalah deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwaPertama,Upaya mewujudkan nasionalisme dengan menjadikan BANI lebih berdayasebagai lembaga penyelesaian sengketa penanaman modal asing dapat dilakukanmelalui perbaikan klausul penyelesaian sengketa penanaman modal asing yaitu pasal32 ayat (4) UU Penanaman Modal, meningkatkan kualitas arbiter BANI,Kedua,Hambatandalam mewujudkan nasionalisme penyelesaian sengketa dalampenanaman modal asing dengan memberdayakan BANI sebagai forum penyelesaiansengketa dibedakan dalam dua kelompok yaitu hambatan internal dan hambataneksternal. Hambatan internal berasal dari keadaan nasional berupa dasar hukum.Sedangkan hambatan eksternal berasal pihak luar negeri yang banyak mempengaruhipemerintah untuk menetapkan kebijakan dibanding kepentingan nasional

    Obstetric and Gynecologic Departments, Faculty of Medicine Udayana University, Bali-Indonesia

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    The high risk of human papillomavirus (HPV) have already known widely and accepted as a causative agent for cervical cancer. Epidemiologically, predominant high-risk is HPV-16 and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) is the most common histological type. HPV genotype probably correlates to histologic type. This study aims to determine how many fold is the risk of SCC on HPV-16 infection. This is a case control with SCC HPV-16 positive as the cases and SCC HPV-16 negative as the controls. Tissues diagnosed as SCC and non SCC was paraffin-embedded. SPF-10 and specific E7-primer types by LiPA were employed for genotyping of HPV-16. c2 was applied to analyze the correlation. A number of 65 SCC consisted of 33 cases and 32 controls were observed in this study. The risk of SCC on HPV-16 infection was 3.40-fold (95% CI = 1.44-8.03; p = 0.004) compare with HPV-16 negative. Controls in this study consist of 18 (27.69%) of HPV-18, 9 (13.85%) of HPV-52, and 5 (7.69%) of other HPV types. The mean-age of case group and control group infected by HPV were 52.28 ± 12.43 and 47.70 ± 8.02 year, respectively (p = 0.02). HPV-16 infection caused SCC is 3.5 more than other high risk group

    Pengaruh Insentif Finansial dan Lingkungan Kerja Fisik terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan PT. Jasaraharja Putera Cabang Denpasar

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    To investigate the effect of financial incentives and physical work environment on employee loyalty PT. Jasaraharja Putra Branch Denpasar is goal for this study. To achieve these objectives, research and data collection of financial incentives, physical work environment, and employee loyalty. The tools used to process data by multiple linear regression analysis test-f and the t-test. The results of this study are: simultaneous test results show that financial incentives and physical work environment significantly affect employee loyalty PT. Jasaraharja Putra Denpasar branch in the period with a value of Adj. R Square of 80.4 percent. The test results indicate that the variable partial financial incentives (X1) and physical environment (X2) have a positive and significant impact on employee loyalty PT. Jasaraharja Putra Branch Denpasar. This can be evidenced from tcount greater than the value of TTable. In the partial correlation test got the result that financial incentives are the dominant variables affecting employee loyalty variable PT. Jasaraharja Putra Branch Denpasar with value 0.649 or 64.9 percen