4 research outputs found

    Interaksi Genotipe x Lingkungan Hasil dan Komponen Hasil 14 Genotipe Tomat di Empat Lingkungan Dataran Rendah

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    Genotype x environment interaction (GxE) information is needed by plant breeders to assist the identification of superior genotype. Stability analysis can be done if there is a GxE interaction, to show the stability of a genotype when planted in different environments. This study aimed to estimate the effects of genotype x environment interaction on yield and yield components of fruit weight per plant as well as to look at the stability of 14 tomato genotypes at four lowland locations. The study was conducted at four locations, namely Purwakarta, Lombok, Tajur and Leuwikopo. Experiments at each location was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Stability analysis was performed using the AMMI model. Fruit weight, fruit diameter, number of fruits per plant and total fruit weight per plant characters showed highly significant genotype x environment interactions. Variability due to the effect of GxE interaction based on a AMMI2 contributed by 88.50%. IPBT3, IPBT33, IPBT34, IPBT60 and Intan were stable genotypes under AMMI model.Keywords: AMMI, multilocation trial

    Defisit Air Pada Berbagai Fase Pertumbuhan dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Karakter Kuantitatif Beberapa Genotipe Kacang Tanah

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    This study aims to determine the effect of water deficit at various phases of plant growth on the quantitative characters of several peanut genotypes. This study used a completely randomized design-split plot design.  The water deficit consisted of 6 treatments: d0 = no water deficit, d1 = water deficit from germination to harvest, d2 = water deficit from germination to age 25 days after planting (dap) (vegetative phase), d3 = water deficit from age 26  to 50 dap (flowering phase to pod formation), d4 = water deficit from age 51 dap to 75 dap (seed filling phase), and d5 = water deficit from age 75 dap to 100 dap (seed ripening phase until harvest). The peanut genotype used consisted of 10 genotypes. The results showed that water deficit in various phases of plant growth resulted in different quantitative characters in several peanut genotypes. Genotype G3T4 produced heaviest dry pod weight of 12.7 g plant-1 in water deficit from germination to harvest. Genotype G200-I produced heaviest dry pod weight of 11.5 g per plant-1 in water deficit in the vegetative phase. Genotype G3T4 produced heaviest dry pod weight of 13.3 g per plant in water deficit the generative phase. Genotype G300-II produced heaviest the dry pod weight of 11.7 g per plant-1 in the water deficit of the seed filling phase. Genotypes G2D2, G2T3 and G200-I produced the heaviest dry pod weight of 11.0 g per plant-1 in the water deficit of the seed ripening phase

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pengolahan Kentang Industri pada Kelompok Wanita Tani di Kecamatan Sembalun

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    This Community Empowerment (PkM) aims to increase partners' knowledge about processing technology for various types of industrial processed potato products, SPP-IRT licensing procedures, packaging and labeling of processed potato products, and business management of processed potato businesses digitally. This activity was attended by 20 participants from the Sembalun and Segara Muncar Women Farmer Groups (KWT). The methods used are lectures, discussions and product processing assistance. The results of the activities show that PkM activities are carried out smoothly, producing a variety of market-ready processed products including bread, potato crunchy strips, pia and potato sticks. Organoleptic test results with 50 consumer panelists stated that the products made were liked, marketable, and had appropriate packaging.Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mitra tentang teknologi pengolahan berbagai jenis produk industri olahan kentang, tata cara perizinan SPP-IRT, pengemasan dan pelabelan produk olahan kentang, serta pengelolaan usaha usaha olahan kentang secara digital. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 20 peserta dari Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Sembalun dan Segara Muncar. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi dan pendampingan pengolahan produk. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan PkM berjalan lancar, menghasilkan berbagai produk olahan siap pasar antara lain roti, keripik kentang, pia dan stik kentang. Hasil uji organoleptik dengan 50 panelis konsumen menyatakan bahwa produk yang dibuat disukai, dapat dipasarkan, dan memiliki kemasan yang sesuai

    Interaksi Genotipe x Lingkungan Hasil dan Komponen Hasil 14 Genotipe Tomat di Empat Lingkungan Dataran Rendah

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    Genotype x environment interaction (GxE) information is needed by plant breeders to assist the identification of superior genotype. Stability analysis can be done if there is a GxE interaction, to show the stability of a genotype when planted in different environments. This study aimed to estimate the effects of genotype x environment interaction on yield and yield components of fruit weight per plant as well as to look at the stability of 14 tomato genotypes at four lowland locations. The study was conducted at four locations, namely Purwakarta, Lombok, Tajur and Leuwikopo. Experiments at each location was arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Stability analysis was performed using the AMMI model. Fruit weight, fruit diameter, number of fruits per plant and total fruit weight per plant characters showed highly significant genotype x environment interactions. Variability due to the effect of GxE interaction based on a AMMI2 contributed by 88.50%. IPBT3, IPBT33, IPBT34, IPBT60 and Intan were stable genotypes under AMMI model. Keywords: AMMI, multilocation trial