43 research outputs found

    Similarity Virtual Community and Local Civil Society Empowerment (Study on Virtual Community in Maumere, Sikka District, East Nusa Tenggara)

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    Social media has changed the way of people to communicate. The similarity of attractions (hobby, idealism, study, culture, religion,faith, etc.) creates virtual community. Online networking presence will actually be used as a tool for joint action as well as empowerment. Sikka District is one of area in East Nusa Tenggara. In this study, the researchers show how people in Sikka through online discussion forums use the media community to participate in local development. Furthermore, this research also shows how the role of virtual communities is used as tools for joint action as well as empowerment as to strengthen the government and society. The role of virtual communities in community empowerment and development has been demonstrated by the average virtual communities in Sikka. Discourses of empowerment and development in discussions delivered through virtual communities are generally followed up in concrete activities that have a positive impact both to the community members and the wider community. Cohesiveness between members of virtual communities in Sikka is one factor of involvement of these communities on community empowerment. In addition, the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and use of the media that has been owned by members of the community remain conducive in helping maintain both online and offline activities. This condition helps create a public sphere that is the crucial element in either national or local development

    12 Warna Maskulinitas: Standar Baru Maskulinitas Dalam Iklan Kosmetik Nature Republic

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      Abstrak Iklan menjadi alat promosi yang juga dapat menyebarkan ideologi, gaya hidup, dan budaya yang mempengaruhi pembentukan persepsi publik. Salah satu masalah dalam iklan adalah bias representasi gender dalam iklan. Sebelumnya Pria dalam iklan dicitrakan sebagai makhluk yang kokoh dan tangguh. Di sisi lain, wanita sebagai makhluk yang lemah lembut dan anggun. Namun saat ini konsep gender dalam iklan telah berubah, seperti pada iklan kosmetik Nature Republic yang menggunakan model pria yaitu idola K-pop EXO sebagai model iklannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana citra seorang pria ditampilkan dalam sebuah iklan kosmetik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis semiotika Roland Barthes dengan objek penelitian yaitu iklan kosmetik Nature Republic “12 Shades of Light” yang terdiri dari 6 versi video. Penelitian ini menampilkan berbagai citra yang divisualisasikan melalui gaya rambut, efek pencahayaan, warna, gaya pakaian, ekspresi, dan gestur tubuh. Diantaranya adalah citra pria cantik, pria gentleman, pria flamboyan, pria anggun, pria misterius, pria lugu, pria sensual, pria menawan, pria imut, pria baik, pria pemberani dan citra dari seorang pria seksi. Gambar-gambar ini menunjukkan standar baru dalam maskulinitas. Bahwa kini, penampilan yang rapi dan penampilan fisik yang prima merupakan hal yang wajib dimiliki oleh seorang pria. Kosmetik menjadi kebutuhan para pria masa kini untuk menunjang penampilan mereka. Gambar-gambar yang ditampilkan menunjuk pada jenis pria maskulinitas lembut ini menunjukkan bagaimana media menetapkan standar baru untuk pria. Pria bisa menjaga penampilan dan menunjukkan sisi lembutnya. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa gender merupakan hasil konstruksi sosial yang akan terus berubah dari waktu ke waktu. Kata kunci: iklan, kosmetik, citra, laki-laki, soft masculinity &nbsp


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    Abstract: The access to internet today is not merely to interact with other people, but also to socialize so the user will have a close relation with the real world. Facebook is one of social media which grows significantly nowdays. This research aimed to find out the effect of social media, facebook precisely to the misbehavior among teenagers. The focus of this research was the cyberbullying by teenagers which recently happens quite often. The method of this research is quantitative and involved students from High Schools and Vocational High Schools in Malang. The research showed a significant correlation between the using of facebook with the cyberbullying among teenagers in Malang. Keywords: Social Media, Cyberbullying, Facebook

    Similarity Strategi Branding Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Malang Dalam Membentuk Image Sebagai Kota Pariwisata

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    This study aimed to find out how the branding strategy of the Culture and Tourism Agency (Disbudpar) of Malang in shaping the image of Malang as a tourism city and to know what obstacles affect the application of the branding strategy. This study used a qualitative research by analyzing the branding strategy of Disbudpar Malang. The data collection techniques carried out in field research and to obtain information and data was through interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicated that the branding strategy of Disbudpar Malang in shaping the image of Malang were as follow, first brand positioning for example by the formation of the beautiful Malang city branding, second brand identity by making the tag line and logo of beautiful Malang, third brand personality for example Malang is known as a cool city, fourth brand communication by promotion on social media events and relationships with stakeholders. The fifth startegy was brand equity for example by making beautiful destinations such as thematic villages and beautiful city parks. The constraints from the brand strategy were first, from the publication of beautiful Malang in print media was considered less reflecting the image of Malang and the presence of those who criticized the beautiful Malang logo, second there were some villages that were still less of awareness in tourism, third in terms of destinations there were lack in facilities and infrastructure, fourth the limited funds to conduct the activities or events

    Similarity Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Penyimpangan Perilaku Remaja (Cyberbullying)

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    Penggunaan internet saat ini bukan hanya sekedar untuk berinteraksi dengan orang lain, tetapi juga menggunakannya untuk bersosialisasi hingga pengguna memiliki hubungan yang sangat dekat pula di dunia nyata. Facebook (FB) merupakan salah satu situs pertemanan atau jejaring sosial yang berkembang sangat pesat saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh media sosial khususnya facebook terhadap penyimpangan perilaku yang dilakukan oleh remaja. Fokus penyimpangan dalam penelitian ini adalah cyberbullying yang akhir-akhir ini marak terjadi di kalangan remaja. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan objek penelitian siswa-siswi SMA dan SMK di Kota Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan terhadap penggunaan facebook dengan cyberbullying di kalangan remaja di Kota Malang

    Similarity Social media: democracy in the shadow of fanatism.

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    Social media as a new democratic space has offered many possibilities to access information and interaction with other users but at the same time, can endangers the life of democracy itself. The research aimed to find out the types of fanaticism in social media and how it can endanger the life of democracy in Indonesia. This research was conducted in Malang from April-August 2016 and used descriptive qualitative method with interview and documentation as data gathering techniques. Meanwhile, the sampling technique was a purposive sampling and used interactive model from Miles & Huberman data analysis with three components namely: data reducation, data display and verification or conclusion withdrawal. The research results showed that there were two types of fanaticism in social media; politic and religion fanaticisms. Both types promote their ideology through fanpages, personal accounts and websites that circulate in social media. This research also found that fanaticism could endanger the life of democracy because it would not allow differences and againts the principle of democracy where diversities are celebrated. Some fanatic postings ignited debate and conflict and some other silently brain-washed people to be radical. Social media has cultivated fanaticism and ignited conflicts among people. It has become a war zon

    Peer Review Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Penyimpangan Perilaku Remaja (Cyberbullying)

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    The access to internet today is not merely to interact with other people, but also to socialize so the user will have a close relation with the real world. Facebook is one of social media which grows significantly nowdays. This research aimed to find out the effect of social media, facebook precisely to the misbehavior among teenagers. The focus of this research was the cyberbullying by teenagers which recently happens quite often. The method of this research is quantitative and involved students from High Schools and Vocational High Schools in Malang. The research showed a significant correlation between the using of facebook with the cyberbullying among teenagers in Malang

    Similarity Pemberdayaan perempuan melalui siaran radio yang berperspektif gender

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    Until today women’s position in public area is still underestimated. Almost in all public sectors, private or governmental is dominated by men. This fact made some people try to promote the right of woman same as a man with many ways and programs. One of the ways is by media broadcasting especially radio. Mass media is regarded to have a big power to its audience to influence and direct them. Radio is one of communication media which has a specific audience with many listeners in Malang. The signature of radio as an intimate and personal media can make the listeners stay to listen. The objective of this research is to find out the role of radio in women empowerment especially in politics and woman’s right in publik sector. This reasearch was held in radio MAS FM and radio Kosmonita Malang. Radi MAS FM is a radio with family segmentation while radio Kosmonita is women and family. The methode used is descriptive qualitative with data collection through the interview and the data analysis used interactive analysis. The result shows that as mass media, those two radios have conducted their functions as information and entertainment media. But, they have not used their power maximally to educate women and participate in women empowerment especially in understanding woman’s rights in public sector. The radio program they made are only focused on the domestic sector. Fortunately, some programs in Radio Kosmonita Malang have promoted on woman’s rights in public sector compare to radio MAS FM

    Similarity Peran Program Rojhek Cingur Radio Nada FM dalam Melestarikan Budaya Lokal di Sumenep Madura

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    The Rojhek Cingur program was one of the Nada FM radio broadcast programs produced and broadcasted for the first time in 2016. The program discussed the values and local culture of Madura delivered by the people, which was then combined with the news of cultural issues developing across the people. This research used descriptive qualitative type. The main informant of the study were the broadcaster of the Rojhek Cingur program and the Nada FM radio station manager. The data collection technique of this research was carried out by interview, documentation and observation. While the data analysis technique consisted of data collection, data reduction and data presentation. The data validation used data triangulation. The result showed that the Rojhek Cingur program was one of the Nada FM radio programs discussed cultural values. The role of Rojhek Cingur Nada FM radio program were (1) Rojhek Cingur was a rehabilitation of Madura culture,(2) Rojhek Cingur was an education and cultural socialization, and (3) Rojhek Cingur was an unifying media. The pattern of communication between broadcaster and Rojhek Cingur program listeners were (1) Two-way communication patterns (two way traffic communicatios), and (2) Multi-directional communication patterns