280 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning (Ctl) dan Kosentrasi Belajar terhadap Efektivitas Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika Kelas VII SMP N 8 Kota Jambi

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    This study aims to find out about: 1) the effect of the approach Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on the effectiveness of student learning in mathematics class VII SMP N 8 Jambi, 2) the effect of the concentration of study on the effectiveness of student learning in mathematics class VII SMP N 8 city of Jambi, 3) the effect of the approach Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the concentration of study on the effectiveness of student learning in mathematics class VII SMP N 8 city of Jambi. This research is experimental research with pretest-posttest design Control Group Design.The population in this study were all seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 8 Jambi City 2013/2014 academic year consists of class VIIA, VIIB, VIIC, VIID, VIIE, VIIF, VIIG, VIIH. Sampling using random sampling while the sample drawn is VIID and VIIG class. Data collection tool achievement test shaped in the form of essays, while the test concentrations studied by using a questionnaire (questionnaire).The results of the study are: 1) There is the effect of the CTL approach to effective student learning in mathematics, where before treatment the average results of the experiment class pretest was 39.97 with a standard deviation of 10.01, after a given treatment using CTL approach mean average posttest in the experimental class was 74.13 with a standard deviation of 8.31, 2) there is a concentration effect study of the effectiveness of student learning in mathematics, the higher the concentration the higher learning learning outcomes obtained, and 3) there are significant CTL approach and the concentration of study on the effectiveness of student learning in mathematics because tcount> ttable ie 3.60> 1.6

    Analisis Pemecahan Masalah Matematika pada Siswa Tipe Visual Berbasis Realistic Mathematics Education (Rme) di Kelas VIII SMP N 2 Kota Jambi

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    In spite of using the appropriate learning approaches, there were factors that influenced to the successful in learning, namely intelligence and learning styles. RME approach and learning styles that suitable to students\u27 characteristics were expected to enhance students\u27 understanding in solving mathematical problem, which eventually leads on increasing students\u27 achievement. This research aimed to describe and analyse the process of students\u27 problem solving on the type of visual-based learning RME. This study was qualitative research that used descriptive qualitative method. The research was conducted at class VIII of SMP N 2 Jambi. Subjects consisted of three students who have a visual type learning outcomes of high, medium, and low.The process of solving the problem of the study revealed through observations, interviews and task sheets based on mathematical problem solving. The data were analysed based on indicators of mathematical problem solving by Polya and noted the characteristics of the critical thinking process which included steps: (1) identification of the problem and the relevant information, (2) explored the interpretations and connections, (3) alternative prioritize and communicated the conclusions, and (4) integrated, monitored, and refined strategies for re-handling the problems.The results showed that subject of SVT and SVS could solve the issue properly, the process of solving the second problem showed in step; (1) and (2) the steps to understand the problems, arranged the problem-solving plan, implemented the plan of problem solving, and rechecked the results of problem solving. (3) the steps to understand the problems, arranged and did problem solving plan. (4) Implemented a plan and rechecked the results of problem solving. While SVR could not solve the problems correctly in step (3) and (4) in steps implemented plans and rechecked the results of problem solving

    Designing Verbal Message And Visual Media Of Quick Chicken

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    Quick Chicken currently exists on more than 8 islands, more than 17 provinces, more than 220 outlets. Compared to similar fried chicken outlets, Quick Chicken outlet designs are more attractive because they use the concept of selling in containers. The advantages of Quick Chicken are offering a menu that is a combination of traditional and western, in addition, Quick Chicken also offers larger pieces of chicken than its competitors, namely Hisana and Sabana. Currently Quick Chicken is experiencing a decline in sales. This happens because the promotion done has not been able to make the target audience aware and loyal. The question research is how to design verbal message and visual media as the solustion for the problem above. Semantics is used to define the verbal message, while advertising theory is used as the the grand theory of visual media. The methode used is qualitative descriptif. The result is as the recommendation design of the verbal message and visual media as the solution for the problem using AISAS. The conclusion is with the design of Quick Chicken promotion, it is hoped that being able to be a solution to identified problems, and it can also be a reference for similar problems as well. Key Words: Semantics, verbal message, Visual Media, Quick Chicke

    Kata Tugas Bahasa Ngaju Dalam Mahaga Anak Awau Karya Rosa Kühnle (the Particle Words of Ngaju Language in Mahaga Anak Awau by Rosa Kühnle)

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    Kata Tugas Bahasa Ngaju dalam Mahaga Anak Awau karya Rosa Kühnle. Bahasa Ngaju adalahbahasa Barito (Austronesia) yang dituturkan oleh suku besar Dayak Ngaju dan suku-suku lainnya diProvinsi kalimantan Tengah. Suku Dayak Ngaju menempati DAS Sungai Kapuas, Kahayan, Katingan,Mentaya, Seruyan dan Barito. Kata tugas bahasa Ngaju dapat dibedakan sesuai bentuknya yang terdiridari preposisi, konjungsi, interjeksi, penegas, penjelas, keterangan dan klitik. Berdasarkan fungsinya,kata tugas bahasa Ngaju dapat dikelompokkan menjadi (1) KTatributif yang terbagi menjadi tigasubkelompok, yaitu (1.1) Kelompok KT atributif yang dapat berpasangan dengan Inti nominal danverbal, (1.2) Kelompok KT atributif yang terbatas pasangan intinya, (1.3) Kelompok KT atributifyang berpasangan longgar dengan intinya.(2) KT direktif (3) KT konektif yang terbagi pula dalam 2subkelompok, yaitu (3.1) konektif koordinatif dan (3.2) konektif subordinatif.(4)KTkoherensif yangterdiri dari 2 subkelompok, yaitu koherensif regresif dan koherensif progresif. Kata tugas mengemban189berbagai makna struktural, diantaranya adalah hubungan penegas, penyebab, pengantar, pembanding,penjelas kuantitas, kualitas dan hubungan keraguan.Kata

    Hubungan Konsumsi Protein Hewani dan Zat Besi dengan Kadar Hemoglobin pada Balita Usia 1336 Bulan

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    Children under five years old are the group that susceptible toward the health and nutrition problems. The most prevalence problem is iron deficiency anemia. Most of iron deficiency anemia cases was caused by lack of iron in their meal. Animal food, the one of iron source is important in hemopoietic process. Based on the reason, study was carried out to explore correlation between animal protein and hemoglobin level among children by age 1336 months in Sawotratap village, under Gedangan Health Center working area, Sidoarjo District. This is a cross sectional research. Samples were 64 children randomly selected from 4 posyandu in Sawotratap. Variable observed were protein consumption, animal protein, iron, and vitamin C from meal and hemoglobin concentration. The research indicates that the average of hemoglobin concentration was 11.36 g/dl, the lowest of hemoglobin concentration was 8.80 g/dl, and the highest was 13.40 g/dl with anemia prevalence was 40.60%. Based on statistic test, there are significant correlation between hemoglobin concentration and protein consumption (r = 0.579), animal protein consumption (r = 0.763), total iron intake (r = 0.554), and vitamin C intake (r = 0.273). The correlation of animal protein consumption with hemoglobin concentration is stronger than other.Key words: anemia, animal protein, iron, hemoglobin concentratio

    Efektivitas Pemberian Rebusan Kunyit Asam terhadap Penurunan Dismenorea

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effectiveness of tumeric and tamarind to relieve dysmenorrhoea. The method was quasy experiment by giving tumeric and tamarind stew to the experimental group. The research was conducted on SMAN 9 Pekanbaru, toward 30 respondent which devided into two group. The first group was experimental group and the second group was control group. The sampling used purposive sampling technique, the measurement was a numeric rating scale to measure the intensity of pain. The analysis were univarite and bivariate analysis by using t-dependent sample test and mann whitney. The result showed there was a significant reduction of the intensity of pain to the experimental group after the group had taken the tumeric and tamarind stew ( p < α 0,05). Its mean that the stew was efective to relieve dysmenorrhoea. Its recomended to female student to apply the tumeric and tamarind stew as herbal medicine to relieve the dysmenorrhoea

    Pendaftaran Tanah melalui Program Layanan Rakyat untuk Sertipikasi Tanah (Larasita) di Kota Bandung Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-pokok Agraria Dihubungkan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 Tentang

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    Pendaftaran tanah merupakan hal yang penting, karena salah tujuan dari pendaftaran tanah adalah untuk memberikan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum kepada masyarakat. Pasal 19 UUPA menyatakan bahwa Pemerintah berkewajiban untuk melaksanakan penyelenggaraan pendaftaran tanah. Untuk menjamin kepastian hukum oleh pemerintah dilaksanakan pendaftaran tanah diseluruh Wilayah Indonesia. Salah satu pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah adalah pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah melalui Program LARASITA (Layanan Rakyat untuk Sertipikasi Tanah). Program LARASITA merupakan sebuah kebijakan inovatif yang beranjak dari pemenuhan rasa keadilan yang diperlukan dan diharapkan dan dipikirkan oleh masyarakat. Pelaksanaan Pendaftaran Tanah melalui Program LARASITA proses pelaksanaannya dilaksanakan dengan memadukan teknologi informasi dengan petugas pelayanan di bidang pertanahan dalam bentuk layanan bergerak

    Tradisi Rewang dalam Adat Perkawinan Komunitas Jawa di Desapetapahan Jaya Sp-1 Kecamatan Tapung Kabupaten Kampar

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    This study is about "Rewang tradition as in the implementation of javanese wedding party". This study intends to explain about rewang tradition as the social exchange in society in the implementation of wedding party, and the exchange tradition between one people comunity with others in the implementation of javanese wedding party. This study is located in village of Petapahan Jaya Sp-1 Tapung Kampar.In this study, the author used qualitative descriptive type of research that describes and explains the data through reasoning based logic to logical conclusions about the data being analyzed, so can to show a systematic picture of the situation about factors assosiated with the phenomenon being examined without use count statisticts. Data collection techniques is using snowball, observation interviews and documentation. Based on the data analysis, the conclusion of the rewang tradition about the exchange sistem is there are reciprocal exchange and happened so long. Then the people often refer to it as savings in the future when someday people will hold the wedding party. In the rewang tradition the things whose exchanged is not money but the things whose contents raw materials for fulfillment of the presentment in the implementation of wedding party.Keywords: Rewang, Marriage Custom, Traditional Javanes
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