3 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of The Implementation of Patient Safety Targets (SKP) Regarding Correctly Identifying Patients at Klungkung Area General Hospitals

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    Patient safety is an important thing in the handling of patients by medical personnel in carrying out treatment, it has a very important element so that the government has established various laws and regulations relating to health in Indonesia, one of which is regarding Patient Safety Targets (SKP) which are divided into points. -points regarding targets that must be carried out by medical personnel in carrying out actions in treating patients. The aim of this study is to find out and analyze the effectiveness of implementing Patient Safety Targets (SKP) regarding the accuracy of patient identification at the Klungkung Regional General Hospital as well as knowing and analyzing related facts -Inhibiting factors in implementing Patient Safety Targets (SKP) regarding accurate patient identification at the Klungkung Regional General Hospital. The research method used in this research is an empirical legal research method with data collection techniques, namely document study techniques and interview techniques. The results of the study show that the effectiveness of implementing Patient Safety Targets (SKP) regarding the accuracy of patient identification at the Klungkung Regional General Hospital has not been achieved optimally. This is due to several inhibiting factors, namely the first is that the room conditions are not conducive, the room situation is sometimes too busy, this causes medical officers to have to serve patients quickly, with the number of patients not being comparable to the number of officers, secondly there is an assumption regarding the accuracy of the patient's identity,  what is meant in this case is that medical officers are said to feel that they already know the patient's identity, because they have been treated or met. patient for a certain period of time or repeatedly in the same room so that this assumption arises. The third monitoring factor explained in its implementation is the absence of assessment/supervision of procedures for implementing accurate patient identification, so that officers are often negligent or do not get used to identifying patients correctly

    Evaluation of Remote Audit Implementation Based on the Perspective of Auditee Fraud Opportunities Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to ascertain the auditor’s attention to the conditions of auditee fraud opportunities that arise due to the covid-19 pandemic, to discover the changes in auditors’ work practices due to the covid-19 pandemic to cause the acceleration of digital audit adoption, to understand the remote auditing implementation system in order to minimize the opportunities for fraud that occur, and to understand the evaluation of remote auditing implementation from the auditor’s perspective. A qualitative methodology is used in this investigation. Primary and secondary sources of data were employed. Senior auditors from the ABC, DEF, and GHI Public Accounting Firms were interviewed to gather primary data. An initial description of the informants was obtained using secondary material that was found online. Using interviews and documentation, data was gathered in this way. The procedures of data collecting, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion-making are utilized in the data analysis approach. According to the study’s findings, the auditor can address the issue of potential fraud by becoming more knowledgeable about relevant topics, making critical assessments of going-concern claims, exercising professional skepticism, and developing a good audit plan. However, the auditor cannot address the issue of limited work activities without paying professional dues, which are resolved by adapting working practices to audit procedures. Remote and accelerated audit digitization, remote auditing implementation systems to reduce the possibility of fraud are implemented through the application of several procedures that are most appropriate to the client’s situation, and evaluation of remote audit implementation, which refers to rules and standards that still need to be taken into account by related parties like IAPI in order to obtain a detailed and structured system. Keywords: fraud, technology adoption, remote audi


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    Perkembangan kesenian di zaman ini penuh dengan pencarian, penggalian ide-ide yang mengedepankan kreativitas dalam proses penciptaan seni, sehingga melahirkan karya- karya spektakuler yang bermutu tinggi. Di dalam ranah seni pertunjukan, para Etnomusikolog di masa ini berjuang mengangkat citra local ke ranah global dengan segala bentuk perkembangannya. Hal ini sangat berkaitan dengan topik seminar, yaitu keindahan musik kita yang terbalut oleh nilai estetika tinggi mampu bersaing dalam dunia global. Dan kenyataannya musik kita sudah mulai mengglobal. Di ranah visual art atau seni rupa dan desain dewasa ini terhembus wacana mengenai Global Art yang kembali mengambil dan meminjam ikon atau unsur lokal yang kemudian di visualkan secara kreatif dengan ide-ide ―gila‖, sehingga disetiap karya- karya yang diciptakan bernuansa lokal dengan penggayaan baru yang mampu eksis di dalam ranah seni rupa dunia. Hal ini dalam konsep postmodern disebut dengan pendekatan pastiche yaitu mengangkat dan meminjam kembali bentuk- bentuk teks atau bahasa estetik tradisi yang kemudian dikontruksi kembali dengan bahasa seni yang baru, kemudian menempatkannya ke dalam konteks semangat masa kini yang sering disebut dengan seni kontemporer tanpa meninggalkan dan merusak kesenian lokal