11 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Sanimas di Kampung Bustaman Kota Semarang

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    At the beginning of program development communal sanitation in Semarang City (2005), implemented in the construction of residential areas Kampung Bustaman (RT 04-05 RW 03), Purwodinatan Village, Central District of Semarang with applications (construction) in the form of MCK Plus is in early development is projected to serve about 124 households. Then in 2006-2008, the development of the region Sanimas District of North Semarang namely Kampung Plombokan RT 03 RW 04-05 (2006), Bandarharjo Village RW 03 (2007), and Kebonharjo RT 02 RW 02 (in 2008). Over communal sanitation programs contained in the city, only communal sanitation contained in Kampung Bustaman fairly successful in its implementation. The success is evident in the increasing level of public health, increasing the quality of the environment in the vicinity of the development program and of course the welfare of society. So it is not surprising that communal sanitation Kampung Bustaman better known as MCK Plus Pangrukti Noble has gained several awards related to the success of the program. In addition, MCK Plus Pangrukti sublime is also one pilot project in Indonesia to develop community-based sanitation and capable of being environmentally conscious example to other communities. This study aimed to determine characteristics such as whether communal sanitation in Kampung Bustaman, Semarang so it can make a material consideration in the development communal sanitation programs in other urban areas. The results of the above analysis it can be seen that the characteristics of settlements with 1) the density residential buildings and a very high density in residential areas where the impact on the village Bustaman 2) the lack of clean water and sanitation facilities in the residential building community . In addition, the 3) very low levels of the economy resulted in the majority of people can ‘t develop the function of building occupancy

    Analisis Sistem Usahatani Rumput Laut di Desa Bungin Permai Kecamatan Tinanggea Kabupaten Konawe Selatan

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    The purpose of this research is to know: (1) income obtained from seaweed business in Bungin Permai Village, Tinanggea Subdistrict, South Konawe Regency (2) seaweed farming in Bungin Permai Village, Tinanggea Sub-District, South Konawe Regency. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods. The population of this study is 233 seaweed farmers. The sample determination uses simple random sampling technique. The number of samples in this study were 37 respondents, thesample size was determined by referring to the Slovin formula. The results of this study indicate (1) The average income of farmers respondents on seaweed farming in one production process that is Rp11.412.683 (2) With R / C of 7.353 means seaweed farming profitable and feasible to be developed and the use of production costs efficient

    A Preliminary Study On Fermentation Of Canavalia Ensiformis Seeds

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    Pada umumnya di Indonesia kacang kedele difermentasi menjadi tempe kedele. Hasil fermentasi ini merupakan sumber protein dan vitamin yang penting dalam makanan penduduk sehari-hari. Di daerah-daerah tertentu di pulau Jawa beberapa jenis kacang-kacangan seperti Koro benguk (Mucuna pruriens), koro pedang (Canavalia ensiformis) dan kacang hiris (Cajanus cajan) juga difermentasi menjadi semacam tempe kedele. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan fermentasi biji C. ensiformis menjadi tempe. Sejumlah kapang Rhizopus telah diperiksa kemampuannya untuk memfermentasikan biji-biji tersebut. R.oryzae R128 mampu menghasilkan tempe koro pedang dalam waktu 26 jam inkubasi pada suhu 30°C. Telah diteliti beberapa Perubahan biokimia yang terjadi dalam substrat. Selama proses fermentasi berlangsung terjadi peningkatan dari kadar senyawa asam total, nitrogen amino dan karbohidrat terlarut. Analisa zat gizi dalam biji C. ensiformis mentah dan sesudah difermentasi menjadi tempe telah dilaku­kan

    Karakteristik Penggunaan Sepeda di Kelurahan Medono Kecamatan Pekalongan Barat

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    The Height of bikers are not supported by supporting bicycle facilities. This matter causes the bikers to be uncomfortable and unsafe. To face the condition, the local government of Pekalongan regency should give more attention to the bikers' need. Thus, the bikers' comfort and safety can increase, so the quantity of the bikers will increase as well. This study aims to analyze bicycle using characteristics in Medono village. The writer of this study uses descriptive qualitative research method. The writer analyzes the primary data and the secondary data by making frequency distribution table. Besides that, those all data are collected by conducting an observation and by distributing questionnaires to some samples. The samples are the local residents of Medono village who use bicycle as their main daily transportation. Meanwhile, the samples are taken by using Simple Random Sampling Technique. In addition, the writer uses Taro Yamane (Slovin) to determine the sample measure. The result of this study shows that there are bicycle using characteristics in Medono village that are identified by the writer. The identified hypothesis shows that the characteristics of bicycle using in Medono village are: 1) the majority of the bikers are 19-27 years - old - male residents who work as laborers; 2) the majority of the bikers' trip destination is working trip; 3) the bikers' speed is around 15 km/hours to take short mileage (≤2,5 km) in <10 minutes. Then, after knowing the description and the result of this study, the writer hopes that this study can become a recommendation for transportation policies that lead to sustainable transportation materialization of bicycle using as a pro-environmental transportation

    Literasi Numerasi dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Siswa Kelas 3 Sd/mi

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    The purpose of the study was to describe numeration literates in integrated thematic study in a bandung class of 3 mi al-rasyidiyah. The approach in this research is a descriptive culinary. This research conducted a data collection with an interview technique for a 3rd grade teacher - rasyidiyah, test sheets and documentation. Test sheets are composed of several numerical literations about weight-unit matter. The conclusion based on the discussion was the ability of 3rd graders in mi al-rasyidiyah the city of bandung in dealing with numeration literacy was said to be good enough, but more care is required when understanding the content of a story text in the problem and the student's ability when doing solutions on numeration literacy needs to be enhanced agai


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    Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah kurang tertibnya administrasi sehingga data yang ada terkadang belum sesuai, proses dan prosedur administrasi yang masih konvensional menjadikan Desa Karyawangi belum berkontribusi terhadap tujuan Kecamatan Parongpong yakni menuju Desa Digital. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) atau Proses Belajar dan Praktek secara Partisipatif. Desa Karyawangi belum memiliki pengarsipan dan belum melakukan proses administrasi secara digital. Maka, tujuan dari PKM ini adalah memberikan paparan materi tentang administrasi pemerintahan desa berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 47 Tahun 2016 Tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan Desa melalui pengenalan aplikasi arsip digital. Pengenalan serta praktik pengisian administrasi dan perkantoran desa menggunakan Aplikasi arsip digital. Khalayak sasaran dari kegiatan ini adalah aparat desa, warga desa, dosen, prodi dan mahasiswa. Hasil analisis menujukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa fitur yang masih perlu ditambahkan dalam aplikasi tersebut yang sudah disesuaikan dengan kebutuha aparatur kantor desa dan masyarakat desa

    Terapi Komplementer dalam Kehamilan Mind and Body Therapy

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    Buku ini membahas tentang komplementer dalam kehamilan khususnya mind body therapy yang dapat meningkatkan kenyamanan, tubuh menjadi rileks, sehat dan terasa segar. Isi buku meliputi: Bab 1: Perubahan Fisik dan Psikologis dalam Kehamilan Penulis: Rika Handayani, SST.,MKes Bab 2: Keluhan pada Masa Hamil Penulis: Syafrina Batubara, SST.,M.K.M Bab 3: Terapi Komplementer dan Legalitasnya Penulis: Ratna Dewi, SST.,MKes Bab 4: Do’a dan Dzikir dalam Kehamilan Penulis: Eka Sri Purwandari, SST.,MPH Bab 5: Musik dalam Kehamilan Penulis: Halimah Tusya Diah, SST.,MKM Bab 6: Yoga Kehamilan Penulis: Rani Darma Sakti Tanjung, SST.,MKes Bab 7: Pillates untuk ibu Hamil Penulis: Dewi Candra Resmi, S.SiT.M.Tr.Keb Bab 8: Hipnoterapi dalam Kehamilan Penulis: Novica Jolyarni, SST.,MKM Bab 9: Relaksasi dalam Kehamilan Penulis: Indrawati Aristya Rini S.Si.T., M.Kes. Bab 10: Terapi Morottal Al Qur’an dalam Kehamilan Penulis: Nazilla Nugraheni, S.ST.,M.Keb Secara khusus dalam buku ini dibahas tentang bagaimana manifestasi mind and body therapy pada ibu hamil disertai dengan macam-macam pelayanan komplementer yang termasuk dalam kategori mind and body therapy. Buku ini juga memuat bukti penelitian yang terkait dengan mind and body therapy sehingga memudahkan mahasiswa kebidanan, mahasiswa kesehatan ataupun bidan untuk memahami dan mengaplikasikan dalam praktik pelayanan pada ibu hamil