5 research outputs found


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    This research begins with the problem of underdeveloped gross motor skills in group A children, this is due to the ineffective use of strategies or learning methods as well as the delivery of learning that is less attractive to children, so children are less interested in the learning process. To overcome the above problems, the researchers used Outbound activities to improve the gross motoric skills of children in group A RA Al-Fattah Sukamurni, South Maja Village, Majalengka Regency 2018-2019 Academic Year with a total of 13 children. This study aims to determine how much influence the outbound activities have on gross motor children. This research begins with the problem of underdeveloped gross motor skills in group A children, this is due to the ineffective use of strategies or learning methods as well as the delivery of learning that is less attractive to children, so children are less interested in the learning process. To overcome the above problems, the researchers used Outbound activities to improve the gross motoric skills of children in group A RA Al-Fattah Sukamurni, South Maja Village, Majalengka Regency 2018-2019 Academic Year with a total of 13 children. This study aims to determine how much influence the outbound activities have on gross motor children. Learning outcomes using Outbound Activities in improving children's gross motor skills are shown from the analysis of the data that researchers obtained namely tcount of 8.6. To determine t-table in this study, the calculation is carried out with the formula of degrees of freedom (df) and get a result of 12, then at a significant level of 5% with df 12 of 1.782, a significant level of 1% is 2.681. It can be concluded that the table 5% is 1,782 and 1% is 2,681. smaller than t_count of 8.6 then Ha is accepted Ho is rejected. This means that there is an influence between outbound activities on the gross motoric of children in RA Al-Fattah Sukamurni Maja Selatan Maja District Majalengka Regency


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    The purpose of this research is to describe the metacognitive abilities of class VIII students in solving problems in SPLDV material. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used written tests and semi-structured interviews as subjects of the study in class VIII C students located at SMPN 2 Wuluhan, Jember Regency. Subject data obtained 3 categories of metacognitive abilities which include, categories of high metacognitive abilities, categories of moderate metacognitive abilities, and categories of low metacognitive abilities. The categories of high metacognitive abilities include awareness activities, regulatory activities, and evaluation activities. In the category of moderate metacognitive abilities, there are awareness activities although they are not complete, there are regulatory activities although some do not use a planning strategy, and there are also evaluation activities although some have not been completed in problem solving. In the category of low metacognitive abilities, there are awareness activities, although some do not write completely, there are regulatory activities, although only a few solve questions without a planning strategy, and there is no evaluation activity

    Penilaian Atraksi, Amenitas, Dan Aksesibilitas Objek Daya Tarik Wisata Di Semarang (Studi Kasus: Semarang Zoo)

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    Kebun binatang Semarang Zoo merupakan salah satu obyek wisata yang diunggulkan di Kota Semarang. Selain menjadi tempat rekreasi, diharapkan menjadi sebagai tempat konservasi dan edukasi. Namun, kondisinya dinilai masih kurang layak sebagai kebun binatang maupun obyek wisata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu ingin mengidentifikasi aspek atraksi, aksesibilitas, dan amenitas yang ada dan memberi penilaian terhadap obyek wisata Semarang zoo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan berifat deskriptif. Atraksi yang disediakan antara lain melihat kehidupan dari 4 jenis satwa, yaitu aves (burung), mamalia, reptil, dan primata. Atraksi tambahan lainnya seperti pertunjukan animal show, becak air, playplay zoo, dan kereta mini untuk mengelilingi area kebun binatang. Aksesibilitas menuju ke kebun binatang ini relatif mudah karena tersedia informasi penunjuk arah menuju ke sana, kondisi jalan yang sepenuhnya pengerasan, dan memliki tempat yang stategis. Amenitas yang disediakan yaitu toilet, tempat ibadah, parkir, warung makan, toko oleh-oleh, dan tempat sampah. Hasil dari penilaian menggunakan angka biner yaitu Semarang zoo memiliki nilai 12 dan dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Hasil penelitian dapat menjadi acuan dalam tahap pengembangan semarang zoo yang lebih efektif dan efisien dan diharapkan meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan serta memberi kesan positif terhadap Semarang Zoo


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    Cases in Indonesia are still very high with an average prevalence in 2021 of 24.4%. According to the results of the Indonesian Nutrition Status (SSGI) in 2021, 20.9% of children under five (toddlers) in Central Java are stunted, where for Pekalongan City it is ranked 18th out of 34 districts/cities in Central Java with stunting prevalence in toddlers. 20.6%, this figure is still far from the 14% target to be achieved in 2024. Interventions in efforts to reduce stunting rates in Setono Village are carried out by the community service team through 6 forms of intervention in community empowerment activities: 1) GENTING (Youth Movement) Prevent Stunting), 2) GOSTING (Stunting Gossip), 3) TEKAAT (Practice of Giving Healthy Snacks), 4) ISI (Giving MPASI), 5) NAMPOL CULTURE (Cultivation of Plants in Polybags), and 6) SOGIMIL CENTING (Socialization of Maternal Nutrition Pregnant Prevent Stunting), The results of the intervention activities that have been carried out are increasing public understanding about stunting, creating changes in parenting for toddlers for the better, and creating good nutritional food intake for toddlers in order to increase the level of public health as high as possible.Keywords: community service, community empowerment, stunting

    KULIAH KERJA NYATA REGULER 101 XXIV.A.1 Tahun Akademik 2022/2023

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    KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) merupakan bentuk pengabdian mahasiswa kepada masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan ilmu yang diperoleh setelah menempuh kegiatan akademik selama beberapa tahun kepada masyarakat. Dengan adanya kegiatan KKN, mahasiswa akan mengetahui apa yang telah berkembang di masyarakat serta permasalahan yang dihadapi dan tuntutan masyarakat sera belajar cara mengatasi semua masalah-masalah yang ada. Berdasarkan hasil survei yang dilakukan dengan melakukan pengamatan secara langsung, Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) reguler Periode 101 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan tahun akademik 2023 untuk Divisi XXIV. A. 1 berlokasi di Dusun Kedungdowo Kulon, Kelurahan Pampang, Kecamatan paliyan, Kabupaten Gunungkidul, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Setelah kurang lebih 30 hari menjalankan program Kuliah kerja Nyata (KKN) periode-101 tahun akademik 2022/2023, walaupun ada beberapa faktor penghambat pelaksanaan program kegiatan KKN. Program unggulan dari Unit XXIV. A. 1 yaitu Pemberian Bibit Pohon Indigofera secara gratis untuk maysarakat Kedungowo Kulon dan berbagai kegiatan lain yang dapat berjalan sesuai dengan rencana. Kegiatan program KKN banyak didukung dan ditunjang oleh berbagai pihak terutama atas kerja sama yang baik sesama anggota unit KKN XXIV.A.1, masyarakat Dusun Kedungdowo Kulon, Pemerintah Desa Pampang, DPL, LPPM, dan pihak Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Program KKN yang telah terencana dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar berkat antusias warga yang sangat tinggi dengan program kerja kami, serta kerja sama yang baik antar mahasiswa KKN dengan seluruh masyarakat Dusun Kedungdowo Kulon