72 research outputs found

    Photoelectron spectroscopy of brominated derivative of pyrimidine: 2-bromopyrimidine

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    In this study the brominated derivative of pyrimidine, 2-bromopyrimidine, was investigated by photoelectron spectroscopy. Outer valence photoelectron spectra recorded at 21.22, 45 and 100 eV photon energy for this compound are presented. The recorded spectra have a higher resolution than that previously reported in the literature. The bromine 3d and 3p edge photoelectron spectra have also been recorded in a photon impact experiment at 100 and 225 eV. All measurements were performed using Double Toroidal Coincidence Spectrometer showing its potential as a versatile apparatus for spectroscopic studies

    Depression, subthreshold depression and comorbid anxiety symptoms in older Europeans: Results from the EURODEP concerted action

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    Background In the epidemiology of late life depression, few insights are available on the co-occurrence of subthreshold depression and comorbid symptoms of anxiety. The current study aims to describe prevalence patterns of comorbid anxiety symptoms across different levels of depression in old age, and to describe the burden of depressive symptoms and functional disability across patterns of comorbidity. Methods Respondents were older adults in the community, age 65-104 (N=14,200), from seven European countries, with in total nine study centres, collaborating in the EURODEP concerted action. Depression and anxiety were assessed using the Geriatric Mental State examination (GMS-AGECAT package), providing subthreshold level and case-level diagnoses. Presence of anxiety symptoms was defined as at least three distinct symptoms of anxiety. Number of depressive symptoms was assessed with the EURO-D scale. Results The prevalence of anxiety symptoms amounts to 32% for respondents without depression, 67% for those with subthreshold depression, and 87% for those with case-level depression. The number of depressive symptoms is similar for those with subthreshold-level depression with comorbid anxiety, compared to case-level depression without symptoms of anxiety. In turn, at case level, comorbid symptoms of anxiety are associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms and more functional disability. Limitations GMS-AGECAT is insufficiently equipped with diagnostic procedures to identify specific types of anxiety disorders. Conclusions Anxiety symptoms in late life depression are highly prevalent, and are likely to contribute to the burden of symptoms of the depression, even at subthreshold level. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Curricula for economic and social gain

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    Discusses ways of forming curriculum to promote employability and citizenship, without compromising academic values. Economic success is an aim of governments around the world. Their ‘human capital’ stance towards higher education implies the need to develop graduates’ capabilities to the full. The concept of graduate ‘employability’, currently being developed in the light of theory and empirical data, is beginning to find acceptance in the UK. One of the keys to its acceptability in higher education has been the alignment of employability with good learning – that is, learning that is manifested in complex outcomes. However, the achievement of complex outcomes requires a programme-level focus, rather than a focus on individual study units. This article reports on the way such a programme-level approach was adopted in four different universities in the UK, and how relatively small-scale actions have the potential to augment students’ employability. The implications for policy at the levels of the system, the higher education institution and the academic department are discussed
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