415 research outputs found

    Investigating Rubber Mats on Concrete Slats in Deep Pit Confinement Buildings for Finishing Cattle-progress Report

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    Confinement housing of beef cattle is becoming more common due to increased environmental concerns and the desire to capture potential efficiencies in cattle performance and manure value. Deep pit facilities with slatted floors are being built, however one of the disadvantages may be the effect on feet and legs and performance consequences forcattle being on concrete slats for extended periods of time. Rubber mats constructed to be installed over the slats are being used to overcome these issues. No comparable data has been gathered in typical U.S feeding situations to measure potential benefit of these mats. This investigation is attempting to gather data to determine potential advantages of the mats

    Influence of Rice Production on the Quality of Water in Tailwater Collection Reservoirs

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    Since maintaining high water quality standards in the state remains a high priority, monitoring for pesticides in water sources must continue. Determining the type, concentration, and characteristics of any pesticides present in water supplies are essential to the overall assessment of water quality. Five independent locations, implementing contained water management systems and recyclable water, were monitored in 1995 and 1996. Irrigation, runoff, and pond water samples were collected every 10 to 14 days between permanent flood establishment and draining. Water samples were transported to the laboratory and extracted for 16 pesticides using solid phase extraction (SPE) techniques. Quantification and confirmation of pesticide residues were obta1ned by HPLC and GC/MS analysis. The lower limit of quantitation for all pesticides was between 1.0 -1.3 pg L-1 in water. Pesticides selected for monitoring were determined after assessing state recommendations and our analytical capabilities. Pesticides included: benomyl, bensulfuron methyl, carbaryl, carbofuran, 2,4-D, fenoxaprop ethyl, propiconazole, malathion, MCPA, methyl parathion, molinate, pendimethalin, propanil, iprodione, quinclorac, triclopyr, and thiobencarb. Since each field location was independently managed, individual results are site specific. 2,4-D, benomyl, molinate, propanil, quinclorac, thiobencarb, and pendimethalin were the pesticides actually applied during the seasons. These pesticides were detected, usually at trace levels, in tailwaters shortly after application but did not appear to buildup in the reservoirs. Quinclorac residues in the tailwaters were more persistent (up to 8 weeks) than the other detected compounds (less than 2 weeks)

    Clinical Study to Assess the Level of Consciousness/General Anesthesia Following the Administration of High Doses of Xylazine Hydrochloride in Cattle

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    Achieving anesthesia without DEA controlled drugs prior to administration of IV potassium chloride (KCl) is a limiting factor for humane euthanasia. An overdose of xylazine hydrochloride (XH) is thought by some to induce unconsciousness and is commonly administered prior to IV KCl injection. This study’s purpose was to determine the level of unconsciousness achieved from an overdose of XH in cattle

    The Transesterification of Hickory Nuts into Biodiesel Fuel

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    • Biodiesel fuels can be produced from a fat and an alcohol via transesterification • Hickory nuts have a high fat content (~60 % by weight) • Can nuts from shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) be used to produce a biodiesel fuel using existing acidcatalyzed transesterification methods

    First Convocation in Home Economics Hall

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    The first all Home Economics convocation was held in the auditorium of the new Home Economics Hall on Thursday, September 30. Such a showing as the Home Economics division made that day goes to show the interest of the students in their chosen course and the pride they feel in their beautiful new building

    The Thanksgiving Dinner

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    Over three hundred years have elapsed since the first Thanksgiving was held here in our United States. Early that bright cold morning our Pilgrim fathers arose and went to worship and gave thanks to God for His many blessings. The privations, loneliness and hardships of that day are hard to imagine now with our modern conveniences. Perhaps sometimes we forget how much Thanksgiving day really meant to our Pilgrim forefathers. We remember instead the bountiful meal they prepared for their Indian friends and themselves. We must not forget the real meaning of Thanksgiving day, but naturally homemakers today are all interested in that first Thanksgiving meal

    Christmas In Kentucky

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    Down in the Smokey mountains in Tennessee, live a group of people who know very little of the outside world, and who, \u27up within the last six or seven years, have been little known in the world

    The Fascination of Hand Weaving

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    In this day and age of machine made fabrics, machine embroidery, machine hemstitching, machine woven linens and woolens and cotton, we are forgetting a beautiful art that our grandmothers knew

    Etiquette for College Girl

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    What\u27s wrong with this picture? has often been portrayed in an advertisement for some famous book of etiquette to our amusement, but how many times have you found yourself a participant in just such a picture and have been unable to solve it